1000+ Synonyms for Competitive Exams (Important Synonyms)

Important synonyms for Competitive Exams! Here you will learn over a thousand synonyms that are crucial for competitive exams. Synonyms are words that have similar meanings, and knowing a variety of them can help you express your ideas more clearly and effectively.

This list is especially designed for those who are learning English or aiming to enhance their language skills. Whether you’re preparing for an exam or just want to improve your English, these synonyms will be incredibly useful. So, let’s dive in and start expanding our vocabulary together!

Synonyms for Competitive Exams

Here are some 1000+ important synonyms for competitive exams:

  • Abandon – Desert, forsake
  • Alleviate – Abate, relieve
  • Compress – Abbreviate, shrink
  • Offensive – Abhorrent, obnoxious
  • Abolish – Abrogate, annual
  • Hasty – Abrupt, impetuous
  • Genuine – Absolute, factual
  • Lavish – Abundant, excessive
  • Approve – Accept, ratify, endorse
  • Obtain – Access, inherit
  • Celebrated – Acclaimed, lionized
  • Achieve – Accomplish, attain
  • Liable – Accountable, bound
  • Authentic – Accurate, credible
  • Correct – Accurate, right, proper
  • Invective – Accusation, censure
  • Gain – Acquire, obtain, receive
  • Busy – Active, engaged
  • Reason – Acumen, bounds
  • Cunning – Acute, smart
  • Axiom – Adage, truism
  • Confess – Admit, acknowledge
  • Honor – Adoration, reverence
  • Bold – Adventurous
  • Calamity – Adversity, misfortune
  • Concur – Agree, cooperate
  • Consent – Agree, permit
  • Concord – Agreement, accord
  • Accord – Agreement, harmony
  • Help – Aid, assist
  • Identical – Alike, duplicate
  • Mitigate – Alleviate, relieve
  • Insinuate – Allude, hint
  • Bewitching – Alluring, charming
  • Generosity – Altruism, bounty
  • Constantly – Always, continually
  • Eternal – Always, perpetual, everlasting
  • Rectify – Amend, remedy
  • Plentiful – Ample, enough, abundant
  • Sufficient – Ample, enough, adequate
  • Abundant – Ample, sufficient
  • Recreation – Amusement, pleasure, pastime
  • Comical – Amusing, funny, humorous
  • Furious – Angry, enraged, infuriated
  • Irritate – Annoy, agitate, provoke
  • Rescind – Annul, abrogate
  • Hostile – Antagonistic, aggressive, militant
  • Tenement – Apartment, digs
  • Morbid – Appalling, awful, ghastly
  • Evident – Apparent, obvious, clear
  • Mollify – Appease, assuage
  • Pacify – Appease, chasten
  • Seize – Apprehend, grab, snatch
  • Capture – Apprehend, seize, arrest
  • Ratify – Approve, confirm, endorse
  • Obscure – Arcane, vague
  • Dry – Arid, parched
  • Excite – Arouse, provoke, incite
  • Vain – Arrogant, egoistic
  • Proud – Arrogant, elated
  • Haughty – Arrogant, pompous
  • Ambitious – Aspiring, driven
  • Throng – Assembly, crowd
  • Trenchant – Assertive, forceful
  • Aggressive – Assertive, pushy, militant
  • Baffle – Astound, faze
  • Lure – Attract, entice
  • Impute – Attribute, ascribe
  • Amplify – Augment, deepen
  • Bleak – Austere, blank
  • Retaliate – Avenge, revenge, reciprocate
  • Conscious – Aware, cognizant
  • Acumen – Awareness, brilliance
  • Naughty – Bad, disobedient, wrong
  • Evil – Bad, wrong, wicked
  • Noxious – Baneful, injurious
  • Desolate – Barren, forsaken
  • Sterile – Barren, impotent
  • Barrier – Barricade, obstacle
  • Bottom – Base, foundation
  • Shy – Bashful, timid
  • Coarse – Bawdy, boorish
  • Winsome – Beautiful, comely
  • Befogged – Becloud, dim
  • Open – Begin, unfold, originate
  • Amateur – Beginner, novice
  • Tyro – Beginner, riotous
  • Birth – Beginning
  • Plausible – Believable, reasonable, logical
  • Benevolent – Benign, generous
  • Prejudiced – Biased, opinionated, influenced
  • Large – Big, massive, huge
  • Intolerant – Bigoted, prejudiced
  • Denounce – Blame, censure, indict
  • Combine – Bled, unite, join
  • Stain – Blemish, tarnish
  • Candid – Blunt, bluff
  • Dull – Blunt, dreary
  • Rowdy – Boisterous, rambunctious
  • Daring – Bold, audacious
  • Confident – Bold, undaunted
  • Audacity – Boldness, courage
  • Uncouth – Boorish, clownish
  • Monotonous – Boring, tedious dreary, humdrum
  • Valor – Bravery, prowess
  • Courage – Bravery, valor
  • Brittle – Breakable, crisp
  • Intelligent – Bright, sensible, rational
  • Compact – Bunched, thick
  • Nullify – Cancel, annual
  • Frank – Candid, straightforward, blunt
  • Calculating – Canny, devious
  • Able – Capable, qualified
  • Competent – Capable, qualified
  • Negligent – Careless, derelict, inattentive
  • Destructive – Catastrophic, pernicious
  • Vigilant – Cautious, alert
  • Reluctant – Cautious, averse
  • Wary – Cautious, circumspect
  • Deliberate – Cautious, intentional
  • Conservative – Cautious, restrained
  • Careful – Cautious, watchful
  • Quit – Cease, stop, withdraw
  • Condemn – Censure, denounce
  • Remonstrate – Censure, protest
  • Consolidate – Centralize, fortify
  • Umbrage – Chagrin, offense
  • Captivate – Charm, fascinate
  • Sacred – Cherish, divine
  • Precious – Cherished, valuable, prized
  • Immature – Childish, inexperienced
  • Gallant – Chivalrous, stately
  • Fat – Chubby, plump, stout
  • Thick – Chunky, massive
  • Boisterous – Clamorous, rowdy
  • Neat – Clean, orderly, tidy
  • Ingenious – Clever, creative, original
  • Ascend – Climb, escalate
  • Camouflage – Cloak, disguise
  • Comic – Clown, ester
  • Awkward – Clumsy, uncoordinated
  • Gather – Collect, accumulate, compile
  • Militant – Combative, aggressive, warlike
  • Blend – Combine, mix
  • Cozy – Comfortable, snug, homey
  • Future – Coming, tomorrow
  • Turmoil – Commotion, disturbance, fracas
  • Bustle – Commotion, tumult
  • Lenient – Compassionate, merciful
  • Capable – Competent, able
  • Qualified – Competent, suited, capable
  • Cheap – Competitive, inexpensive
  • Obliging – Complaisant, willing
  • Utterly – Completely, entirely
  • Tame – Compliant, subdued
  • Passive – Compliant, submissive, yielding
  • Confuse – Complicate, muddle, jumble
  • Knotty – Complicated difficult
  • Complex – Complicated, intricate
  • Adhere – Comply, observe
  • Conform – Comply, submit
  • Condense – Compress, concentrate
  • Imperative – Compulsory, crucial, mandatory
  • Friend – Comrade, buddy
  • Cover – Conceal, hide
  • Notion – Conceit, apprehension
  • Vanity – Conceit, pretension
  • Possible – Conceivable, feasible, plausible
  • Care – Concern, protection
  • Succinct – Concise, terse
  • Tangible – Concrete, definite
  • Vouch – Confirm, consent
  • Harmony – Conformity, amicability
  • Face – Confront, meet
  • Yoke – Connect, harness
  • Join – Connect, unite, link
  • Substantial – Considerable, solid
