15 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences

15 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences! An interrogative adjective is a powerful tool in the English language for asking questions. It can be used to ask about the qualities, characteristics, and opinions of people or things. In this article, we will examine 15 examples of interrogative adjectives being used in sentences to help better understand how they work. By studying these examples, you will learn how interrogative adjectives are best utilized to make meaningful inquiries.

Related: 100 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives

15 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives

  1. What book are you reading?
  2. Which way should we go?
  3. Whose phone is ringing?
  4. What color is your car?
  5. Which of these dresses do you prefer?
  6. Whose dog is barking?
  7. What time is the meeting?
  8. Which team won the championship?
  9. Whose idea was it to go on vacation?
  10. What type of music do you like?
  11. Which restaurant has the best food?
  12. Whose turn is it to do the dishes?
  13. What size shoes do you wear?
  14. Which movie did you watch last night?
  15. Whose car is parked in front of the house?

15 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences