100 School Supplies That Start With ‘W’

Welcoming the world of ‘W’, we wander into a wealth of wonderful and worthwhile school supplies.

From the classic whiteboard that stands as a beacon of knowledge in classrooms to the whimsical watercolors that bring art projects to life, each ‘W’ item weaves its own magic into the fabric of education.

Witness a list of 100 school supplies that start with ‘W’, each one weaving its way into the intricate tapestry of learning and creativity.

School Supplies That Start With ‘W’

  1. Whiteboards
  2. Watercolors
  3. Workbooks
  4. Wax crayons
  5. Washi tape
  6. Wireless mice
  7. Wall clocks
  8. Whiteboard markers
  9. Wood pencils
  10. Writing pads
  11. Window markers
  12. Wire cutters (for crafts)
  13. Webcams
  14. World maps
  15. Wall charts
  16. Wooden rulers
  17. Wall decals (for decoration)
  18. Waste baskets
  19. Wire (for art projects)
  20. Wrapping paper (for crafts)
  21. Wood glue
  22. Weight scales
  23. Wall files
  24. Wite-Out
  25. Wall organizers
  26. Word games
  27. Wireless keyboards
  28. Wood blocks (for crafts)
  29. Wall calendars
  30. Whistles (for PE)
  31. Wrist rests (for computer labs)
  32. Wooden beads (for art)
  33. Wacom tablets
  34. Wind instruments
  35. Waxed paper
  36. Weather instruments
  37. Wooden dowels
  38. Work tables
  39. Watercolor paper
  40. Wall easels
  41. Wi-Fi routers
  42. Wireless presenters
  43. Wristbands (for events)
  44. Wood stain (for woodshop)
  45. Wire mesh (for sculptures)
  46. Wall projectors
  47. Whiteout tape
  48. Water dispensers
  49. Wicker baskets (for storage)
  50. Wax seals (for art)
  51. Wooden letters
  52. Water bottles
  53. Wooden mannequins (for art)
  54. Wind chimes (for music)
  55. Walkie-talkies
  56. White paper
  57. Wooden puzzles
  58. Wax sticks (for sealing)
  59. Wall-mounted speakers
  60. Wall murals
  61. Wet-erase markers
  62. Weighted dice
  63. Wool yarn (for crafts)
  64. Wireless chargers
  65. Word processors
  66. Wall stickers (for decoration)
  67. Wool felt (for crafts)
  68. Wooden flutes
  69. Wireless microphones
  70. Workbench (for tech classes)
  71. Wire racks (for storage)
  72. Wrist coils (for keys)
  73. Web design software
  74. Wall tapestries (for art)
  75. Weather vanes (for science)
  76. Washable markers
  77. Wireframes (for design)
  78. Wobble chairs
  79. Wax molds (for art)
  80. Writing instruments
  81. Window crayons
  82. Weight sets (for PE)
  83. Watercolor brushes
  84. Windsocks (for science)
  85. Wall anchors (for hanging)
  86. Whirligigs (for crafts)
  87. Wooden spatulas (for art)
  88. Wall lamps
  89. Wool blankets (for drama)
  90. Wide-ruled notebooks
  91. Wallets (for organization)
  92. Web hosting services (for IT)
  93. Waterproof pens
  94. Wall-mounted fans
  95. Willow charcoal (for art)
  96. Whiteboard cleaner
  97. Writing guides
  98. Wire sculptures (for art)
  99. Wrist watches (for teaching time)
  100. Wi-Fi extenders

Explore School Supplies A to Z:

A  –  B  –  C  –  D  –  E  –  F  –  G  –  H  –  I  –  J  –  K  –  L  –  M  –  N  –  O  –  P  –  Q  –  R  –  S  –  T  –  U  –  V  –  W  –  X  –  Y  –  Z 

school supplies that start with w