  • Kind – Considerate, tender, thoughtful
  • Fabricate – Construct, produce
  • Confine – Contain, enclose, restrain
  • Defile – Contaminate, pollute
  • Refute – Contradict, dispute
  • Regulate – Control, oversee, handle
  • Persuade – Convince, influence
  • Temperate – Cool, moderate
  • Chilly – Cool, nippy
  • Accurate – Correct, right
  • Vicious – Corrupt, obnoxious
  • Admonish – Counsel, reprove
  • Brave – Courageous, bold, heroic
  • Valiant – Courageous, brave, heroic
  • Steep – Course, lofty
  • Gracious – Courteous, beneficent
  • Clandestine – Covert, fruitive
  • Insane – Crazy, deranged, mad
  • Hamstrung – Cripple debilitate
  • Cranky – Cross, irritable
  • Urgent – Crucial, important, imperative
  • Oracular – Cryptic, vague
  • Shrewd – Cunning, craftly
  • Guile – Cunning, deceit
  • Diminish – Curtail, lessen, decrease
  • Conventional – Customary, traditional
  • Prevalent – Customary, widespread
  • Infernal – Damned, accursed
  • Precarious – Dangerous, uncertain, shaky
  • Gloomy – Dark, dismal, depressing
  • Dawn – Daybreak, sunrise
  • Fatal – Deadly, mortal, killing
  • Knell – Death knell, last blow
  • Dispute – Debate, oppose
  • Subterfuge – Deceit, stratagem
  • Deceit – Deception, artifice
  • Hypocrisy – Deception, pharisaic
  • Wane – Decline, dwindle
  • Ornamental – Decorative, adorned
  • Calumny – Defamation, aspersion
  • Slander – Defame, malign
  • Flaw – Defect, fault, blemish
  • Justify – Defend, exculpate
  • Fluctuate – Deflect, vacillate
  • Tender – Delicate, gentle, affectionate
  • Zest – Delight, enthusiasm
  • Ecstasy – Delight, exultation
  • Charming – Delightful, appealing, enchanting
  • Exquisite – Delightful, charming, lovely
  • Lunacy – Delusion, insanity
  • Fallacy – Delusion, mistake
  • Subvert – Demolish, sabotage
  • Contradict – Deny, oppose
  • Despair – Depression, misery
  • Offspring – Descendant, sibling
  • Forsake – Desert, renounce
  • Barren – Desolate, sterile
  • Abject – Despicable, servile
  • Deprive – Despoil, divest
  • Indigent – Destitute, impoverished
  • Poor – Destitute, needy, impoverished
  • Raze – Destroy, demolish
  • Eradicate – Destroy, exterminate
  • Efface – Destroy, obliterate
  • Restrain – Detain, confine
  • Disdain – Detest, despise
  • Ravage – Devastate, ruin, damage
  • Transparent – Diaphanous
  • Disagree – Differ, dispute
  • Diverse – Different, distinct
  • Timid – Diffident, coward
  • Glory – Dignity, renown
  • Impair – Diminish, deteriorate
  • Eclipse – Diminution, dimming
  • Dwarf – Diminutive, petite
  • Squalid – Dirty, filthy
  • Abash – Disconcert, rattle
  • Grisly – Disgusting, atrocious
  • Treacherous – Dishonest, duplicitous
  • Knave – Dishonest, scoundrel
  • Dark – Dismal, black
  • Offend – Displease, affront, disgust
  • Resentment – Displeasure, wrath
  • Inclination – Disposition, affection
  • Contrary – Dissimilar, conflicting
  • Different – Distinct, unlike
  • Prominent – Distinguished, eminent
  • Separate – Divide, segregate, partition
  • Give – Donate, present, offer
  • Precarious – Doubtful, insecure
  • Dubious – Doubtful, questionable
  • Empty – Drain, unload
  • Awful – Dreadful, atrocious
  • Atrocious – Dreadful, contemptible, vile

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Important synonyms for Competitive Exams