Type: Noun
Meaning/Definition of knowledge: Noun referring to facts, information, and skills acquired through experience, education, or training.
What is the Opposite of knowledge?
The Opposite of knowledge is ignorance.
Other Opposites of knowledge:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of knowledge:
- dark
- darkness
- ignorance
- illiteracy
- inexperience
- innocence
- nescience
- night
- unawareness
Example Sentences Using Opposites of “knowledge”:
- His ignorance of the subject was evident.
- She was unaware of the current situation.
- He lacked experience in that field.
- The lack of knowledge hindered their progress.
- Her naivety showed in her understanding of the topic.
- The issue was more prevalent among the illiterate population.
- They lived in oblivion of the facts.
- Their incomprehension of the matter was apparent.
- They were unfamiliar with the concept being discussed.
- The misunderstanding arose from their lack of knowledge.