20 Examples of Qualitative Adjectives in Sentences

Qualitative adjectives are words that describe a noun, giving the reader insight into the characteristics of a person, place, or thing. They can be used to provide vivid descriptions and interesting details that make sentences more engaging. This article will provide 20 examples of qualitative adjectives in sentences so you can see how they work in context. From simple descriptive phrases to more complex metaphors and similes, these sentences demonstrate how qualitative adjectives can help you express yourself clearly and effectively.

Related: 100 Examples of Qualitative Adjectives

20 Examples of Qualitative Adjectives in Sentences

  1. The beautiful flower bloomed in the spring.
  2. She’s too shy to speak up in public.
  3. The mirror told her she was ugly.
  4. His clever trick surprised everyone.
  5. The intelligent student aced the test.
  6. He’s fearless in the face of danger.
  7. She’s the most outgoing person I know.
  8. His confidence helped him succeed.
  9. The wise owl watched from above.
  10. Her creative mind never stopped.
  11. The courageous hero saved the day.
  12. His smart decision paid off.
  13. The timid mouse hid from the cat.
  14. The brave knight fought the dragon.
  15. She’s always been reserved and quiet.
  16. Her imaginative stories were magical.
  17. The resourceful survivor found food and shelter.
  18. She’s very sociable and loves parties.
  19. The handsome prince rescued the princess.
  20. He is so smart, everyone loves him.

20 Examples of Qualitative Adjectives in Sentences