20 Expressions Related to Using Toilets

Talking about toilets might seem taboo, but in everyday language, we often use creative and humorous expressions to discuss bathroom activities without being too explicit. Whether it’s a polite euphemism or a lighthearted idiom, these phrases help keep our conversations decorous and a bit cheeky. Here are 20 common expressions related to using the restroom, complete with meanings and examples to help you understand and maybe even incorporate them into your vocabulary!

Expressions Related to Using Toilets

1. Answer the call of nature

Meaning: To use the toilet.

Example: He stopped the car to answer the call of nature.

2. Use the facilities

Meaning: Go to the bathroom.

Example: Where can I use the facilities here?

3. Go to the loo

Meaning: British expression for using the toilet.

Example: I need to go to the loo before we leave.

4. Visit the restroom

Meaning: Polite way of saying to use the toilet.

Example: She went to visit the restroom.

5. Spend a penny

Meaning: Another British term for going to the bathroom.

Example: I’ll be right back; just going to spend a penny.

6. Take a leak

Meaning: Informal way to say urinate.

Example: Excuse me, I need to take a leak.

7. Hit the john

Meaning: Go to the bathroom.

Example: He hit the john before the movie started.

8. See a man about a dog

Meaning: Euphemism for going to the bathroom.

Example: I’ll be back in a minute; going to see a man about a dog.

9. Powder my nose

Meaning: Euphemism used mostly by women to mean using the toilet.

Example: I’m just going to powder my nose.

10. Take a break

Meaning: A subtle way to excuse oneself to the bathroom.

Example: Let’s take a break for a moment.

11. Go potty

Meaning: Child-like or casual way to refer to using the toilet.

Example: The kids are learning to go potty by themselves.

12. Use the washroom

Meaning: Another polite and somewhat formal way to say go to the bathroom.

Example: Could you direct me to where I can use the washroom?

13. Go number one/two

Meaning: Specify the type of bathroom use (urinate or defecate).

Example: The toddler said he needed to go number two.

14. Pay a visit

Meaning: To use the toilet.

Example: I need to pay a visit before the long drive.

15. Relief oneself

Meaning: To go to the bathroom.

Example: He relieved himself and felt much better.

16. Use the little boys’/girls’ room

Meaning: Childish or playful way to refer to the toilet.

Example: I’m going to use the little girls’ room.

17. Drain the lizard

Meaning: Slang for urinating.

Example: He’s just gone to drain the lizard.

18. Have to check the plumbing

Meaning: Humorous way to say using the toilet.

Example: Give me a sec; need to check the plumbing.

19. Make a deposit

Meaning: Euphemism for defecating.

Example: He excused himself to make a deposit.

20. Go to the porcelain throne

Meaning: Humorous and grand way to refer to the toilet.

Example: Excuse me, I must visit the porcelain throne.

Expressions Related to Using Toilets