5 Wild Flower Names with pictures

5 Wild Flower Names with pictures! There are many beautiful wildflowers that grow in the United States. Here are five of the most interesting ones, with pictures.

5 Wild Flowers Names

List of Wild Flower Names

  1. Lady Slipper
  2. Trillium
  3. Cinquefoil
  4. Blue Flag
  5. June Grass

Related: 300+ List of Flowers Name with Pictures

Wild Flowers Name with Pictures

Lady Slipper

Lady Slipper 5 Wild Flowers Names

The first flower is called the Lady Slipper. It is a pink and white flower that grows in the eastern part of the country.


Trillium 5 Wild Flowers Names

The second flower is called the Trillium. It is a three-petaled white flower that grows in the eastern and central parts of the country.


Cinquefoil 5 Wild Flowers Names

The third flower is called the Cinquefoil. It is a five-petaled pink flower that grows in the western part of the country.

Blue Flag

Blue Flag 5 Wild Flowers Names

The fourth flower is called the Blue Flag. It is a bright blue flower with yellow spots that grows in the northeast part of the country.

June Grass

June Grass 5 Wild Flowers Names

The last flower is called the June Grass. It is a blue-green flower that grows in the southern parts of the country.


  1. 5 Winter Flower Names
  2. 5 Bouquet Flower Names
  3. 5 Sunflower Names
  4. 5 Small Flower Names
  5. 5 Summer Flower Names