220+ Other Cute Ways to Say Hi To Your Crush

Are you looking for new and exciting ways to break the ice and let your crush know you’re interested? Do you find yourself getting tongue-tied as soon as they come into view, not knowing what to say or do? Well, don’t worry! We’ve got some clever ideas that can help get a conversation started with your special someone.

Read on to discover fun, creative and unique alternatives to simply saying “hi” when approaching your crush so that you can make the best possible impression.

Other Ways to Say Hi To Your Crush

1- You’re always on my mind.

2- I’m so lonely without you.

3- I just had to say hi!

4- Just wanted to say hello!

5- What’s up beautiful?

6- I can’t get you out of my head.

7- I can’t stand being apart from you.

8- I wish we could be together.

9- I can’t imagine my life without you.

10- I need you by my side.

11- Can’t stop staring at your picture.

12- Thinking of you and missing you.

13- Hey there, cutie

14- What’s up?

15- Just wanted to brighten your day with a hello

16- Just wanted to show my appreciation with a hello

17- Good morning, gorgeous!

18- It’s so nice to see you

19- Just wanted to say hi

20- Hey there, handsome!

21- It’s good to see you

22- Hey, I’m thinking about you

23- Hiya!

24- Sup?

25- What’s new?

26- Hello there!

27- Howdy

28- Salutations!

29- How is your day going?

30- I just wanted to say hi

31- Hey, what’s up?

32- Good morning beautiful!

33- Just saying hi

34- Hi there!

35- What’s going on?

36- I’ve been thinking about you

37- Just wanted to stop by and say hi

38- Hey there lovely

39- Hello, how are you doing?

40- How is your day?

41- Hiya, gorgeous!

42- Hi, beautiful!

43- Howdy doo?

44- Just wanted to drop by and say hello

45- How have you been?

46- Wanted to say hi

47- Hey there cutie pie!

48- Hiya sweetheart!

49- Top o’ the morning to you!

50- G’day!

51- I’m so glad I got to see you

52- Just wanted to say a quick hello

53- Hi there cutie!

54- Howdy partner!

55- Hi there, sugar!

56- What’s shakin’ bacon?

57- Hey you, I’m thinking of you

58- Morning sunshine!

59- How is everything?

60- Yo, what’s up?

61- Hiya cutie!

62- Hey there, angel

63- What’s up buttercup?

64- Hi, I hope you’re doing well

65- Hey beautiful!

66- Howdy sweetheart!

67- Hello there, gorgeous!

68- Hi there lover!

69- Hey, how have you been?

70- Yo yo yo what’s up?

71- Heya!

72- Hellooooo there!

73- Hi darling!

74- Hi lovely!

75- How are you today?

76- Hola!

77- Good morning handsome

78- Hey there, buddy!

79- What’s up, sweetheart?

80- Hi honey!

81- Greetings!

82- Hey sunshine!

83- Howdy do?

84- Hi there, buddy!

85- Good day to you!

86- Wassup?

87- Sup dawg?

88- Hey ya’ll!

89- Just wanted to drop by and say hi

90- Hi, how are you?

91- What’s new with you?

92- Howdy mate!

93- Heya cutie!

94- Have a great day!

95- Namaste!

96- Hi there, sweetheart!

97- What’s crackin’?

98- Nice to see you

99- Hey there gorgeous!

100- Just wanted to say hi and have a great day

Other Ways to Say Hi To Your Crush 2 Other Ways to Say Hi To Your Crush 2 1 Other Ways to Say Hi To Your Crush 3

Cute ways to say hi in a text message

1- Hey, gorgeous!

2- Hi there, cutie!

3- Good morning sunshine!

4- Hiyaa pal!

5- Whatโ€™s up?

6- Hola amigo!

7- Bonjour, mon cheri!

8- Hi hottie. ๐Ÿ™‚

9- Good day, my love!

10- Hey honeybun!

11- Howdy partner?

12- Yo yo yo!

13- Hi beautiful. ๐Ÿ™‚

14- Whatโ€™s shaking?

15- Aloha ma cherie!

16- Hi ya cutie pie!

17- Hi sweety!

18- Salutations my friend!

19- Greetings, my love.

20- Howdy doody! ๐Ÿ™‚

Cute ways to say hi in a text message

Cute ways to say hi to a guy over text

1- Hi, cutie!

2- Hey there, handsome.

3- Good morning, sunshine!

4- I was just thinking about you.

5- Just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m thinking of you.

6- Hey there! How’s it going?

7- What’s up, my love?

8- Hello there! How are you today?

9- Hiya! I hope your day is going well.

10- Good morning handsome.

11- Hey you! What have you been up to lately?

12- It’s been a while since we talked, so I just wanted to say hi.

13- Hi, my favorite person!

14- Howdy! What are you up to today?

15- Hey there, how’s your day going?

16- Top of the morning to ya!

17- Wassup?! How have you been?

18- Hi there! I hope you’re doing well.

19- Just wanted to say hi and let you know I’m thinking about you.

20- Greetings, my love! How are you?

Cute ways to say hi to a guy over text

How to say hi to a girl in a text

1- Hey beautiful!

2- Hi gorgeous!

3- Good morning, lovely.

4- Good day, my sweetheart.

5- Hi there cutie pie!

6- Just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m thinking of you.

7- Hello darling, what’s up?

8- Hiya! How’s your day going?

9- Hey you! What have you been up to lately?

10- It’s been a while since we talked, so I just wanted to say hi.

11- Hi, my favorite person!

12- Top of the morning to ya!

13- Howdy! What are you up to today?

14- Hey there, how’s your day going?

15- Wassup?! How have you been?

16- Hi there! I hope you’re doing well.

17- Just wanted to say hi and let you know I’m thinking about you.

18- Greetings, my love! How are you?

19- Hey sweetheart, miss me?

20- Hello there, beautiful! I hope your day is going well.

How to say hi to a girl in a text

How to say hi to your crush on Snapchat

1- Hi there, cutie!

2- Hey you! I was just thinking about you.

3- Good morning handsome.

4- What’s up, my love?

5- Hello darling, what are you up to today?

6- Howdy! Just wanted to say hi and let you know I’m thinking of you.

7- Hi there! I hope your day is going well.

8- Hey there, how’s it going?

9- Wassup?! Just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m thinking about you.

10- Hiya! What have you been up to lately?

11- Top of the morning to ya! How are you today?

12- Hi, my favorite person! How have you been?

13- Hey beautiful! Miss me?

14- Greetings, my love! What’s new?

15- Good day, sweetheart. I hope all is well.

16- Hello there, gorgeous! Just wanted to say hi.

17- Hiya cutie pie! What are you up to?

18- Hey there! I hope you’re doing well.

19- Just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m always thinking of you.

20- Hi there, how’s your day going so far?

How to say hi to your crush on Snapchat

How to say hi to your crush on text

1- Start with a simple hello: A simple “hello” is always a great way to start. Make sure you have your crush’s name right so it looks like you’ve been paying attention!

2- Compliment them: Everyone loves compliments, and your crush is no exception. Letting them know how much you appreciate something about them or what they did will make them feel special.

3- Ask an open-ended question: Asking your crush open-ended questions is a great way to start a conversation and get to know them better.

4- Use emojis: Emojis can help you express yourself in a fun, lighthearted way and show your crush how you feel.

5- End with a positive note: Make sure to end your text on a positive note so that your crush can look forward to hearing from you again soon! And don’t forget to say goodbye.

Good luck! And remember, stay confident, be yourself, and have fun.

How to say hi to your crush on text


other ways to say hi to your crush

  • Hey you!
  • Hey cutie!
  • Hi there!
  • Hello gorgeous!
  • What’s up beautiful?
  • How are you today?
  • I just had to say hi!
  • You’re always on my mind.
  • I can’t get you out of my head.
  • I wish we could be together.
  • I’m so lonely without you.
  • I can’t stand being apart from you.
  • I need you by my side.
  • It feels like a part of me is missing when we’re apart.
  • I can’t imagine my life without you.
  • I don’t know what I’d do without you.
  • Just wanted to say hello!
  • Wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you.
  • Can’t stop staring at your picture.
  • Thinking of you and missing you.