10 Examples of Double Prepositions in Sentences

10 Examples of Double Prepositions in Sentences! Prepositions are important parts of speech that provide relationships between ideas in sentences. But did you know there are instances where two prepositions can be used together in the same sentence? This article will explore double prepositions and provide 10 examples of their usage in sentences.

Double Preposition

A double preposition is a pair of consecutive prepositions that appear in a sentence. Some examples of double prepositions are “in front of,” “on top of,” “out of,” “up to,” “by means of,” “in spite of,” and “for the sake of.”

Double prepositions are commonly used in English, and their use is generally accepted in both formal and informal writing. However, some people believe that using double prepositions can be redundant and awkward, and they prefer to avoid them in their writing.

Whether or not to use double prepositions is largely a matter of style and personal preference. In general, it is best to use them sparingly and only when they add clarity and precision to the sentence.

Double Preposition Vs Compound Preposition

Double prepositions and compound prepositions are both types of prepositional phrases in English, but they differ in their structure and usage.

A double preposition is a pair of consecutive prepositions that appear in a sentence, such as “in front of,” “on top of,” or “out of.”

Double prepositions are considered a type of idiomatic expression, and they are generally used to convey a specific meaning that cannot be easily expressed by using a single preposition.

For example, “in front of” suggests a physical location that is ahead of someone or something, while “on top of” suggests physical contact with the surface of something.

On the other hand, a compound preposition is a single preposition that is formed by combining two or more words, such as “along with,” “in addition to,” or “by virtue of.”

Compound prepositions are also used to convey a specific meaning, but unlike double prepositions, they are formed by combining words in a more structured and predictable way.

Related: 50 Examples of Double Prepositions

10 Examples of Double Prepositions Sentences

  1. I locked myself out of my room and forgot my key.
  2. My key was locked inside my room.
  3. The house had the appearance of a temple on the inside.
  4. An omelet can’t be made without breaking eggs.
  5. Men have waged war throughout history.
  6. Out of debt, out of peril.
  7. Suddenly, from behind the hedge, a head bobbed up.
  8. There is no such thing as a rose without a thorn.
  9. Within a week, I should be back.
  10. Save for a rainy day and live within your means.

10 Examples of Double Prepositions in Sentences

Double Preposition Exercise

  1. I step ____ the car and took a deep breath of fresh air.
  2. I always sit ____ my best friend in class.
  3. The cat jumped ____ the windowsill to soak up the sun.
  4. ____ the weather forecast, it will rain tonight.
  5. I found my phone ____ my backpack.
  6. ____ arriving at the hotel, I realized I had forgotten my passport.
  7. She ran ____ the house to catch the bus.
  8. We had to cancel the picnic ____ the stormy weather.
  9. The package should arrive ____ the next three days.
  10. The concert was delayed ____ technical difficulties.


  1. Out of
  2. Next to
  3. Onto
  4. According to
  5. Inside
  6. Upon
  7. Out of
  8. Because of
  9. Within
  10. Due to