100+ Teen Slang Words (With Decoded Meanings)

List of Teen Slang Words in English with infographics PDF! You can get a list of 100+ most commonly used teenage useful slang words.  These slang words are very useful in our daily conversational English. You can improve your fluency and save time by using teen slang words. Slang words and abbreviations make your conversation more secure.

What are Teen Slang Words?

Teen slang words are the new generation vocabulary words used by teenagers that also contain abbreviations and acronyms. Teenagers use these vocabulary words to save time and make their conversations faster and more secure. By using slang words and abbreviations they can easily hide their messages and other conversation nature from their parents and elders.

Why Parents Should Know Teen Slang Words?

Parents should also know teen slang words to save their young ones from any calamity or serious situation. If parents used to monitor the mobile phones of their children then they should know the slang words in this list. This list contains some abbreviations also that are used as slang words.

Teen Slang Words with Meanings

American Teen Slang

Here are some American teen slangs and their meanings:

1. Lit: something exciting, fun, or cool

Example: That party was so lit!

2. Slay: to do something extremely well or with great style

Example: Did you see Beyoncé’s performance? She totally slayed!

3. Squad: a group of friends or people you hang out with

Example: I’m going to the movies with my squad tonight.

4. Fam: short for family, can refer to close friends or a group of people you feel close to

Example: What’s up, fam? Do you guys want to hang out later?

4. Chill: to relax or take it easy

Example: Let’s just chill at home and watch a movie tonight.

5. Extra: over-the-top, dramatic, or attention-seeking

Example: Why are you being so extra today?

6. Gucci: good, great, or all good

Example: Are we still on for the concert tonight? Yeah, it’s Gucci.

7. Low-key: secretly, or not wanting to draw attention to something

Example: I low-key have a crush on him.

8. Savage: tough or hardcore, can also be used to describe someone who is brutally honest

Example: She’s such a savage, she’ll tell you exactly what she thinks.

9. GOAT: acronym for greatest of all time

Example: LeBron James is definitely the GOAT of basketball.

British Teen Slang

Here are some British teen slangs and their meanings:

1. Sick: cool, awesome

Example: That new video game is sick!

2. Bloke: man, guy

Example: I met this bloke at the pub last night, he was really friendly.

3. Lad: a young man who likes to have fun and hang out with his friends

Example: My brother and his lads are going out for a few drinks tonight.

4. Bird: woman, girl

Example: I’m meeting up with a few birds from work for lunch.

5. Mug: a gullible person who is easily fooled

Example: Don’t be a mug, he’s just trying to take advantage of you.

6. Nonce: a derogatory term for a pedophile or someone who is sexually inappropriate with children

Example: I can’t believe they let that nonce out of prison.

7. Pissed: drunk

Example: I got so pissed at the party last night, I don’t even remember how I got home.

8. Sorted: taken care of, resolved

Example: Thanks for helping me out, you really sorted me out.

9. Tosser: an insulting term for someone who is annoying or unpleasant

Example: I can’t stand that guy, he’s such a tosser.

10. Wanker: an insulting term for someone the same as a tosser.

Example: Don’t listen to him, he’s just a wanker.

Teen Slang

Common Teen Slang Words

Here are some common teenage slang words:

  • Lit – Awesome or exciting.
  • Savage – Acting boldly or without restraint.
  • Fam – Close friends or family.
  • GOAT – Acronym for “Greatest of All Time.”
  • Bae – Term of endearment for a significant other or loved one.
  • Swag – Confidence and style.
  • Chill – Relaxed or easy-going.
  • YOLO – Acronym for “You Only Live Once.”
  • FOMO – Acronym for “Fear of Missing Out.”
  • Squad – A group of friends.
  • TBH – Acronym for “To Be Honest.”
  • ROFL – Acronym for “Rolling On the Floor Laughing.”
  • Woke – Aware of social and political issues.
  • Glow Up – Transformation or improvement in appearance.
  • Ghosting – Suddenly cutting off all communication with someone.
  • Meme – Internet humor or cultural reference shared widely.
  • Flex – Showing off or bragging.
  • Cringe – Embarrassing or uncomfortable.
  • Ship – To support a romantic relationship between two people.
  • Dope – Cool or impressive.

Teen Slangs With Meaning

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