20 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences

20 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences! Interrogative pronouns are pronouns used to ask questions, such as “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how.”

Related: 50 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns

20 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences

  1. Who will be attending the meeting today?
  2. I wonder whom she was talking to last night.
  3. Whose book is this on the table?
  4. Which route should we take to avoid traffic?
  5. What are you planning to cook for dinner?
  6. Can you tell me who called this morning?
  7. Do you know whom the gift was from?
  8. Whose idea was it to start this project?
  9. Which of these paintings do you like the most?
  10. What is the main ingredient in this recipe?
  11. Who do you think will win the match?
  12. To whom should I address the letter?
  13. Whose turn is it to wash the dishes?
  14. Which movie do you want to watch tonight?
  15. What time is the show supposed to start?
  16. Who can help me with this math problem?
  17. Whom did you invite to your birthday party?
  18. Whose phone keeps ringing during the meeting?
  19. Which book did you borrow from the library?
  20. What kind of music do you like to listen to?

20 Examples of Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences