Top 30 Words Related to Ambition

Ambition, a powerful drive for success and achievement, manifests in various forms and can be encapsulated using diverse vocabulary. Here are the top 30 words related to ambition, ranked by relevance, accompanied by succinct definitions.

Words Related to Ambition

Here are the top 30 terms related to ambition with meanings:

  1. Aspiration – A strong desire for achievement.
  2. Drive – Compelled motivation or ambition.
  3. Determination – Firmness of purpose; resolve.
  4. Goal – An aim or desired outcome.
  5. Zeal – Passionate enthusiasm towards a pursuit.
  6. Motivation – Reason or incentive to act.
  7. Hunger – Intense desire or pursuit.
  8. Avidity – Extreme eagerness or enthusiasm.
  9. Purpose – The reason or objective for doing something.
  10. Vision – A conceptualized future or dream.
  11. Thirst – A strong desire for something.
  12. Tenacity – Persistent determination.
  13. Passion – Intense emotion or desire.
  14. Objective – A specific aim or target.
  15. Endeavor – A sincere effort or attempt.
  16. Pursuit – Act of chasing or seeking.
  17. Ambitious – Having a strong desire for success.
  18. Aim – A direction or intent.
  19. Grit – Courage and determination.
  20. Eagerness – Keen enthusiasm or anticipation.
  21. Resolve – Firm decision to achieve.
  22. Yearning – A deep longing or desire.
  23. Fire – Inner spark or drive.
  24. Longing – A strong, persistent desire.
  25. Dream – A hoped-for achievement or ambition.
  26. Quest – A journey driven by a mission.
  27. Initiative – Taking the first step or action.
  28. Intensity – Extreme energy or fervor.
  29. Dedication – Commitment to a cause or purpose.
  30. Chasing – Actively pursuing a goal.

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