20 Examples of Attributive adjectives in Sentences

Good writing requires the use of attributive adjectives to give your sentences more depth and detail. Attributive adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun or pronoun in a sentence, making it easier to understand the meaning of what you’re saying. In this article, we’ll look at 100 examples of attributive adjectives used in sentences so you can better understand how they work and how to use them in your own writing.

Related: 100 Examples of Attributive Adjectives

Attributive Adjective Definition And Examples

Attributive adjectives are adjectives that are used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun directly. They are usually placed before the noun they modify and provide information about the noun’s qualities, characteristics, or features.

For example:

  • The red apple on the table is mine.

In this sentence, “red” is an attributive adjective that describes the noun “apple”.

  • The large dog barked loudly.

In this sentence, “large” is an attributive adjective that modifies the noun “dog”.

20 Examples of Attributive Adjectives

20 Examples of Attributive Adjectives are in Sentences

  1. The old car sputtered down the road.
  2. The blue sky stretched out endlessly above them.
  3. The shiny new phone glowed in her hand.
  4. The tall building towered above the rest of the city.
  5. The delicious pizza made her mouth water.
  6. The small puppy wagged its tail excitedly.
  7. The red dress was perfect for the occasion.
  8. The green grass felt soft underfoot.
  9. The wooden chair creaked when she sat on it.
  10. The round ball bounced across the field.
  11. The sour taste of the lemon made her pucker.
  12. The black cat blended into the shadows of the room.
  13. The bright sun burned his skin.
  14. The fluffy clouds drifted lazily across the sky.
  15. The cold wind made her shiver.
  16. The hot sun beat down on the beachgoers.
  17. The heavy backpack weighed him down.
  18. The light feather floated on the breeze.
  19. The smooth surface of the glass was cool to the touch.
  20. The rough bark of the tree scratched against her skin.

20 Example of Attributive adjectives in Sentences