30 Funny Ways to Say I Quit

Funny Ways to Say I Quit

Below are 30 Funny Ways to Say I Quit:

  1. I’ve decided to take my talents to my living room.
  2. I’m off to join the circus!
  3. I think my unicorn needs me more right now.
  4. Taking up a new position as Chief Officer of Chillin’.
  5. Time to tick off ‘Doing Nothing’ from my bucket list.
  6. I’ve been called to be a full-time chocolate tester.
  7. I think I’m allergic to this place. Doctor’s orders!
  8. I’ve enrolled in a school for wizards, so I’m off to Hogwarts!
  9. I’m becoming a time traveler, and my next destination doesn’t include this job.
  10. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut. Starting my space training tomorrow!
  11. They say follow your dreams, so I’m off to bed.
  12. Auditioning for the lead role in ‘Sleeping Beauty’. Wish me luck!
  13. I just got an offer I can’t refuse from my bed.
  14. I’ve been cast as the lead role in the show ‘Staying at Home’.
  15. I just won the ‘Not Coming to Work Anymore’ lottery!
  16. Breaking up is hard to do, but it’s not me, it’s you.
  17. I’ve decided to become a professional nap-taker.
  18. I think it’s time I give being a couch potato a try.
  19. Off to find Atlantis. Be back never.
  20. Time to update my relationship status with this job to ‘It’s Complicated’.
  21. Turns out, I’m not a workaholic. Who knew?
  22. I’m embarking on a new career as a meme reviewer.
  23. I’ve decided to go and be a pirate. Arrr you hiring?
  24. Going on a quest! Spoiler: it’s not here.
  25. I’ve been promoted to Head of Dreaming. Starts tonight.
  26. I just found out I’m royalty. So, off to rule my kingdom!
  27. My destiny just called, and it’s not here.
  28. Retiring at my peak, which is… right now.
  29. Guess who’s having a lifetime weekend starting now?
  30. Going to a secret island. If you don’t hear from me, it worked.


  1. Funny Ways to Say I Love You Too
  2. Funny Ways to Say I Love You To Your Mom
  3. Funny Ways to Say I Love You To A Child

Funny Ways to Say I Quit