80+ Funny Ways to Say You Are Proud Of Someone

Funny Ways to Say You Are Proud Of Someone!

1- Can I have your autograph?

2- Did you hire a stunt double?

3- You’re making me blush over here.

4- Can I borrow your success for a day?

5- Can I ride your coattails for a bit?

6- I need to step up my game.

7- Can I be your sidekick?

8- I’ll just be over here basking in your glory.

9- You’re like a superhero or something.

10- Don’t mind me, just admiring your greatness.

11- You’re like a unicorn in human form.

12- Are you sure you’re not a wizard?

13- Can I be your apprentice?

14- You make me want to up my game.

15- Can you teach me your ways?

16- You’re making the rest of us mortals look bad.

17- Can I be in your entourage?

18- You’re like a walking, talking inspiration.

19- Can I have your secret sauce?

20- You’re making the rest of us peasants look bad.

21- Are you sure you’re not a genius?

22- You’re like a one-person motivational speaker.

23- Can you sprinkle some of that magic on me?

24- You’re like a shining beacon of success.

25- Can I just bask in your glory for a moment?

26- You’re making the rest of us look like amateurs.

27- Can you give me some pointers?

28- You’re like a walking embodiment of achievement.

29- Can I just follow you around for a bit?

30- You’re making the rest of us look like slackers.

31- Can I hire you as my life coach?

32- You’re like a rockstar, but for success.

33- Can I join your fan club?

34- You’re making the rest of us look like chumps.

35- Can I just stand next to you for a while?

36- You’re like a success ninja.

37- Can I take a selfie with you?

38- You’re making the rest of us look like rookies.

39- Can I borrow your secret to success?

40- You’re like a superhero without the cape.

41- Can I be your understudy?

42- You’re making the rest of us look like novices.

43- Can I buy you a drink?

44- You’re like a force of nature, but for success.

45- You put the “proud” in parent!

46- I’m beaming with pride over here.

47- You made my heart swell with pride.

48- You got a gold star from me!

49- That was magnificently done.

50- Your accomplishment deserves a standing ovation.

51- I’m so proud of your achievement.

52- You have outdone yourself yet again.

53- You rocked that one!

54- Nothing compares to what you have done.

55- My heart is full with pride for you.

56- What a stunning success!

57- Whoa, look at you go!

58- You just made my day.

59- You should be very proud of yourself.

60- I’m so glad to call you mine.

61- What a tremendous job!

62- Bravo, my friend!

63- The world is lucky to have someone like you in it.

64- You are an inspiration to us all!

65- Way to go, champ!

66- You have earned my admiration.

67- What a marvel you are!

68- I’m over the moon with your accomplishment.

69- You have set the bar super high for yourself.

70- I’m smiling from ear to ear for you.

71- You have achieved something truly special.

72- I am in awe of your talent.

73- Hats off to you!

74- You are one of a kind!

75- That’s what I call an awesome job!

76- You are an absolute star!

77- I’m so proud to call you mine.

78- Wow, your talent is remarkable!

79- You have my full admiration.

80- Congratulations on a job well done.

Read Also: 120+ Ways to Say You Are Proud Of Someone

Funny Ways to Say You Are Proud Of Someone 1 Funny Ways to Say You Are Proud Of Someone 2 Funny Ways to Say You Are Proud Of Someone 3

funny ways to say you are proud of someone