Underpinning the universe of education is an array of unique and useful supplies beginning with the letter ‘U’. These items, though fewer in number, are unrivaled in their utility and ubiquity in classrooms and study spaces.
From ubiquitous USB drives to unparalleled ukuleles for music classes, each ‘U’ item adds a distinct value to the educational experience.
Uncover 70+ school supplies that start with ‘U’, underscoring their importance in fostering an understanding and engaging learning environment.
School Supplies That Start With ‘U’
- USB drives
- Umbrellas (for outdoor activities)
- Ukuleles
- Utility knives (for art classes)
- Unlined paper
- Uniforms (school-specific)
- UV light pens
- Underline markers
- Ultraviolet lamps (for science experiments)
- Uppercase letter sets (for early education)
- USB cables
- Uniball pens
- Upholstery fabric (for home economics)
- UV beads (for science projects)
- U-shaped magnets (for physics)
- USB microphones
- Underwater cameras (for photography)
- Upright bass (for music classes)
- USB charging stations
- Ultrasonic cleaners (for science labs)
- Universal remotes (for classroom technology)
- Unifix cubes (for math)
- USB hubs
- Umbrella stands (for classrooms)
- Underline rulers
- Utility carts
- User manuals (for technology)
- UV markers
- Unit blocks (for math)
- Uvula model (for biology)
- Unscramble word games
- Urea (for chemistry experiments)
- USB speakers
- USB flash drives
- USB adapters
- Urethane foam (for crafts)
- Uppercase alphabet stamps
- U-turn slide (for playgrounds)
- UV-protective glasses (for science)
- USA maps
- Ultralight clay (for art)
- Unicycle (for PE)
- Unity sand kits (for crafts)
- Used books (for libraries)
- UV index cards
- USB port expanders
- Ultraviolet flashlights
- Underarm portfolio bags
- Uke strings (for music)
- Uncoated paper plates (for crafts)
- Urban planning kits (for social studies)
- USB endoscope cameras (for science)
- Utility brushes (for art)
- UV curing lamps (for art)
- UML diagram software (for computer science)
- Universal binders
- Upholstery needles (for crafts)
- Under desk pedal exercisers
- Universal glue
- USB wall chargers
- Umbrella hats (for outdoor events)
- UHF microphones (for presentations)
- Unpainted ceramics (for art)
- Uranyl acetate (for advanced science)
- USA flag
- U-shaped paper clips
- Ultraviolet inks
- Upright vacuum cleaners (for classroom maintenance)
- Upholstery thread (for textile classes)
- Universal scissors
- Ukulele music books
- Umpire gear (for PE)
- U-shaped flasks (for chemistry)
- Unisex t-shirts (for art projects)
- Universal power adapters
- Ultraviolet sterilizers (for safety)
- Undated planners
- UV-resistant markers
- Universal joints (for physics)
- Underwater paper (for science experiments)
- Unruled notepads
- Udder balm (for veterinary science)
- USB to HDMI converters
- Unity candles (for cultural studies)
- Unsharpened pencils
- UV sensor tags (for science)
- Uncoated aspirin (for chemistry)
- U-shaped bookshelves
- Ultrasonic sensors (for robotics)
- UHF antennas (for electronics)
- Upright pianos (for music classes)
- Ultraviolet filters (for photography)
- Universal laptop chargers
- Unbleached canvas (for art)
- UV paint
- USB lavalier microphones
- USA puzzles (for geography)
- Undercoat brushes (for art)
- Umbrella lights (for photography)
- Ultraviolet beads (for crafts)
Explore School Supplies A to Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z