Opposite Words For Class 2, Grade 2 Antonyms List

Opposite Words For Class 2, Grade 2 Antonyms List

opposite words for class 2

In English class, we are learning about opposite words. Some examples of opposite words are hot and cold, up and down, and happy and sad. Today, we are going to learn more about these opposites words. We will learn how to use them in sentences and how to identify them in a sentence. Let’s get started!

  1. Exclude – Include
  2. Immigration – Emigration
  3. Man – Woman
  4. Ordinary – Special
  5. Accept – Refuse
  6. Come – Go
  7. Dawn – Dusk
  8. Silly – Intelligent
  9. Slim – Fat
  10. Future – Past
  11. Happiness – Sadness
  12. Marry – Divorce
  13. Reply – Ask
  14. Before – After
  15. Consonant – Vowel
  16. Dry – Humid
  17. East – West
  18. Start – Stop
  19. Finish – Begin
  20. Flat – Hilly
  21. Right – Left
  22. Same – Different
  23. Sick – Healthy
  24. Delicious – Awful
  25. Export – Import
  26. False – True
  27. Mountain – Valley
  28. Stranger – Native
  29. Grown-Up – Child
  30. In Front Of – Back
  31. Native – Foreigner
  32. Urban – Rural
  33. Divorce – Marriage
  34. Land – Take Off
  35. Major – Minor
  36. Often – Seldom
  37. Subtract – Add
  38. Arrival – Departure
  39. Depart – Arrive
  40. Question – Answer
  41. Rude – Polite
  42. Divorced – Married
  43. Lack – Abundance
  44. Midnight – Noon
  45. Niece – Nephew
  46. Rich – Poor
  47. Foreigner – Native
  48. Fortune – Bad Luck
  49. Opponent – Supporter
  50. Trust – Suspect
  51. Begin – End
  52. Bitter – Sweet
  53. End – Begin
  54. Particular – General
  55. Raise – Lower
  56. Let – Forbid
  57. Poor – Rich
  58. Presence – Absence
  59. Republic – Dictatorship
  60. Outside – Inside
  61. Shelter – Exposure
  62. Well- Ill
  63. West – East
  64. Gentle – Violent
  65. Girl – Boy
  66. Good Luck – Bad Luck
  67. South – North
  68. Body – Soul
  69. Dusk – Dawn
  70. Natural – Artificial
  71. Sunny – Cloudy
  72. Annoy – Satisfy
  73. Pass – Fail
  74. Present – Past
  75. Useless – Useful
  76. Catch – Miss
  77. End – Beginning
  78. Follow – Lead
  79. Insult – Compliment
  80. Son – Daughter
  81. Ask – Answer
  82. Inside – Outside
  83. Professional – Amateur
  84. Sharp – Blunt
  85. Small – Big
  86. Attack – Defense
  87. Divorce – Marry
  88. Female – Male
  89. Land – Water
  90. Regret – Satisfaction
  91. Bad – Good
  92. Big – Small
  93. Destroy – Build
  94. Even – Odd
  95. Start – Finish
  96. Die – Live
  97. Enemy – Friend
  98. Public – Private
  99. Refuse – Agree