Opposite of Cold, Antonyms of Cold (Example Sentences)

Type: Adjective/Noun/Adverb

Meaning/Definition of cold: Adjective describing something that has a low temperature or lacks warmth; Noun referring to the absence or lack of warmth; Adverb indicating the lack of warmth or emotion in behavior or manner.

What is the Opposite of cold?

The Opposite of cold is hot.

Other Opposites of cold:

Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of cold:

  • Sweaty
  • Warmish
  • Fair
  • Toasty
  • Balmy
  • Passionate
  • Torrid
  • Sympathetic
  • Piping
  • Warming
  • Hottish
  • Cheerful
  • Steaming
  • Friendly
  • Calescent
  • Lovable
  • Scorching
  • Burning hot
  • Ovenlike
  • Red-hot
  • Clement
  • Glowing
  • Baking
  • Calm
  • Unclouded
  • Flaming
  • Tepid
  • Bright
  • Sizzling
  • Muggy
  • Sultry
  • Superheated
  • Stuffy
  • Nice
  • Mild
  • Sunshiny
  • Loving
  • Merciful
  • Good
  • Boiling
  • Responsive
  • Happy
  • Tropical
  • Excited
  • Piping hot
  • Impassioned
  • Molten
  • Stifling
  • Ultrahot
  • Sensual
  • Hospitable
  • Watery
  • Blistering
  • Perspiring
  • Red
  • Burning
  • Sweating
  • Broiling
  • Fiery
  • Boiling hot
  • Hearty
  • Welcoming
  • Kind
  • White-hot
  • Blazing
  • Warm
  • Parching
  • Sweltering
  • Lukewarm
  • Amicable
  • Cordial
  • Heated
  • Ardent
  • Sunny
  • Amorous
  • Tropic
  • Smoking
  • Hot
  • Humid
  • Moderately hot
  • Warmhearted
  • Igneous
  • Searing
  • Approving
  • Roasting
  • Warmed
  • Genial
  • Fervid
  • Sweltry
  • Warm-blooded
  • Oppressive
  • Pleasant
  • Scalding
  • Summery
  • Fervent
  • Temperate
  • Cloudless
  • Clear
  • Fine
  • Seething
  • Thermogenic

Example Sentences Using Opposites of “cold”:

  1. The drink was hot and burned his tongue.
  2. They enjoyed the warm sunshine on their vacation.
  3. The room lacked heat and needed a heater.
  4. The weather was boiling and made them seek shade.
  5. The summer day was scorching, and they sought refuge indoors.
  6. The pavement was sweltering under the midday sun.
  7. The food was burning and required immediate attention.
  8. The metal surface was sizzling due to the high temperature.
  9. She wrapped herself in a blanket to stay toasty in the winter.
  10. The oven was roasting and filled the kitchen with warmth.\

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