50+ Funny Ways to Say Drive Safe

Safety on the roads is paramount no matter where you’re headed. Whether driving to work, running errands, or planning a road trip with friends and family, taking care to drive safely should be at the top of your list every time. But although it’s an important reminder for all drivers young and old, let’s face it — “drive safe” can get pretty boring after hearing it again and again. It’s time to spice things up!

Here are some funny yet meaningful ways of telling everyone in your car that they should take care while behind the wheel.

Funny Ways to Say Drive Safe

1- Don’t make your tires burn

2- Avoid rubbernecking highway

3- Don’t be a chauffeur-flyer

4- Slow and steady wins the race

5- Park your car like an egg you want to keep intact

6- Keep eyes on road, not floor mats

7- No need for speed, just cruise with ease

8- Take it slow, no need for a fast auto show

9- Road rage, no way! Just be cool and stay

10- Drive with care…don’t skip your safety share

11- Don’t try to beat the clock, or your car may take a shock

12- Keep two eyes open, so you don’t miss any token

13- Drive with grace, and don’t be in haste

14- Honk! No way! Just stay polite on the highway

15- Don’t be a drag, go safely and lag

16- Go with the flow, no need for high speed show

17- Cruise in comfort and don’t forget your helmet

18- Don’t act like a jack rabbit, take it slow like a Habitat

19- When you drive, be alive and lively

20- No need for haste, just take it in slow paste

21- Don’t be a road bully, don’t hurry or scurry

22- Drive with caution, not like an ocean

23- Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel

24- Don’t be a race car, just drive like you were born to go slow

25- Cool cruising is the way to go

26- No hustle and bustle, just keep it with a bit of rustle

27- Keep your distance and obey traffic signals

28- Think twice before you hit the gas

29- Take your time, don’t commit a crime!

30- Don’t be in such a rush, just mind your hush

31- Keep calm and drive on

32- Safety first when you’re behind the wheel of course

33- No need to zoom, just cruise

34- Enjoy your ride, not the high speed slide

35- Drive carefully, it’s the only way safely

36- Don’t drive like a maniac. Take if slow and static

37- No rush hour for you, take it in with some view

38- Follow the signs, don’t take chances with your rides

39- Drive securely and never recklessly

40- Don’t get lost in speed, just enjoy the treat

41- Take it nice and slow. No need to show

42- Don’t be a menace, just keep a safe distance

43- Slow it down, no need to be the clown

44- Don’t rock and roll, just stick to your lane and go slow

45- Don’t take any risk when you drive. Take it slow and brisk

46- Put your car in cruise control and chill

47- Concentrate on the road, not your phone

48- Don’t keep it reel, just stay with the wheel

49- No need for speed racing. Just take your time and enjoy pacing

50- Drive like you care, no need to be daring!

Read Also: 120+ Cute Ways to Say Drive Safe

Funny Ways to Say Drive Safe 2

Funny Ways to Say Drive Safe 2 1funny ways to say drive safe

  • Drive carefully, my friend!
  • Drive cautiously and enjoy your day!
  • Take care when driving!
  • Drive safely, my friend, and have a great day.
  • Have a safe trip!
  • Be careful on the roads!
  • Be careful on the roads and have a great day!
  • Stay safe when driving!
  • Drive cautiously!
  • Drive safe and happy travels!
  • Drive safe!
  • Drive with caution!
  • Be very careful when driving!
  • Drive carefully, my love!
  • Safe driving!
  • Have a safe drive and a great day!
  • I hope you have a safe journey!
  • I hope you have a safe drive!
  • Drive safely and have a great day!
  • Drive carefully!