Pronouns: Common Mistakes with Pronouns, Examples and PDF

Common Mistakes with Pronouns PDF! This article will help you in finding out your English grammar mistakes related to the use of the Pronoun, no doubt a grammar mistake can badly affect your performance in writing or even in speaking.

What Are Pronouns in English Grammar?

A pronoun is an important part of speech that is used as a replacement of Noun, Pronouns are used in place of Nouns. There are pronouns: He, She, It, I, We, They, You.

Examples of Pronouns:

  • He is making tea.
  • She is going to school.
  • I am your boyfriend.

Common Mistakes with Pronouns

Below is the list of Common Mistakes with Pronouns:

Errors in the use of pronoun

Incorrect   Every man must do their duty.
Correct   Every man must do his duty.
Incorrect   Each of the players gave their version of the story.
Correct   Each of the players gave his version of the story.
Incorrect   I was one or those who was present in the meeting.
Correct   I was one of those who were present in the meeting.
Incorrect   Elena or Sana did not take their dinner.
Correct   Elena or Sana did not take her dinner.
Incorrect   Neither John nor Stark have done their work.
Correct   Neither John nor Stark has done his work.
Incorrect   She is more intelligent than me.
Correct   She is more intelligent than I.
Incorrect   This will be better for me to go there.
Correct   It will be better for me to go there.
Incorrect   He did it out of their envy.
Correct   He did it out of envy for them.
Incorrect   It is no doubt that the man is dead.
Correct   There is no doubt that the man is dead.
Incorrect   One must do one’s duty to the nation.
Correct   One must do his duty to the nation.
Incorrect   The two brothers quarreled with one another.
Correct   The two brothers quarreled with each other.
Incorrect   Members of the family like each other.
Correct   Members of the family-like one another.
Incorrect   Either of the two possibilities are correct.
Correct   Either of the two possibilities is correct.

grammar mistakes in the use of noun

Mistakes with Pronouns List

Incorrect   Neither of two statements are true.
Correct   Neither of the statement is true.
Incorrect  “Do you need this book?” “Thanks, I don’t need.”
Correct “Do you need this book?” “Thanks, I don’t need it.”
Incorrect   “Why don’t you take a receipt from the Bank?” “I have taken already.”
Correct   “Why don’t you take a receipt from the Bank?” “I have taken one already.”
Incorrect   It is you, who is to be punished.
Correct   It is you, who are to be punished.
Incorrect   This is one of the best-sellers that has been published this year.
Correct   This is one of the best-Sellers that have been published this year.
Incorrect   Between you and I she is the most-stupid girl I have ever met.
Correct   Between you and me she is the most stupid girl I have ever met.
Incorrect   Your need is greater than that of mine.
Correct   Your need is greater than mine.
Incorrect   The girl who was promoted, she was my fiance.
Correct   The girl who was promoted was my fiance.
Incorrect   It was he had committed the theft.
Correct   It was he who had committed the theft.
Incorrect   They that did their duty should be rewarded.
Correct   Those who did their duty should be rewarded.
Incorrect   This person whom thought was a genius turned out to be a fool.
Correct   This person who I thought was a genius turned out to be a fool.


Also check: Grammar Rules Related Pronoun 

Related: Grammar Mistakes Related Adjectives

Infographics (Grammar Mistakes in the use of Pronoun)


grammar mistakes in the use of noun

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