5 Examples of Regular Verbs in Sentences

5 Examples of Regular Verbs in Sentences5 Examples of Regular Verbs in Sentences

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1) Talk – Talked – Talked

Example sentence: Yesterday, I talked to my friend for hours on the phone.

Explanation: “Talk” is a regular verb that means to communicate verbally. The past tense and past participle are both formed by adding -ed to the base form.

2) Cook – Cooked – Cooked

Example sentence: Last night, I cooked spaghetti for dinner.

Explanation: “Cook” is a regular verb that means to prepare food by heating it. The past tense and past participle are both formed by adding -ed to the base form.

3) Play – Played – Played

Example sentence: When I was a kid, I played with my toys all day long.

Explanation: “Play” is a regular verb that means to engage in activity for enjoyment or recreation. The past tense and past participle are both formed by adding -ed to the base form.

4) Like – Liked – Liked

Example sentence: I really liked the movie I watched last night.

Explanation: “Like” is a regular verb that means to find something enjoyable or agreeable. The past tense and past participle are both formed by adding -d to the base form.

5) Kiss – Kissed – Kissed

Example sentence: He kissed his girlfriend goodbye before leaving for work.

Explanation: “Kiss” is a regular verb that means to touch with the lips as a sign of love or affection. The past tense and past participle are both formed by adding -ed to the base form.