Type: Adjective
Meaning/Definition of fresh: Adjective describing something new, recently made or obtained, not stale or spoiled.
What is the Opposite of fresh?
The Opposite of fresh is stale.
Other Opposites of fresh:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of fresh:
- Musty
- Rancid
- Rotting
- Evil-smelling
- Bad
- Noisome
- Squalid
- Fetid
- Disintegrating
- Indefinite
- Funky
- Mouldy
- Ungenuine
- Unhygienic
- Foul
- Tarnished
- Spoilt
- Putrescent
- Off
- Defiled
- Stenchy
- Gross
- Disgusting
- Ruined
- Malodorous
- Poisoned
- Wasting away
- Unclean
- Spoiled
- Rotten
- Fusty
- Soiled
- Reeking
- Decayed
- Tainted
- Adulterated
- Infected
- Contaminated
- Decomposed
- Dirtied
- Filthy
- Impure
- Unwholesome
- Noxious
- Decomposing
- Stinking
- Stagnant
- Uncertain
- Dank
- Sour
- Vile
- Putrid
- Nauseating
- Nasty
- Polluted
- Nidorous
- Corrupt
- Dirty
- Fouled
- Moldy
- Turned
- Smelly
- Foetid
- Revolting
- Decaying
- Repulsive
- Stale
- Sullied
- Rank
Example Sentences Using Opposites of “fresh”:
- The bread became stale after being left out overnight.
- The fruit had rotten and emitted a foul smell.
- The milk had spoiled and was no longer consumable.
- The vegetables had decomposed and needed to be discarded.
- The bread had become moldy due to high humidity.
- The meat had turned putrid and was not fit for consumption.
- The cheese had a rancid odor and was no longer edible.
- The air in the room had a foul smell due to poor ventilation.
- The old books had a musty odor from being stored for a long time.
- The fish had gone off and couldn’t be cooked or eaten.
Explore More Opposite Words:
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