20 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences

20 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences! Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs in a sentence and are used to explain how, when, where, or why something happens. This article will provide 20 examples of adverbs being used in sentences so that you can observe the varied ways in which they can be used. Adverbs are an essential part of language structure and help convey the tone and meaning behind words.

Related: 100 Examples of Adverbs

20 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences

  1. The storm seriously hampered communication.
  2. Donna is in charge of keeping the office running smoothly.
  3. Cowards die a lot before they die.
  4. Smoking is seriously harmful to your health.
  5. I anxiously await your response.
  6. A kettle that is constantly watched never boils.
  7. Softly, the rain began to fall.
  8. He was softly singing to the baby.
  9. The first fit kills the person who has never been sick).
  10. Rounding the bend, the runners accelerated smoothly.
  11. Man can only be free if he is in control of himself.
  12. God’s mills turn slowly but steadily.
  13. In the darkness, the night lantern glowed softly.
  14. Your criticism irritates me bitterly.
  15. She softly breathed, “I love you.”
  16. He walked away arrogantly and without saying anything.
  17. The only difficult step is the first.
  18. They are seriously concerned about their safety.
  19. ‘It’s all taken care of,’ he stated smoothly.
  20. They arrogantly bore their religion.

20 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences