50+ Funny Ways to Say Not Interested

Funny Ways to Say Not Interested!

1- No chance in Hell

2- Not a snowball’s chance

3- Not my cup of tea

4- It would never work

5- Not on your life

6- No way, Jose

7- Haven’t got a prayer

8- Ain’t gonna happen

9- Absolutely not

10- Hard pass

11- Can’t do it

12- Not even if you were the last person on Earth

13- There’s no way I’m doing that

14- Not in a million years

15- Uh, nope

16- No chance, pal

17- Doesn’t float my boat

18- Don’t think so

19- Not happening here

20- It’s a hard no from me

21- Not my thing

22- Don’t count on it

23- Out of the question

24- It’s a no from me

25- Sorry, not sorry

26- Not in this lifetime

27- No way, no how

28- Ain’t gonna happen here

29- Never gonna happen

30- No way Jose

31- Not in a million years

32- It’s not going to work out

33- Pass on it

34- Not now, not ever

35- That’s a negative

36- Count me out

37- Stop asking

38- Out of the question

39- Keep dreaming

40- Not going to happen

41- Shut it down

42- Go away

43- Hilarious, but no thanks

44- Sorry, not interested

45- No way, no chance

46- I’m good

47- No thanks, pal

48- It’s a no from me

49- Totally not happening

50- Get lost!

Read ALso: 80+ Polite Ways to Say Not Interested

Funny Ways to Say Not Interested Funny Ways to Say Not Interested 2

funny ways to say not interested