Opposite of Guilty, Antonyms of Guilty (Example Sentences)

Type: Adjective

Meaning/Definition of guilty: Adjective describing the state of being responsible for a wrongdoing or offense; feeling remorse or remorseful.

What is the Opposite of guilty?

The Opposite of guilty is innocent.

Other Opposites of guilty:

Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of guilty:

  • Not guilty
  • Nice
  • Irreprehensible
  • Just
  • Immune
  • Pure
  • Praiseworthy
  • Decent
  • Upstanding
  • Commendable
  • Meritorious
  • Immaculate
  • Irreproachable
  • Impeccable
  • Normal
  • Unbribable
  • High-minded
  • In the clear
  • Honourable
  • Faultless
  • Chaste
  • Behaving
  • Kind
  • Well-behaved
  • Good
  • Sublime
  • Ethical
  • Well behaved
  • Free from sin
  • Right
  • Moralistic
  • Righteous
  • Clean
  • Guiltless
  • Honest
  • Truthful
  • Reputable
  • Holy
  • Exemplary
  • Respectable
  • Benevolent
  • Moral
  • Upright
  • Crimeless
  • Orderly
  • Behaved
  • Principled
  • Acquitted
  • Law-abiding
  • Beatified
  • Guilt-free
  • Inculpable
  • Squeaky-clean
  • Admirable
  • Correct
  • Noble
  • Excellent
  • In the right
  • Unimpeachable
  • Blameless
  • Uninvolved
  • Godly
  • Virtuous
  • Unblemished
  • Without sin
  • Blessed
  • Scrupulous
  • Sinless
  • Trustworthy
  • Untarnished
  • Irresponsible
  • Honorable
  • Incorruptible
  • Spotless
  • Innocent

Example Sentences Using Opposites of “guilty”:

  1. The defendant was found innocent of all charges.
  2. She was blameless and had no involvement in the incident.
  3. The jury pronounced the suspect not guilty after careful deliberation.
  4. He was exonerated when new evidence came to light.
  5. The investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing; he was clear of all accusations.
  6. The child was faultless and not responsible for the mess.
  7. His intentions were pure and free from malicious intent.
  8. The evidence showed that he had a clean record and no previous convictions.
  9. The witness testified that she saw him at a different location, proving he was free from involvement.
  10. He was uninvolved in the situation and had an alibi to prove his absence.

Explore More Opposite Words:

Opposite of Guilty, Antonyms of Guilty with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF

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Some Common Antonyms

  1. East – West
  2. Enjoy – Hate
  3. Fresh – Old
  4. Go – Come
  5. Immigration – Emigration
  6. Intentional – Accidental
  7. Mean – Generous
  8. Monarchy – Republic
  9. Pass – Fail
  10. Presence – Absence
  11. Rough – Smooth
  12. Separate – Connect
  13. Shout – Whisper
  14. Subtract – Add
  15. Thirsty – Hungry
  16. Above – Below
  17. Agree – Disagree
  18. Background – Foreground
  19. Best – Worst
  20. Boy – Girl
  21. Consonant – Vowel
  22. Danger – Security
  23. End – Begin
  24. Everything – Nothing
  25. Gentleman – Lady
  26. Grown-Up – Child
  27. Innocent – Guilty
  28. Land – Take Off
  29. Minor – Major
  30. Native – Foreigner
  31. Plenty – Lack
  32. Professional – Amateur
  33. Scream – Whisper
  34. Shelter – Exposure
  35. Sink – Rise
  36. Take – Give
  37. True – False
  38. Abundance – Lack
  39. Alive – Dead
  40. Backward – Forward
  41. Better – Worse
  42. Broad – Narrow
  43. Construction – Destruction
  44. Dangerous – Safe
  45. End – Begin
  46. Exactly – Approximately
  47. Gentleman – Lady
  48. Handsome – Ugly
  49. Innocent – Guilty
  50. Large – Small
  51. Miss – Catch
  52. Near – Distant
  53. Polite – Rude
  54. Protect – Attack
  55. Security – Danger
  56. Short – Long
  57. Slim – Fat
  58. Teacher – Pupil
  59. Ugly – Beautiful
  60. Amateur – Professional
  61. Approximately – Exactly
  62. Bottom – Top
  63. Careless – Careful
  64. Defeat – Victory
  65. Different – Alike
  66. Failure – Success
  67. First – Final
  68. Good Luck – Bad Luck
  69. Here – There
  70. Hot – Cold
  71. Left – Right
  72. Long – Short
  73. No – Yes
  74. Occasionally – Frequently
  75. Quiet – Loud
  76. Rich – Poor
  77. Single – Married
  78. Sometimes – Often
  79. Vacant – Occupied
  80. Water – Land
  81. Advanced – Elementary
  82. Bad Luck – Good Luck
  83. Blunt – Sharp
  84. Comedy – Drama
  85. Create – Destroy
  86. Dead – Alive
  87. Dusk – Dawn
  88. Enjoy – Hate
  89. Friend – Enemy
  90. Good Luck – Bad Luck
  91. Intentional – Accidental
  92. Laugh – Cry
  93. Melt – Freeze
  94. More – Less
  95. Pass – Fail
  96. Poverty – Wealth
  97. Sell – Buy
  98. Shut – Open
  99. Suburb – Centre
  100. Thirsty – Hungry
  101. Up – Down
  102. Active – Lazy
  103. Be Interested In – Bore
  104. Birth – Death
  105. Construction – Destruction
  106. Danger – Security
  107. Dull – Interesting
  108. End – Beginning
  109. Freeze – Melt
  110. Giant – Tiny
  111. Intelligent – Silly
  112. Large – Small
  113. Married – Divorced
  114. Monarchy – Republic
  115. Native – Foreigner
  116. Partial – Total
  117. Powerful – Weak
  118. Security – Danger
  119. Shout – Whisper
  120. Take – Give
  121. Ugly – Beautiful
  122. Worse – Better
  123. Accidental – Intentional
  124. Alive – Dead
  125. Better – Worse
  126. Break – Fix
  127. Damage – Repair
  128. Delicious – Awful
  129. End – Begin
  130. Excited – Calm
  131. Giant – Tiny
  132. Hard – Easy
  133. Land – Water
  134. Lie – Stand
  135. Minor – Major
  136. Nephew – Niece
  137. Noon – Midnight
  138. Poor – Rich
  139. Pull – Push
  140. Short – Long
  141. Sit – Stand
  142. Under – Over
  143. Valley – Mountain
  144. Argue – Agree
  145. Background – Foreground
  146. Clear – Cloudy
  147. Compulsory – Voluntary
  148. Divorce – Marry
  149. East – West
  150. Finish – Start
  151. Foreigner – Native
  152. Hot – Cold
  153. In Front Of – Back
  154. Male – Female
  155. Mess – Order
  156. Occasionally – Frequently
  157. Ordinary – Special
  158. Peace – War
  159. Republic – Dictatorship
  160. Salt – Sugar
  161. Strange – Normal
  162. Sun – Moon
  163. Whole – Part
  164. About – Exactly
  165. Affirmative – Negative
  166. Autumn – Spring
  167. Behind – In Front Of
  168. Compliment – Insult
  169. Cry – Laugh
  170. Elementary – Advanced
  171. Equal – Different
  172. Foreigner – Native
  173. Funny – Serious
  174. In – Out
  175. Junior – Senior
  176. Mend – Break
  177. More – Less
  178. Opponent – Supporter
  179. Past – Future
  180. Pretty – Ugly
  181. Sadness – Happiness
  182. Serious – Funny
  183. Sunny – Cloudy
  184. Total – Partial


