5 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences

5 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences! Interrogative pronouns are an important type of pronoun that can be used to ask questions. They are used in many different types of sentences and can be a great way to engage with someone or something. In this article, we will explore 5 examples of interrogative pronouns in sentences. We will look at various ways these pronouns can be used in different contexts to help you understand how to properly use them in your writing.

Related: 50 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns

5 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns

1. What:

“What” is used to inquire about something, whether it’s an object, event, or idea. It is a pronoun that asks for a description, explanation, or definition of a particular thing or concept.

Example sentences:

  • What is your favorite food?
  • What time is the meeting scheduled for?
  • What is the name of that movie you were talking about?

2. Which:

“Which” is used to specify or choose from a limited set of options. It is a pronoun that asks for a particular item or items from a given range of options.

Example sentences:

  • Which dress do you think looks better on me, the red one or the blue one?
  • Which restaurant do you prefer to go to for dinner, Italian or Chinese?
  • Which book did you enjoy reading the most from the ones you borrowed?

3. Who:

“Who” is used to refer to people or animate beings. It is a pronoun that asks for the identity or specific person related to a subject or object.

Example sentences:

  • Who is the manager of this department?
  • Who came up with the idea for this project?
  • Who did you invite to the party last night?

4. Whom:

“Whom” is used as an object pronoun in formal English to refer to the person who receives an action or the indirect object of a sentence.

Example sentences:

  • To whom did you give the book?
  • With whom did you go to the concert last night?
  • Whom are you going to invite to your wedding?

5. Whose:

“Whose” is used to show ownership or possession of something. It is a pronoun that asks for the owner or possessor of a particular thing or object.

Example sentences:

  • Whose car is parked in front of the building?
  • Whose bag is this on the table?
  • Whose turn is it to do the dishes?

5 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences