‘S’ stands for the start of scholarly success, symbolizing a suite of school supplies that are staples in every student’s educational saga.
From scissors that shape our artistic visions to scientific calculators that solve complex equations, these tools support and stimulate the scholarly spirit.
Embark on a scholarly scavenger hunt with our list of 100 school supplies that start with ‘S’, spotlighting the essentials for a studious and successful academic year.
School Supplies That Start With ‘S’
- Scissors
- Staplers
- Sticky notes
- Sharpeners
- Sketchbooks
- Styluses
- Staple removers
- Scientific calculators
- Stamps
- Stickers
- Storage boxes
- Study guides
- Sheet protectors
- Sticky tabs
- Stencils
- Steno pads
- Satchels
- Spelling workbooks
- Scoring tools
- Scales (for measuring)
- Safety goggles
- Soldering irons
- Sketch pads
- Stamp pads
- Smartboards
- Spiral notebooks
- Sports equipment
- Slides (for microscopes)
- Spanish dictionaries
- Scratch paper
- Scissor lifts (for library books)
- Shatterproof rulers
- Spray adhesives
- Spine labels
- Screen protectors
- Stylus pens
- Science kits
- Sponges (for art)
- Sheet music
- Storage cabinets
- Staple guns
- Sandpaper (for art)
- Sentence strips
- School uniforms
- Stacking trays
- Solar calculators
- Stretchable book covers
- Staple cartridges
- String (for crafts)
- Straight edges
- Stamp markers
- Safety scissors
- Storage bins
- Soft pastels
- Silhouette paper
- Strobe lights (for theater)
- Spatulas (for art)
- Steel drums (for music)
- Sticker machines
- Slide projectors
- Semicolon guides
- Scratchboards (for art)
- Study carrels
- Sign language books
- Symmetry kits (for math)
- Soprano recorders
- Solvents (for chemistry)
- Sudoku books
- Slime kits (for science)
- Sharpening stones (for pencils)
- Software (Educational)
- Sound blocks (for music)
- Scented markers
- Smart tablets
- Sentence building blocks
- Synthesizers (for music)
- Sight word flashcards
- Switches (for electronics)
- Storage lockers
- Sand timers
- Stamps (postage, for social studies)
- Sentence cubes
- Specimen jars (for science)
- Smart pens
- School bells
- Stethoscopes (for biology)
- Study lamps
- Satin ribbons (for art)
- Suspension files
- Safety pins
- Silicone molds (for art)
- Space pens
- Stick-on labels
- Steel squares (for drafting)
- Slide rules
- Soccer balls (for PE)
- Sentence diagramming guides
- Sock puppets (for drama)
- Snap circuits (for electronics)
- Swingline staplers
Explore School Supplies A to Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z