Type: Adjective/Noun/Adverb/Verb
Meaning/Definition of wrong: Adjective describing something that is incorrect, mistaken, or morally bad; Noun referring to an unjust or dishonest action; Adverb describing an action or manner that deviates from what is right; Verb describing the act of treating someone unjustly or unfairly.
What is the Opposite of wrong?
The Opposite of wrong is right.
Other Opposites of wrong:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of wrong:
- accurate
- actual
- authentic
- bona fide
- correct
- dinkum
- direct
- exact
- genuine
- proper
- real
- right
- true
- veritable
Example Sentences Using Opposites of Wrong:
- He finally got the answer right after reviewing his work.
- The correct answer was option B, not option A.
- Her calculations were accurate and correct.
- The decision made was just and right.
- The statement he made was true and supported by evidence.
- His actions were deemed proper and followed the established rules.
- The response given by the speaker was appropriate for the occasion.
- The argument presented was valid and supported by sound reasoning.
- She made an ethical choice by doing what was morally right.
- His decision to help others was morally right and aligned with his values.
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