15 Examples of Predicate Adjectives

15 Examples of Predicate Adjectives! Predicate adjectives are a powerful tool for expressing yourself in the English language. They can be used to describe how a person feels or to add detail to a sentence. In this article, we’ll explore 15 examples of predicate adjectives and how they can be used in everyday conversation. From describing people’s temperaments to adding flavor to sentences, predicate adjectives are invaluable tools for expressing yourself accurately and effectively.

Related: 100 Examples of Predicate Adjectives

15 Examples of Predicate Adjectives

15 Examples of Predicate Adjectives

  1. He didn’t want to get out of bed because he was too lazy.
  2. The distinction between word and deed is great.
  3. Those noisy next-door neighbors are the bane of my existence.
  4. Congratulations on the birth of your healthy baby boy.
  5. A powerful snowstorm is approaching from the east.
  6. Aqua was created specifically for oily skin.
  7. Some noisy students cried out for more food.
  8. I was too lazy to leave the house.
  9. He rubbed his hands together with an oily rag.
  10. He was arrogant, vain, and illiterate.
  11. In the spring, take cuttings from mature plants.
  12. It was a lucky day that it didn’t rain.
  13. A strong graft should form from a healthy shoot.
  14. I wish those noisy kids would calm down.
  15. Don’t make such a racket! Jim is sound asleep.