Meaning of Humble: kind hearted
Comparative and Superlative Degree of Humble
Comparative degree of humble is humbler, superlative degree of humble is humblest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for humble.
Adjective | Comparative | Superlative |
Humble | humbler | humblest |
Examples Using Positive Degree of Humble:
- She has a humble approach to life.
- The speaker shared a humble and inspiring story.
- He has a humble opinion on the matter.
- The team celebrated their victory in a humble manner.
- She possesses a humble and kind-hearted nature.
- The award-winning actor remains humble despite his success.
- They live in a humble house but are content.
- His achievements are a result of his humble efforts.
- The leader demonstrated a humble attitude during the meeting.
- She accepts compliments with a humble smile.
Example Using Comparative Degree of Humble:
- Her approach to life is humbler than mine.
- The speaker shared a humbler story than expected.
- He has a humbler opinion on the matter than others.
- The team celebrated their victory in a humbler manner than before.
- She possesses a humbler nature than most people.
- The award-winning actor remains humbler than his colleagues.
- They live in a humbler house than their neighbors.
- His achievements are a result of his humbler efforts than others.
- The leader demonstrated a humbler attitude during the meeting than expected.
- She accepts compliments with a humbler response.
Example Using Superlative Degree of Humble:
- She has the humblest approach to life of anyone I know.
- The speaker shared the humblest story we’ve ever heard.
- He has the humblest opinion on the matter among the group.
- The team celebrated their victory in the humblest manner possible.
- She possesses the humblest and kindest nature of all.
- The award-winning actor remains the humblest person in the industry.
- They live in the humblest house in the neighborhood.
- His achievements are a result of his humblest efforts yet.
- The leader demonstrated the humblest attitude during the meeting.
- She accepts compliments with the humblest gratitude.
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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives