100 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences

Irregular verbs are an important part of English grammar, and mastering them is essential for fluency in the language. In this article, we provide 100 examples of irregular verbs used in sentences to help readers understand how irregular verbs work in context.

We have chosen examples from a variety of topics and sources to ensure that readers gain a wide understanding of these types of verbs. The examples provided also serve as an excellent resource for expanding one’s vocabulary.

100 Examples of Irregular Verbs

  Present  Past Past Participle
1. Lie  Lay  Lain
2. Swing  Swung  Swung
3. Bear  Bore  Borne
4. Choose  Chose  Chosen
5. Freeze  Froze  Frozen
6. Wring  Wrung  Wrung
7. Bet  Bet  Bet
8. Slay  Slew  Slayed /slain
9. Thrust  Thrust  Thrust
10. Burst  Burst  Burst
11. Deal  Dealt  Dealt
12. Sow  Sowed  Sown /sowed
13. Teach  Taught  Taught
14. Ride  Rode  Ridden
15. Learn  Learned  Learned
16. Kneel  Knelt  Knelt
17. Bend  Bent  Bent
18. Spill  Spilt /spilled  Spilt /spilled
19. Write  Wrote  Written
20. Write  Wrote  Written
21. Cost  Cost  Cost
22. Blow  Blew  Blown
23. Withstand  Withstood  Withstood
24. Catch  Caught  Caught
25. Spend  Spent  Spent
26. Withdraw  Withdrew  Withdrawn
27. Broadcast  Broadcast  Broadcast
28. Beset  Beset  Beset
29. Awake  Awoke  Awoken
30. Overtake  Overtook  Overtaken
31. Tell  Told  Told
32. Feed  Fed  Fed
33. Go  Went  Gone
34. Awake  Awoke  Awoken
35. Weep  Wept  Wept
36. Bite  Bit  Bitten
37. Withhold  Withheld  Withheld
38. Buy  Bought  Bought
39. Cling  Clung  Clung
40. Burn  Burned or burnt  Burned or burnt
41. Forsake  Forsook  Forsaken
42. Read  Read  Read
43. Cling  Clung  Clung
44. Uphold  Upheld  Upheld
45. Think  Thought  Thought
46. Sing  Sang  Sung
47. Eat  Ate  Eaten
48. Fly  Flew  Flown
49. Leap  Leapt /leaped  Leapt /leaped
50. Spell  Spelt /spelled  Spelt /spelled
51. Win  Won  Won
52. Grind  Ground  Ground
53. Win  Won  Won
54. Upset  Upset  Upset
55. Be  Was  Been
56. Overthrow  Overthrew  Overthrown
57. Keep  Kept  Kept
58. Bind  Bound  Bound
59. Fall  Fell  Fallen
60. Saw  Sawed  Sawn /sawed
61. Stick  Stuck  Stuck
62. Spring  Sprang  Sprung
63. Sling  Slung  Slung
64. Throw  Threw  Thrown
65. Bleed  Bled  Bled
66. Drive  Drove  Driven
67. Slide  Slid  Slid
68. Cast  Cast  Cast
69. Give  Gave  Given
70. Shrink  Shrank  Shrunk
71. Creep  Crept  Crept
72. Sell  Sold  Sold
73. Sew  Sewed  Sewn/sewed
74. Become  Became  Become
75. Slit  Slit  Slit
76. Burst  Burst  Burst
77. Stand  Stood  Stood
78. Stride  Strode  Stridden
79. Sink  Sank  Sunk
80. Throw  Threw  Thrown
81. Understand  Understood  Understood
82. See   Saw  Seen
83. Arise  Arose  Arisen
84. Prove  Proved  Proved/proven
85. Breed  Bred  Bred
86. Swear  Swore  Sworn
87. Withdraw  Withdrew  Withdrawn
88. Breed  Bred  Bred
89. Spit  Spat  Spat
90. Begin  Began  Begun
91. Hold  Held  Held
92. Bring  Brought  Brought
93. Hang  Hung  Hung
94. Hear  Heard  Heard
95. Break  Broke  Broken
96. Quit  Quit  Quit
97. Mean  Meant  Meant
98. Be  Was, were  Been
99. Run  Ran  Run
100. Send  Sent  Sent


  1. 50 Examples of Irregular Verbs
  2. 20 Examples of Irregular Verbs
  3. 15 Examples of Irregular Verbs
  4. 10 Examples of Irregular Verbs
  5. 5 Examples of Irregular Verbs

Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences

100 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences

Irregular verb: swim

Present: swim

Past: swam

Past participle: swum


  1. Present: Every morning, I swim laps in the community pool to stay in shape.
  2. Past: She swam across the lake last summer to challenge her endurance.
  3. Past participle: They have swum the English Channel as part of their charity fundraiser.

Irregular verb: eat

Present: eat

Past: ate

Past participle: eaten


  1. Present: I usually eat a salad for lunch because it’s healthy.
  2. Past: Yesterday, I ate sushi for dinner with my friends.
  3. Past participle: We have eaten all the pizza, so there’s none left for you.

Irregular verb: break

Present: break

Past: broke

Past participle: broken


  1. Present: Please be careful not to break the vase; it’s very fragile.
  2. Past: Last week, I accidentally broke my phone screen, and it cost a lot to repair.
  3. Past participle: The window has been broken, and we need to fix it as soon as possible.

Irregular verb: choose

Present: choose

Past: chose

Past participle: chosen


  1. Present: I need to choose a new outfit for my job interview tomorrow.
  2. Past: Last night, we chose to watch a romantic comedy instead of a thriller movie.
  3. Past participle: She has chosen to study abroad for a year to improve her language skills.

Irregular verb: drink

Present: drink

Past: drank

Past participle: drunk


  1. Present: I always drink water during the day to stay hydrated.
  2. Past: Last night, I drank a glass of wine with my dinner to celebrate my promotion.
  3. Past participle: They have drunk all the beer, so we need to buy more for the party.

Irregular verb: drive

Present: drive

Past: drove

Past participle: driven


  1. Present: I drive to work every day because it’s more convenient than taking the bus.
  2. Past: Last weekend, I drove to the countryside to visit my grandparents.
  3. Past participle: He has driven the car for more than 100,000 miles, and it still works great.

Irregular verb: fly

Present: fly

Past: flew

Past participle: flown


  1. Present: She loves to fly kites with her kids in the park on weekends.
  2. Past: Last summer, we flew to Hawaii for our honeymoon.
  3. Past participle: The plane has flown across the Atlantic Ocean in less than eight hours.

Irregular verb: go

Present: go

Past: went

Past participle: gone


  1. Present: I go to the gym three times a week to work out and stay healthy.
  2. Past: Last night, we went to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster movie.
  3. Past participle: They have gone to the beach for a week to relax and unwind.

Irregular verb: know

Present: know

Past: knew

Past participle: known


  1. Present: I know how to speak Spanish because I learned it in high school.
  2. Past: Last year, I knew nothing about coding, but now I can create a website from scratch.
  3. Past participle: She has known him for years, and they are best friends.

Irregular verb: run

Present: run

Past: ran

Past participle: run


  1. Present: I run five miles every morning to keep myself fit and healthy.
  2. Past: Last weekend, she ran a marathon and finished in under four hours.
  3. Past participle: They have run out of milk, so they need to buy some from the store.

Irregular verb: sing

Present: sing

Past: sang

Past participle: sung


  1. Present: She loves to sing karaoke with her friends on Friday nights.
  2. Past: Last year, they sang Christmas carols at the nursing home to spread holiday cheer.
  3. Past participle: The national anthem has been sung before the start of every baseball game.

Irregular verb: speak

Present: speak

Past: spoke

Past participle: spoken


  1. Present: I can speak English and Spanish fluently because I grew up speaking both languages.
  2. Past: Last week, she spoke to her boss about getting a promotion, and it went well.
  3. Past participle: He has spoken at several conferences about his research on climate change.

Irregular verb: write

Present: write

Past: wrote

Past participle: written


  1. Present: I write in my journal every night to reflect on my day and organize my thoughts.
  2. Past: Last month, she wrote a book and got it published, fulfilling her lifelong dream.
  3. Past participle: They have written a letter to their grandparents, thanking them for their support.

Irregular verb: give

Present: give

Past: gave

Past participle: given


  1. Present: I give my dog a treat every time she follows a command to reinforce good behavior.
  2. Past: Last year, they gave money to charity to help people affected by natural disasters.
  3. Past participle: She has given a lot of thought to her career goals and made a plan to achieve them.

Irregular verb: do

Present: do

Past: did

Past participle: done


  1. Present: I need to do my homework before going out with my friends tonight.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they did a DIY project and painted their living room a new color.
  3. Past participle: He has done his best to prepare for the exam and hopes to get a good grade.

Irregular verb: see

Present: see

Past: saw

Past participle: seen


  1. Present: I can see the mountains from my window, and they look beautiful today.
  2. Past: Last summer, they saw a shooting star and made a wish.
  3. Past participle: She has seen many places around the world and considers travel one of her passions.

Irregular verb: take

Present: take

Past: took

Past participle: taken


  1. Present: I need to take a break from work and do something fun to recharge my batteries.
  2. Past: Last year, they took a road trip across the country and saw many interesting sights.
  3. Past participle: He has taken a lot of photos during his travels and likes to share them on social media.

Irregular verb: break

Present: break

Past: broke

Past participle: broken


  1. Present: Please be careful not to break the eggs when you make breakfast.
  2. Past: Last week, he broke his leg while playing basketball and had to go to the hospital.
  3. Past participle: They have broken up after a long-term relationship, and it’s been tough for both of them.

Irregular verb: come

Present: come

Past: came

Past participle: come


  1. Present: I hope my friends can come to my birthday party next week and celebrate with me.
  2. Past: Last night, they came home late from the concert and were tired but happy.
  3. Past participle: She has come a long way since she started her fitness journey, and she’s proud of her progress.

Irregular verb: become

Present: become

Past: became

Past participle: become


  1. Present: I want to become a doctor to help people and make a difference in their lives.
  2. Past: Last year, she became a mother for the first time, and it changed her life forever.
  3. Past participle: He has become a successful entrepreneur and started several businesses.

Irregular verb: wear

Present: wear

Past: wore

Past participle: worn


  1. Present: I always wear a helmet when I ride my bike to protect my head from injury.
  2. Past: Last Halloween, they wore costumes and went trick-or-treating with their kids.
  3. Past participle: She has worn the same dress to three weddings, and nobody noticed.

Irregular verb: teach

Present: teach

Past: taught

Past participle: taught


  1. Present: I teach high school students English literature, and it’s one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had.
  2. Past: Last semester, he taught a course on economics at the university and enjoyed sharing his knowledge with the students.
  3. Past participle: They have taught their children the importance of kindness and empathy towards others.

Irregular verb: think

Present: think

Past: thought

Past participle: thought


  1. Present: I think it’s important to have a positive attitude and focus on the good things in life.
  2. Past: Last night, she thought about her future and made a plan to achieve her career goals.
  3. Past participle: He has thought long and hard about his decision and believes it’s the right one.

Irregular verb: catch

Present: catch

Past: caught

Past participle: caught


  1. Present: I always catch the ball when I play baseball with my friends because I have good hand-eye coordination.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they caught fish at the lake and cooked them for dinner.
  3. Past participle: She has caught the attention of many people with her unique fashion style.

Irregular verb: choose

Present: choose

Past: chose

Past participle: chosen


  1. Present: I need to choose a new book to read because I just finished the one I was reading.
  2. Past: Last month, they chose a wedding venue and set a date for their big day.
  3. Past participle: He has chosen a career path that aligns with his interests and values.

Irregular verb: fall

Present: fall

Past: fell

Past participle: fallen


  1. Present: The leaves fall from the trees in the autumn, and the colors are beautiful.
  2. Past: Last year, she fell down the stairs and hurt her ankle, but she recovered quickly.
  3. Past participle: They have fallen in love and plan to get married soon.

Irregular verb: feel

Present: feel

Past: felt

Past participle: felt


  1. Present: I feel happy when I spend time with my family and friends because they make me feel loved and supported.
  2. Past: Last night, he felt sad after watching a movie that reminded him of a difficult time in his life.
  3. Past participle: She has felt a sense of accomplishment after finishing a challenging project at work.

Irregular verb: fight

Present: fight

Past: fought

Past participle: fought


  1. Present: I believe in fighting for what is right and speaking up against injustice.
  2. Past: Last year, they fought for their relationship and worked through their issues to stay together.
  3. Past participle: He has fought in several battles during his military career and earned several medals for his bravery.

Irregular verb: find

Present: find

Past: found

Past participle: found


  1. Present: I need to find my keys because I can’t leave the house without them.
  2. Past: Last week, they found a lost dog on the street and returned it to its owner.
  3. Past participle: She has found a new hobby that she enjoys and spends a lot of time doing.

Irregular verb: get

Present: get

Past: got

Past participle: gotten


  1. Present: I need to get groceries on the way home because I don’t have any food in the house.
  2. Past: Last year, she got a new job that pays better and has better benefits.
  3. Past participle: He has gotten over his fear of public speaking by practicing and getting feedback from his peers.

Irregular verb: grow

Present: grow

Past: grew

Past participle: grown


  1. Present: I like to grow my own vegetables in the garden because they taste fresher and are healthier.
  2. Past: Last summer, they grew their business and opened a new location in a different city.
  3. Past participle: They have grown as individuals and learned from their mistakes and experiences.

Irregular verb: hear

Present: hear

Past: heard

Past participle: heard


  1. Present: I can hear the birds singing outside my window, and it’s a beautiful sound.
  2. Past: Last night, she heard a strange noise in her house and was scared, but it turned out to be the wind.
  3. Past participle: He has heard good things about the new restaurant and wants to try it out.

Irregular verb: hide

Present: hide

Past: hid

Past participle: hidden


  1. Present: I like to hide Easter eggs for my kids to find on Easter Sunday.
  2. Past: Last year, they hid from the rain under a tree and waited for it to pass.
  3. Past participle: She has hidden her feelings from her friends and family because she doesn’t want to burden them.

Irregular verb: hit

Present: hit

Past: hit

Past participle: hit


  1. Present: I don’t like to hit people because it’s not the right way to solve a problem.
  2. Past: Last summer, they hit a pothole on the road and got a flat tire.
  3. Past participle: He has hit a home run during a baseball game and was proud of his achievement.

Irregular verb: keep

Present: keep

Past: kept

Past participle: kept


  1. Present: I keep my house clean and tidy because it makes me feel more relaxed and organized.
  2. Past: Last year, she kept a journal of her travels and wrote down her thoughts and feelings.
  3. Past participle: They have kept their promise to visit their grandparents every week and spend time with them.

Irregular verb: know

Present: know

Past: knew

Past participle: known


  1. Present: I know how to play the guitar because I took lessons when I was younger.
  2. Past: Last week, they knew that their friend needed help, so they offered their support.
  3. Past participle: She has known the answer to the question all along but didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

Irregular verb: leave

Present: leave

Past: left

Past participle: left


  1. Present: I need to leave the office early today to attend my son’s soccer game.
  2. Past: Last month, she left her hometown and moved to a new city to start a new job.
  3. Past participle: They have left a lasting impression on their colleagues with their hard work and dedication.

Irregular verb: lend

Present: lend

Past: lent

Past participle: lent


  1. Present: I always lend my sister money when she needs it because I know she will pay me back.
  2. Past: Last year, they lent their car to their neighbor when his car broke down, and he was grateful for their help.
  3. Past participle: She has lent her expertise to many organizations and helped them achieve their goals.

Irregular verb: lose

Present: lose

Past: lost

Past participle: lost


  1. Present: I don’t want to lose weight; I just want to be healthy and fit.
  2. Past: Last week, he lost his keys and spent an hour looking for them.
  3. Past participle: They have lost their way in the forest and need to find a way back to civilization.

Irregular verb: make

Present: make

Past: made

Past participle: made


  1. Present: I like to make my meals because I can control the ingredients and make them healthier.
  2. Past: Last year, she made a quilt for her grandmother’s birthday, and it turned out to be a beautiful gift.
  3. Past participle: He has made a lot of progress in his career and earned a promotion as a result.

Irregular verb: meet

Present: meet

Past: met

Past participle: met


  1. Present: I am going to meet my friends for lunch at the new restaurant downtown.
  2. Past: Last week, she met a famous actor in a coffee shop and was starstruck.
  3. Past participle: They have met many interesting people during their travels and made lifelong friends.

Irregular verb: read

Present: read

Past: read

Past participle: read


  1. Present: I like to read books in my spare time because it’s a great way to relax and learn new things.
  2. Past: Last month, she read a news article that inspired her to volunteer at a local charity.
  3. Past participle: He has read all the books in the series and can’t wait for the next one to come out.

Irregular verb: ride

Present: ride

Past: rode

Past participle: ridden


  1. Present: I like to ride my bike in the park on weekends because it’s a fun and healthy activity.
  2. Past: Last summer, they rode horses on the beach and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
  3. Past participle: She has ridden a roller coaster for the first time and loved the thrill of it.

Irregular verb: ring

Present: ring

Past: rang

Past participle: rung


  1. Present: I will ring my friend to let her know that I’m running late for our meeting.
  2. Past: Last night, they rang the bell at their neighbor’s house and ran away as a prank.
  3. Past participle: He has rung the church bells for many years and enjoys being part of the community.

Irregular verb: rise

Present: rise

Past: rose

Past participle: risen


  1. Present: The sun will rise in a few hours, and it will be a beautiful day.
  2. Past: Last year, she rose early every day to study for her exams and got good grades.
  3. Past participle: They have risen to the challenge and accomplished their goals despite facing obstacles.

Irregular verb: run

Present: run

Past: ran

Past participle: run


  1. Present: I like to run in the park in the morning to get my exercise and start the day off right.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they ran a marathon and felt a great sense of accomplishment.
  3. Past participle: She has run a successful business for many years and plans to expand it in the future.

Irregular verb: say

Present: say

Past: said

Past participle: said


  1. Present: I want to say thank you to my parents for all their love and support over the years.
  2. Past: Last night, he said something that hurt her feelings, and they had to talk about it to resolve the issue.
  3. Past participle: They have said their goodbyes to their friends and family before leaving for their new job overseas.

Irregular verb: see

Present: see

Past: saw

Past participle: seen


  1. Present: I hope to see my favorite band in concert this summer because I’ve never seen them live before.
  2. Past: Last year, they saw a beautiful sunset on the beach and took a lot of pictures to remember it.
  3. Past participle: He has seen the impact of his actions on the environment and started to make changes in his daily life.

Irregular verb: sell

Present: sell

Past: sold

Past participle: sold


  1. Present: I want to sell my old clothes online to make some extra money and clear out my closet.
  2. Past: Last month, she sold her car to her cousin and used the money to buy a new one.
  3. Past participle: They have sold their house and are moving to a new city to start a new chapter in their lives.

Irregular verb: send

Present: send

Past: sent

Past participle: sent


  1. Present: I will send an email to my boss to ask for a day off next week.
  2. Past: Last week, they sent a package to their friend for their birthday and included a handwritten note.
  3. Past participle: She has sent many resumes to different companies and is waiting for a response.

Irregular verb: set

Present: set

Past: set

Past participle: set


  1. Present: I need to set an alarm for tomorrow morning to wake up early for my meeting.
  2. Past: Last year, they set a world record for the most number of people doing a dance routine together.
  3. Past participle: They have set high standards for themselves and are working hard to achieve their goals.

Irregular verb: shake

Present: shake

Past: shook

Past participle: shaken


  1. Present: I like to shake my protein powder in a bottle to make a smoothie after my workout.
  2. Past: Last week, she shook hands with the CEO of her company and felt nervous but excited.
  3. Past participle: He has shaken the hand of many important people during his career and always maintained a professional demeanor.

Irregular verb: shine

Present: shine

Past: shone

Past participle: shone


  1. Present: The sun will shine brightly today, and it will be a good day to go outside.
  2. Past: Last night, the moon shone through the window, and she felt calm and peaceful.
  3. Past participle: They have shone in their academic performance and earned scholarships and awards.

Irregular verb: shoot

Present: shoot

Past: shot

Past participle: shot


  1. Present: I like to shoot basketballs in the park to practice my skills and improve my game.
  2. Past: Last month, he shot a video for his company’s social media page and it went viral.
  3. Past participle: She has shot many photographs during her travels and created a beautiful photo album.

Irregular verb: show

Present: show

Past: showed

Past participle: shown


  1. Present: I want to show my parents how much I appreciate them by cooking dinner for them tonight.
  2. Past: Last week, they showed their support for their friend by attending their art exhibit and buying one of their paintings.
  3. Past participle: They have shown a lot of improvement in their language skills and are now fluent speakers.

Irregular verb: sing

Present: sing

Past: sang

Past participle: sung


  1. Present: I like to sing in the shower because it’s a good way to start the day on a positive note.
  2. Past: Last year, she sang in a choir for the first time and enjoyed the experience of singing with a group.
  3. Past participle: He has sung the national anthem at many sporting events and feels honored to represent his country.

Irregular verb: sit

Present: sit

Past: sat

Past participle: sat


  1. Present: I like to sit in a comfortable chair and read a book to relax and unwind.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they sat on the beach and watched the waves crash on the shore.
  3. Past participle: She has sat through many long meetings and presentations and developed good listening skills.

Irregular verb: sleep

Present: sleep

Past: slept

Past participle: slept


  1. Present: I need to sleep for at least 8 hours every night to feel rested and refreshed in the morning.
  2. Past: Last night, she slept through a thunderstorm and didn’t hear the loud noises.
  3. Past participle: He has slept in many different places during his travels and has many interesting stories to share.

Irregular verb: speak

Present: speak

Past: spoke

Past participle: spoken


  1. Present: I like to speak my mind and express my opinions, but I also listen to others and respect their views.
  2. Past: Last year, he spoke at a conference on environmental issues and shared his ideas on sustainable living.
  3. Past participle: They have spoken to many experts in their field and gained valuable insights and knowledge.

Irregular verb: spell

Present: spell

Past: spelled

Past participle: spelled


  1. Present: I need to spell-check my essay before submitting it to my professor to avoid any spelling errors.
  2. Past: Last week, she spelled her name to the receptionist and realized she had been spelling it wrong all along.
  3. Past participle: He has spelled many difficult words correctly during spelling bees and won several competitions.

Irregular verb: spend

Present: spend

Past: spent

Past participle: spent


  1. Present: I like to spend time with my family and friends because they make me happy and bring joy to my life.
  2. Past: Last summer, they spent their vacation traveling to different countries and experiencing new cultures.
  3. Past participle: They have spent a lot of money on their education and are now reaping the benefits of their hard work.

Irregular verb: stand

Present: stand

Past: stood

Past participle: stood


  1. Present: I like to stand up and stretch my legs after sitting for a long time to improve circulation and prevent stiffness.
  2. Past: Last night, they stood in line for hours to buy tickets for their favorite band’s concert.
  3. Past participle: She has stood up for her beliefs and values in many situations and earned respect from others.

Irregular verb: steal

Present: steal

Past: stole

Past participle: stolen


  1. Present: I don’t condone stealing because it’s illegal and morally wrong.
  2. Past: Last year, someone stole her bike from the front yard, and she reported it to the police.
  3. Past participle: They have had their wallets stolen in a foreign country and had to cancel their credit cards.

Irregular verb: stick

Present: stick

Past: stuck

Past participle: stuck


  1. Present: I like to stick notes on my fridge to remind me of important tasks or events.
  2. Past: Last week, they stuck their fingers in a jar of peanut butter and licked it off, like they did when they were children.
  3. Past participle: He has stuck to his exercise routine and diet plan and lost a lot of weight and improved his health.

Irregular verb: swear

Present: swear

Past: swore

Past participle: sworn


  1. Present: I never swear in front of children or in public places because it’s rude and disrespectful.
  2. Past: Last night, he swore at the driver who cut him off in traffic and regretted it later.
  3. Past participle: They have sworn an oath of loyalty to their country and are willing to defend it with their lives.

Irregular verb: swim

Present: swim

Past: swam

Past participle: swum


  1. Present: I like to swim in the ocean to feel the cool water and the waves on my skin.
  2. Past: Last summer, they swam with dolphins in a marine park and had a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
  3. Past participle: She has swum across the lake and back to challenge herself and improve her endurance.

Irregular verb: take

Present: take

Past: took

Past participle: taken


  1. Present: I need to take my dog for a walk because he needs exercise and fresh air.
  2. Past: Last year, she took a trip to Europe and visited many famous landmarks and museums.
  3. Past participle: They have taken many risks in their business and sometimes failed, but they learned from their mistakes.

Irregular verb: teach

Present: teach

Past: taught

Past participle: taught


  1. Present: I like to teach my children new skills and knowledge to help them become independent and successful in life.
  2. Past: Last semester, he taught a class on entrepreneurship at the local college and received positive feedback from his students.
  3. Past participle: She has taught herself how to play the guitar by watching online tutorials and practicing every day.

Irregular verb: tear

Present: tear

Past: tore

Past participle: torn


  1. Present: I accidentally tear a page from my notebook while trying to turn it in and get frustrated because it ruins the neatness.
  2. Past: Last night, she tore her dress while dancing at the party and had to borrow a jacket to cover it up.
  3. Past participle: They have torn down the old building and are constructing a new one in its place.

Irregular verb: tell

Present: tell

Past: told

Past participle: told


  1. Present: I want to tell my best friend about my new job offer and get her opinion on whether I should accept it.
  2. Past: Last week, he told a joke that made everyone laugh and lightened the mood of the meeting.
  3. Past participle: She has told her family about her plans to travel around the world for a year and received their support.

Irregular verb: think

Present: think

Past: thought

Past participle: thought


  1. Present: I like to think positive thoughts and visualize my goals to stay motivated and focused.
  2. Past: Last night, she thought about her past mistakes and decided to forgive herself and move on.
  3. Past participle: They have thought about different career paths and finally found one that aligns with their interests and values.

Irregular verb: throw

Present: throw

Past: threw

Past participle: thrown


  1. Present: I like to throw a frisbee with my friends in the park to have fun and stay active.
  2. Past: Last year, they threw a surprise party for their friend’s birthday and it was a huge success.
  3. Past participle: He has thrown away many old belongings and decluttered his living space to create a minimalist lifestyle.

Irregular verb: understand

Present: understand

Past: understood

Past participle: understood


  1. Present: I try to understand other people’s perspectives and feelings to be empathetic and build meaningful relationships.
  2. Past: Last semester, she understood the difficult concepts in her math class and got an A on the final exam.
  3. Past participle: They have understood the importance of teamwork and collaboration in their workplace and have improved their communication skills.

Irregular verb: wake

Present: wake

Past: woke

Past participle: woken


  1. Present: I set my alarm clock to wake me up at 6 am every morning to start my day early and be productive.
  2. Past: Last night, he woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep because of a noisy neighbor.
  3. Past participle: She has woken up early to watch the sunrise and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Irregular verb: wear

Present: wear

Past: wore

Past participle: worn


  1. Present: I like to wear comfortable clothes and shoes that allow me to move freely and feel relaxed.
  2. Past: Last year, she wore a beautiful dress to her sister’s wedding and received many compliments on her appearance.
  3. Past participle: He has worn many different hats in his career and gained valuable experience and skills.

Irregular verb: win

Present: win

Past: won

Past participle: won


  1. Present: I want to win the competition to prove to myself and others that I am capable of achieving my goals.
  2. Past: Last season, they won the championship in their sports league and celebrated with a big party.
  3. Past participle: They have won many awards and recognitions for their contributions to the community and society.

Irregular verb: write

Present: write

Past: wrote

Past participle: written


  1. Present: I like to write in my journal every day to reflect on my thoughts and experiences and improve my writing skills.
  2. Past: Last month, she wrote a book review for her favorite author’s latest novel and posted it online.
  3. Past participle: He has written many articles and essays on various topics and gained a reputation as an insightful writer.

Irregular verb: ride

Present: ride

Past: rode

Past participle: ridden


  1. Present: I like to ride my bike in the park to get exercise and enjoy the scenery.
  2. Past: Last summer, they rode horses in the countryside and had a fun and adventurous experience.
  3. Past participle: They have ridden on many different modes of transportation during their travels and learned about different cultures and lifestyles.

Irregular verb: rise

Present: rise

Past: rose

Past participle: risen


  1. Present: I want to rise to the challenge and overcome my fears and limitations to achieve my full potential.
  2. Past: Last year, he rose to the occasion and gave a great speech at his best friend’s wedding.
  3. Past participle: They have risen through the ranks in their company and are now in a leadership position.

Irregular verb: run

Present: run

Past: ran

Past participle: run


  1. Present: I like to run in the park to improve my cardiovascular health and reduce stress.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they ran a 10k race and felt proud of their accomplishment.
  3. Past participle: He has run many marathons and ultramarathons and inspired others to take up running as a hobby.

Irregular verb: say

Present: say

Past: said

Past participle: said


  1. Present: I like to say positive affirmations to myself to boost my self-confidence and self-esteem.
  2. Past: Last night, she said goodbye to her friend who was moving away and felt sad and nostalgic.
  3. Past participle: They have said many things they regret and learned the importance of being careful and thoughtful with their words.

Irregular verb: see

Present: see

Past: saw

Past participle: seen


  1. Present: I want to see the world and experience different cultures and lifestyles to broaden my horizons and expand my knowledge.
  2. Past: Last summer, they saw a beautiful sunset on the beach and felt grateful for the beauty of nature.
  3. Past participle: She has seen many movies and shows and developed a good sense of taste and appreciation for the arts.

Irregular verb: seek

Present: seek

Past: sought

Past participle: sought


  1. Present: I like to seek advice from my mentors and role models to learn from their wisdom and experience.
  2. Past: Last year, she sought help from a therapist to deal with her anxiety and depression and felt better and happier.
  3. Past participle: They have sought new opportunities and challenges to grow and develop their skills and knowledge.

Irregular verb: sell

Present: sell

Past: sold

Past participle: sold


  1. Present: I want to sell my old clothes and belongings online to make some extra money and declutter my living space.
  2. Past: Last month, they sold their car and bought a more fuel-efficient and eco-friendly model.
  3. Past participle: They have sold many products and services in their business and gained a loyal customer base.

Irregular verb: send

Present: send

Past: sent

Past participle: sent


  1. Present: I need to send an email to my boss to update her on the progress of my project and ask for feedback.
  2. Past: Last week, she sent a care package to her friend who was recovering from surgery and cheered her up.
  3. Past participle: He has sent many job applications and resumes to different companies and finally landed his dream job.

Irregular verb: set

Present: set

Past: set

Past participle: set


  1. Present: I like to set achievable goals and break them down into smaller tasks to make progress and stay motivated.
  2. Past: Last year, they set up a charity organization to help people in need and made a positive impact on their community.
  3. Past participle: They have set many records and achieved many milestones in their sports career and inspired others to pursue their passions.

Irregular verb: shake

Present: shake

Past: shook

Past participle: shaken


  1. Present: I like to shake hands with new people I meet to show respect and establish a connection.
  2. Past: Last night, he shook with fear when he heard a loud noise in the dark and imagined the worst.
  3. Past participle: She has shaken off her bad habits and negative beliefs and transformed herself into a more confident and happy person.

Irregular verb: shine

Present: shine

Past: shone

Past participle: shone


  1. Present: I like to shine my shoes before going out to look polished and presentable.
  2. Past: Last summer, the sun shone brightly on the beach and they enjoyed a day of swimming and sunbathing.
  3. Past participle: They have shone in their academic and professional achievements and received recognition and awards.

Irregular verb: shoot

Present: shoot

Past: shot

Past participle: shot


  1. Present: I like to shoot photos with my camera to capture beautiful moments and memories.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they shot a short film with their friends and had a fun and creative time.
  3. Past participle: He has shot many targets in his hunting hobby and learned the importance of safety and responsibility.

Irregular verb: show

Present: show

Past: showed

Past participle: shown


  1. Present: I want to show my appreciation to my parents by spending quality time with them and doing things they enjoy.
  2. Past: Last year, they showed their support for a social cause by participating in a peaceful protest and advocating for change.
  3. Past participle: They have shown their talent and creativity in their artwork and received recognition and awards.

Irregular verb: shrink

Present: shrink

Past: shrank

Past participle: shrunk


  1. Present: I don’t want to shrink from challenges and difficulties but face them with courage and resilience.
  2. Past: Last winter, her sweater shrank in the dryer and she had to buy a new one that fit properly.
  3. Past participle: They have shrunk their carbon footprint by using renewable energy and reducing waste in their lifestyle.

Irregular verb: shut

Present: shut

Past: shut

Past participle: shut


  1. Present: I need to shut the windows to block out the noise from the street and create a quiet and peaceful environment.
  2. Past: Last night, she shut the door to her room and enjoyed some alone time to recharge and relax.
  3. Past participle: They have shut down their business due to the economic downturn and uncertainty in the market.

Irregular verb: sing

Present: sing

Past: sang

Past participle: sung


  1. Present: I like to sing along with my favorite songs in the car or shower to release stress and have fun.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they sang karaoke with their friends and had a hilarious and memorable night.
  3. Past participle: She has sung in many choirs and musical productions and developed a love for music and performance.

Irregular verb: sink

Present: sink

Past: sank

Past participle: sunk


  1. Present: I need to wash the dishes and let them soak in hot water to help the food particles sink and be easier to clean.
  2. Past: Last year, the boat sank in a storm and they were lucky to be rescued by the coast guard.
  3. Past participle: They have sunk a lot of money into their startup company and hope to see a return on their investment soon.

Irregular verb: sit

Present: sit

Past: sat

Past participle: sat


  1. Present: I like to sit on the balcony and enjoy my morning coffee while admiring the view of the city skyline.
  2. Past: Last night, she sat by the fireplace and read a book to relax and unwind before bed.
  3. Past participle: He has sat through many boring meetings and presentations and learned the art of active listening and engagement.

Irregular verb: sleep

Present: sleep

Past: slept

Past participle: slept


  1. Present: I need to sleep at least 7 hours a night to feel rested and energized for the day ahead.
  2. Past: Last weekend, they slept in and enjoyed a lazy morning without any obligations or plans.
  3. Past participle: They have slept in many different hotels and accommodations during their travels and experienced different levels of comfort and luxury.

Irregular verb: slide

Present: slide

Past: slid

Past participle: slid


  1. Present: I like to slide down the hill on my sled in the winter and feel the rush of adrenaline and excitement.
  2. Past: Last summer, they slid on the water slide at the amusement park and screamed with joy and thrill.
  3. Past participle: They have slid on the slippery road and got into a minor car accident but thankfully no one was hurt.

Irregular verb: smell

Present: smell

Past: smelled/smelt

Past participle: smelled/smelt


  1. Present: I like to smell the flowers in the garden and appreciate their natural fragrance and beauty.
  2. Past: Last week, she smelled a strange odor in the kitchen and realized the milk had gone bad and needed to be thrown away.
  3. Past participle: He has smelled many different perfumes and colognes and learned about the art of scent and fragrance.

Irregular verb: speak

Present: speak

Past: spoke

Past participle: spoken


  1. Present: I like to speak in public and share my ideas and opinions with others to inspire and educate them.
  2. Past: Last year, she spoke at a conference and received positive feedback and networking opportunities.
  3. Past participle: They have spoken many languages and traveled to different countries and immersed themselves in different cultures and traditions.

Irregular verb: spend

Present: spend

Past: spent

Past participle: spent


  1. Present: I need to spend more time with my family and friends to nurture and strengthen our relationships and bonds.
  2. Past: Last summer, they spent a week camping in the mountains and enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful scenery.
  3. Past participle: They have spent a lot of money on their hobbies and interests and learned the importance of budgeting and saving for the future.

100 Examples of Irregular Verbs in Sentences

  1. He who does not work is not allowed to eat.
  2. These plants simply take in the water.
  3. When Greeks meet Greeks, a tug of war ensues.
  4. When you mention an angel, you’ll hear his wings flapping.
  5. Close your mouth and keep your ears open.
  6. Wise men have the ability to change their minds; fools never do.
  7. Riches aren’t always accompanied by joy.
  8. The bank will provide foreign currency and then buy it back.
  9. As a result, take both hands on the steering wheel.
  10. Let your hands do the talking, not your mouth.
  11. Eat to your heart’s content, and drink in moderation.
  12. Nothing can be bought with gold.
  13. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  14. Please return with some tea for me.
  15. Why keep a dog if you’re going to be the one to bark?
  16. He has a bigger build than his brother.
  17. Would you please rush in and fetch my ball?
  18. I drink gallons of water every day.
  19. I took a small sip of my beverage.
  20. Allowing the grass to grow under your feet is not a good idea.
  21. The dog was so still that it didn’t appear to be alive.
  22. Fools don’t need to be watered.
  23. Where love pays, labor is light.
  24. Twig nests are built by some birds.
  25. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  26. He still had a firm grip on me.
  27. The fruit isn’t far from the tree when it falls.
  28. Close your mouth and keep your eyes open.
  29. I’m sorry for forgetting her birthday.
  30. Losing is sometimes the best gain.
  31. It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  32. After you’ve gained, don’t run too fast.
  33. The larger they are, the more difficult it is for them to fall.
  34. In the snow, she lay motionless.
  35. Each bird enjoys listening to himself sing.
  36. What you eat determines who you are.
  37. Birds use twigs to construct their nests.
  38. Bring the sauce up to a boil.
  39. The majority of children who stammer eventually grow out of it.
  40. Gold isn’t going to be able to buy everything.
  41. Every man knows himself best.
  42. A stumbling block may be enough to keep you from falling.
  43. Thomas Fuller Those who scale great heights frequently fall.
  44. To ask thoughtfully is to gain a great deal of knowledge.
  45. It’s preferable to lose a joke than a friend.
  46. Crows do not eat the eyes of crows.
  47. To keep your porridge cool, keep your breath.
  48. Birds, fish, and insects are all known to lay eggs.
  49. Don’t give up your freedom because you’re afraid of poverty.
  50. Happiness is not something that money can buy.
  51. Remember to keep your mouth shut.
  52. Is it possible for me to have a drink?
  53. It takes effort to obtain, attention to maintain, and apprehension to lose.
  54. His master’s pride was never without a fall.
  55. Pride precedes a fall.
  56. When flatterers get together, the devil joins them for a meal.
  57. Always construct on solid ground.
  58. It is preferable to eat to live rather than live to eat.
  59. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel much better.
  60. The soldiers maintain a firm grip on the rifle.
  61. Keep your grip tight and don’t let go!
  62. We can’t get past danger if there isn’t any.
  63. Fools never know when they’re in good health.
  64. Eat to live, not to live to eat.
  65. Blood cannot be extracted from a stone.
  66. Laugh and gain weight.
  67. Let’s have a drink at the pub.
  68. To catch a trout, you must lose a fly.
  69. Do as the Romans do in Rome.
  70. You must pay the fiddler if you dance.
  71. If you ask a silly question, you’ll get a silly response.
  72. Request that the carpenter install some cupboards.
  73. She sat down after dusting her bed.
  74. When reeds withstand the storm, oaks may fall.
  75. Will you bring the tea into the garden with you?
  76. When you mention angels, you’ll hear their wings flapping.