(Example Sentences)
Type: Adverb
Meaning/Definition of never: Adverb referring to not ever, at no time, or on no occasion.
What is the Opposite of never?
The Opposite of never is always.
Other Opposites of never:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of never:
- Always
- Habitually
- Permanently
- Perpetually
- Endlessly
- Ever
- Twenty-four-seven
- Infallibly
- Incessantly
- Unfailingly
- Customarily
- Continually
- Constantly
- Invariably
- Every time
- Interminably
- Eternally
- Ceaselessly
- Continuously
- Regularly
- Unceasingly
- Consistently
- Forever
- Without exception
- Repeatedly
- Aye
Example Sentences Using Opposites of “never”:
- She always makes sure to arrive on time.
- Their love will be with them forever.
- The machinery runs continuously without interruption.
- He is constantly seeking new opportunities for growth.
- The sun shines perpetually in the desert.
- He regularly practices his musical instrument.
- She routinely checks her emails in the morning.
- They frequently go on vacations to different countries.
- He often visits his grandparents on weekends.
- She repeatedly reminded him to complete his tasks.