  1. Add – Subtract
  2. Beautiful – Ugly
  3. Black – White
  4. Cool – Warm
  5. Dark – Light
  6. Dusk – Dawn
  7. Enjoy – Hate
  8. Fresh – Old/Stale
  9. Go – Come
  10. Intentional – Accidental
  11. Last – First
  12. Maximum – Minimum
  13. Moon – Sun
  14. Near – Distant
  15. Particular – General
  16. Pretty – Ugly
  17. Sell – Buy
  18. Silent – Noisy
  19. Then – Now
  20. Under – Over
  21. Add – Subtract
  22. Bad Luck – Good Luck
  23. Bitter – Sweet
  24. Cold – Hot
  25. Courage – Fear
  26. Dry – Humid
  27. Enjoy – Hate
  28. Fresh – Old/Stale
  29. Gentleman – Lady
  30. Hungry – Thirsty
  31. Intelligent – Dull
  32. Late – Early
  33. Mean – Generous
  34. Monarchy – Republic
  35. Particular – General
  36. Poverty – Wealth
  37. Sell – Buy
  38. Sharp – Blunt
  39. Suburb – Centre
  40. There – Here
  41. Wrong – Correct
  42. Answer – Question
  43. Attack – Defense
  44. Cheap – Expensive
  45. Cold – Heat
  46. Descendant – Ancestor
  47. Distant – Near
  48. Fear – Courage
  49. For – Against
  50. Hit – Miss
  51. Ill – Healty
  52. Lie – Stand
  53. Love – Hate
  54. Mean – Generous
  55. Not Yet – Already
  56. Opponent – Supporter
  57. Reply – Ask
  58. Sad – Happy
  59. Stand – Lie
  60. Subtract – Add
  61. Village – Town
  62. Well- Ill
  63. Agree – Disagree
  64. Annoy – Satisfy
  65. Attack – Defend
  66. Broad – Narrow
  67. Changeable – Constant
  68. Descendant – Ancestor
  69. Dirty – Clean
  70. Far – Near
  71. Follow – Lead
  72. Harvest – Plant
  73. Hit – Miss
  74. Let – Forbid
  75. Love – Hate
  76. Noon – Midnight
  77. On – Off
  78. Public – Private
  79. Reply – Ask
  80. Rise – Sink
  81. Slim – Fat
  82. Stand – Sit
  83. Village – Town
  84. Wedding – Divorce
  85. Add – Subtract
  86. All – None
  87. Big – Small
  88. Break – Fix
  89. Dangerous – Safe
  90. Deny – Admit
  91. Emigration – Immigration
  92. Exit – Entrance
  93. Fast – Slow
  94. Gentle – Violent
  95. Hard – Easy
  96. Land – Water
  97. Lie – Stand
  98. Negative – Affirmative
  99. Noon – Midnight
  100. Poverty – Wealth
  101. Public – Private
  102. Short – Long
  103. Slow – Fast
  104. Ugly – Beautiful
  105. Victory – Defeat
  106. Allow – Forbid
  107. Answer – Question
  108. Brother – Sister
  109. Certainly – Probably
  110. Daughter – Son
  111. Descent – Ascent
  112. Distant – Near
  113. Excited – Calm
  114. Few – Many
  115. Hate – Enjoy
  116. Hit – Miss
  117. Life – Death
  118. Loud – Quiet
  119. Negative – Affirmative
  120. Nothing – Everything
  121. Pupil – Teacher
  122. Reply – Ask
  123. Small – Big
  124. Start – Stop
  125. Ugliness – Beauty
  126. Visitor – Host
  127. West – East