Types of Interjection Definition and Examples

Interjection is a word that expresses a strong feeling. It is just a sort of exclamation. Each interjection has its own specific connotation. The listener of an interjection instantly understands the emotions of the speaker.

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Types of Interjection – Video Lesson

Types of Interjection

There could be as many interjections as feelings and emotions. Some of them are given below.

  1. Greeting Interjections: Hi, Hello, Hey
  2. Exclamatory Interjections (Surprise): Wow, Oh, Whoa
  3. Joy Interjections: Yay, Woohoo, Hurray
  4. Approval Interjections: Bravo, Well done, Great
  5. Attention Interjections: Look, Listen, Hey
  6. Confusion Interjections: Huh, What, Eh
  7. Disgust Interjections: Ew, Yuck, Ugh
  8. Pain Interjections: Ouch, Ow, Agh
  9. Sorrow Interjections: Alas, Oh no, Oops
  10. Thought Interjections: Hmm, Uh, Er

Interjections for Greeting

These interjections are uttered to greet someone.

Read some of them:

Hello, hey, hi, etc.


  • Hello, can I help you with something?
  • “Hi”, he said as he moved into the room.

Interjection for Joy

These interjections are uttered to express joy and happiness.

Read some of them:

Hurrah, hurray, wow, etc.


  • Hurray! I have won the race.
  • Wow! My son has passed the exam.
  • Hurrah! We’ve got another day off.

Interjection for Approval and Praise

These interjections express the feelings of admiration and praises.

Read some of them:

Bravo, Brilliant, well done, etc.


  • Well done! You have succeeded.
  • Bravo! He has made a great goal.
  • Brilliant! You have got high marks in the exam.

Interjection for Surprise

These interjections show the speaker’s feelings of surprise.

These include:

What, oh, ah, eh, wow, etc.


  • Ah! It feels good.
  • Oh! You both know each other.
  • What! He died.
  • Wow! It is tasty.

Interjection for Sorrow

These interjections express the speaker’s feelings of sadness.

These Include:

Alas, ah, oh, ouch, etc.


  • Alas, I couldn’t keep her long as I wished.
  • Ah”, here she is!
  • Jackson heard Elisabeth say, “Ouch. Oh no”, I cut myself.”

Exclamatory Interjections (Surprise)

These interjections express sudden amazement or shock.

These include:

Wow, Oh, Whoa


  • Wow! That’s an amazing view.
  • Oh! I didn’t see that coming.
  • Whoa! That was close.

Attention Interjections

These interjections are used to grab someone’s attention.

These include:

Look, Listen, Hey


  • Look! A shooting star.
  • Listen! Can you hear the birds?
  • Hey! Watch out for that car.

Confusion Interjections

These interjections show the speaker’s confusion or perplexity.

These include:

Huh, What, Eh


  • Huh? I don’t understand.
  • What? That can’t be right.
  • Eh? Could you repeat that?

Disgust Interjections

These interjections express feelings of dislike or revulsion.

These include:

Ew, Yuck, Ugh


  • Ew! This milk smells bad.
  • Yuck! I hate spiders.
  • Ugh! I can’t believe I have to clean this up.

Pain Interjections

These interjections are responses to physical pain or discomfort.

These include:

Ouch, Ow, Agh


  • Ouch! I stubbed my toe.
  • Ow! That’s hot.
  • Agh! I cut my finger.

Thought Interjections

These interjections indicate a pause for thought or hesitation.

These include:

Hmm, Uh, Er


  • Hmm, which one should I choose?
  • Uh, I’m not sure about that.
  • Er, do I know you from somewhere?


Types of Interjection

interjection definition and examples
interjection definition and examples
interjection definition and examples

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