List of Commonly Used Abbreviations

Abbreviations are commonly used in the English language to shorten long phrases and words. While their meanings can vary depending on the context, there are some abbreviations that are commonly used and have a more universal meaning. This list of commonly used abbreviations is a great resource to help you understand the most common ones.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

  1. ASAP – As Soon As Possible
  2. FYI – For Your Information
  3. ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
  4. BRB – Be Right Back
  5. DIY – Do It Yourself
  6. LOL – Laugh Out Loud
  7. TBA – To Be Announced
  8. TBD – To Be Determined
  9. FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
  10. BTW – By The Way
  11. AKA – Also Known As
  12. BFF – Best Friends Forever
  13. FYEO – For Your Eyes Only
  14. IDK – I Don’t Know
  15. IMO – In My Opinion
  16. IRL – In Real Life
  17. TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday
  18. VIP – Very Important Person
  19. OMG – Oh My God
  20. TTYL – Talk To You Later
  21. ROFL – Rolling On the Floor Laughing
  22. WIP – Work In Progress
  23. N/A – Not Applicable
  24. P.S. – Post Scriptum (Written After)
  25. R&D – Research and Development
  26. SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
  27. UFO – Unidentified Flying Object
  28. B2B – Business to Business
  29. EOD – End Of Day

commonly used abbreviations