5 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences

Here are five common adverbs with explanations and example sentences:

  1. Quickly – This adverb describes how fast something is happening or being done. It’s often used to indicate urgency or efficiency.

Example sentences:

  • She quickly finished her homework so she could go out with friends.
  • The train was moving quickly down the tracks.
  • The chef chopped the vegetables quickly and skillfully.
  1. Carefully – This adverb describes how someone is doing something with great attention to detail or caution. It’s often used to indicate a deliberate, thoughtful approach.

Example sentences:

  • She carefully wrapped the fragile vase in bubble wrap before packing it in a box.
  • The surgeon operated carefully to avoid damaging any nerves or blood vessels.
  • He read the instructions carefully before attempting to assemble the complicated machine.
  1. Loudly – This adverb describes how something is being heard or produced with a high volume or intensity.

Example sentences:

  • The band played loudly, filling the concert hall with sound.
  • She screamed loudly when she saw the spider on the wall.
  • The fireworks exploded loudly, lighting up the night sky.
  1. Happily – This adverb describes how someone is feeling, indicating a sense of joy or contentment. It’s often used to describe a positive emotional state.

Example sentences:

  • The children played happily in the park, laughing and running around.
  • She smiled happily when she saw the surprise party her friends had planned for her.
  • The couple walked hand in hand, happily enjoying each other’s company.
  1. Slowly – This adverb describes how something is happening or being done at a relaxed or leisurely pace. It’s often used to indicate a lack of urgency or to suggest a sense of calm.

Example sentences:

  • The turtle moved slowly across the road, taking its time to reach the other side.
  • He spoke slowly and deliberately, making sure to enunciate each word clearly.
  • She sipped her tea slowly, savoring the flavor and enjoying the peaceful moment.

5 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences