20 Examples of Noun Clauses

Noun clauses are important for understanding the structure of language and making yourself understood in conversations. A noun clause is a type of subordinate clause that functions as a noun in a sentence or phrase. Noun clauses can act as subjects, objects, or complements of verbs and prepositions. In this article, we will look at 20 examples of noun clauses to help you understand how they work.

20 Examples of Noun Clauses 1

20 Examples of Noun Clauses

  1. What he did shocked everyone.
  2. She couldn’t understand why the dog barked.
  3. The teacher explained how to solve the equation.
  4. Do you know where they went after the movie?
  5. She’s unsure about which college to choose.
  6. He remembered when they first met.
  7. Nobody knew that she could play the piano.
  8. They’re debating whether to move or stay.
  9. The main concern is how the economy will fare.
  10. She shared her thoughts on what life means.
  11. The question is whether he’s telling the truth.
  12. They were arguing about who should take the lead.
  13. She was surprised by how quickly time passed.
  14. The reason why he left early remains a mystery.
  15. They’re investigating what caused the accident.
  16. She can’t decide which book to read next.
  17. He wasn’t sure if they would arrive on time.
  18. It’s unclear when the construction will be finished.
  19. They wondered what would happen if it rained.
  20. She wants to know how to improve her skills.

20 examples of noun clauses