50 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences

50 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences! Compound prepositions are a common part of everyday English speech and writing. They combine two or more words to create one prepositional phrase and can add clarity, depth, and complexity to your sentence structure. Therefore, it is important to understand the various types of compound prepositions and how to effectively use them in context. In this article, we will provide 50 examples of compound prepositions in sentences to demonstrate how they should be used correctly.

50 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences

Related: 100 Examples of Compound Prepositions 

50 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences

Here are 50 example sentences using compound prepositions:

  1. Other than her, no one else was present at the party.
  2. He hid behind the couch when he heard the doorbell ring.
  3. Despite the heavy rain, the football match went ahead.
  4. The park is situated between the two buildings.
  5. We walked around the lake and enjoyed the scenery.
  6. He gave me his watch in return for my old mobile phone.
  7. She managed to complete the task without any help.
  8. Aside from his impressive academic record, he is also an excellent athlete.
  9. She couldn’t attend the meeting on account of her prior commitment.
  10. Our plans are still uncertain depending on the weather forecast.
  11. The delay was owing to the heavy traffic on the highway.
  12. After the show, we went to have dinner at a nearby restaurant.
  13. The airplane flew above the clouds.
  14. We had to walk across the bridge to get to the other side.
  15. The cabin is located away from the noisy city center.
  16. Along with his friends, he went on a hiking trip.
  17. We were late because of the traffic jam on the highway.
  18. You can spend up to $100 on groceries.
  19. We need to arrive ahead of the scheduled time.
  20. She told us about her plans for the weekend.
  21. He voted in favor of the new policy proposal.
  22. Outside of work, she enjoys playing tennis.
  23. As to the best course of action, I think we should wait and see.
  24. We ran out of milk, so I had to go to the store.
  25. The hotel is located close to the beach.
  26. We walked along the river and admired the view.
  27. The horizon seemed to stretch beyond the endless ocean.
  28. The sofa is located next to the bookshelf.
  29. In addition to the cake, we also had some ice cream for dessert.
  30. He spoke on behalf of the entire team at the award ceremony.
  31. In case of an emergency, please call 911.
  32. He went to the concert together with his girlfriend.
  33. Apart from a few minor mistakes, the report was well-written.
  34. The flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions.
  35. According to the latest research, exercise can help reduce stress levels.
  36. He stood outside the building, waiting for his friends.
  37. The statue is located in front of the city hall.
  38. She climbed onto the roof to fix the leak.
  39. As for the menu, there are several options to choose from.
  40. He chose the red shirt instead of the blue one.
  41. He works hard despite his health issues.
  42. The job offer was withdrawn on account of his poor performance in the interview.
  43. We need to decide between the two options before the deadline.
  44. He agreed to help in return for a small fee.
  45. She was thrilled to be chosen in addition to the other candidates
  46. The team members sat alongside each other during the meeting.
  47. The game was canceled due to the heavy snowfall.
  48. In case of a power outage, the backup generator will turn on automatically.
  49. Aside from his lack of experience, he seemed like a good fit for the job.
  50. Opposite to popular belief, not all cats are afraid of water.

50 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences