2000 Dawn Vocabulary Words PDF – CSS and FPSC

Dawn Vocabulary Words PDF!

Here is a big list of the most important dawn vocabulary words that are the most used words in dawn newspaper. This vocabulary is important from CSS point of view and every student doing CSS must study these synonym words.

These CSS Vocabulary words are selected from past CSS Interviews and Papers and are a collection of efforts and hardship. Must download this Dawn Vocabulary Pdf for the future, because no one can memorize all of these words at once.

Related: Dawn Vocabulary for Beginners

List of Dawn Vocabulary Words with Meaning/Synonym

Here is the list of Dawn Vocabulary Words with meaning of each:

Adulation – worship

Indiscriminate – without thought

Prudent – wise

Astute – wise

Effacement – wiping out

Negate – wipeout

Eradicate – wipeout

Holistic – whole

Capricious – whimsical

Finagle – wheedle

Affluence – wealth

Undermine – weaken

Debilitate – weaken

Vacillate – waver

Squander – waste

Vigilant – wary

Temperamental – volatile

Fastidious – very fussy

Corpulence – very fatness

Reprehensible – very bad

Heterogeneity – variety

Motley – varied

Ambiguous – vague

Futile – useless

Rectitude – uprightness

Agnostic – unsure of the existence of god

Infelicity – unsuitability

Indomitable – unshakeable

Inconsequential – unimportant

Warped – twisted

Candid – truthful

Tribulation – trouble

Knack – trick

Encroach – trespass

Petulant – touchy

Treacly – too sweet

Intonation – tone of voice

Condone – tolerate

Sycophant – toady

Lobby – to try to persuade

Lavish – to spend freely

Legitimate – to make legal

Flag – to lose energy

Jaded – tired

Modicum – tiny amount

Debunk – throw out old indeas

Tactile – through the sense of touch

Aural – through the sense of hearing

Emancipators – those who set others free

Sedulous – thorough

Meticulous – thorough

Viscous – thick and sticky

Propensity – tendency

Penchant – tendency

Eclectic – taking things from different sources

Distension – swelling

Consummate – supremely good

Stifling – suppressing

Squelch – suppress

Quell – suppress

Proponent – supporter

Endorsed – supported

Corroborated – supported

Sustain – support

Foster – support

Advocate – support

Cursory – superficial

Scuttled – sunk

Truculence – stubbornness

Robust – strong and sturdy

Denuded – stripped

Resilience – strength

Exotic – strange

Rousing – stirring

Extant – still in existence

Palliative – sth that makes better but doesn`t cure

Pilfer – steal

Manifesto – statement of values

Marred – spoiled

Expeditious – speedy

Alacrity – speed & eagerness

Irony – something unexpected

Convivial – sociable

Sarcasm – sneering

Redolent – smelling of

Meager – small

Dilatory – slow

Soporific – sleep inducing


CSS/Dawn Vocabulary List 2


Obsequious – slavish

Adroit – skillful

Finesse – skill

Intuition – sixth sense

Inane – silly

Gestures – signals

Wannow – sift

Occlusion – shutting out

Spurned – shunned

Myopic – short sighted

Transitory – short lived

Dearth – shortage

Flabbergast – shock

Acumen – sharpness of mind

Ignominy – shame

Estrangement – separation

Altruism – self sacrifice

Egotistical – selfish

Autonomy – self government

Vindictive – seeking revenge

Mercenary – seeking money above all else

Litigious – seeking legal remedies

Faction – section

Furtive – secretive

Reprimanded – scolded

Paucity – scarcity

Foundered – sank

Pathos – sadness

Wistful – sad

Derelict – rundown

Boorishness – rudeness

Radical – revolutionary

Rehash – revamp hurriedly

Supplant – replace

Overhaul – renovate

Retraction – removal

Lamentable – regrettable

Insurrectionist – rebel

Repertoire – range

Idiosyncratic – quirky

Deferment – putting off

Temporize – put off

Jeopardize – put at risk

Vindication – proving right

Validated – proved right

Exonerated – proved not guilty

Thwarted – prevented

Preclude – prevent

Extrapolate – predict on the basis of existing data

Invocation – prayer

Plaudits – praise

Extol – praise

Eulogy – praise

Pragmatism – practicality

Despoiled – plunder

Juxtaposition – placing two things next to each other

Rhetoric – persuasive language

Mandate – permission

Perquisites – perks

Insightful – perceptive

Belitters – people who criticize/disparage

Serene – peaceful

Placid – peaceful

Equanimity – peace of mind

Contagious – passed on through touch

Belabor – over emphasizing

Facile – over simplified

Delineate – outline

Anachronistic – out of normal time range

Prosaic – ordinary

Libelous – open to prosecution for libel

Vulnerable – open to attack

Intermittent – on & off

Archaic – old fashioned

Tangential – off the point

Momentous – of great importance

Esoteric – obscure

Docile – obedient

Intemperate – not moderate

Unyielding – not giving up

Inscrutable – not easy to comprehend

Inconspicuous – not easily seen

Unwitting – not deliberated

Dalliance – non serious involvement

Cacophony – noise

Remiss – neglectful

Indigenous – native to a locality

Insular – narrow minded

Ingenuous – naive

Regressive – moving backwards

Temper – moderate

Mitigate – moderate

Derided – mocked

Demagogue – mob leader

Amalgam – mixture

Penurious – miserly

Punctilious – meticulous

Cognitions – mental knowledge

Histrionic – melodramatic

Therapeutic – medicinal

Arbitration – mediating between disputing sides

Exacerbate – make worse

Alleviate – make less serve

Ameliorate – make better

Steadfastness – loyalty

Secluded – lonely

Arboreal – living in trees

Embodiment – living example of

Predilection – liking for

Reprieve – let off

Erudition – learning

Lackadaisical – lazy

Opulence – lavish display of wealth

Voluminous – large

Irresolute – lacking firmness of purpose

Apathetic – lacking energy or interest

Languid – Lacking energy

Opacity – lack of transparency

Irreverence – lack of respect

Related: Dawn News Vocabulary Words

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary List 3

Insolence – lack of respect

Incoherence – lack of clarity

Ineptitude – lack of ability

Raze – known down, destroy

Affinity – kinship

Indulgent – kindly

Benevolent – kindly

Succulent – juicy

Discernment – judgement

Articulation – joining

Sporadic – intermittent

Fitful – intermittent

Officious – interfering

intrigued – interested and curious

Didactic – intending to preach or teach

Subversive – intending to overthrow

Formidable – inspiring awe

Stipulated – insisted

Naiveté – innocence

Infusion – influx

Notoriety – infamy

Nefarious – infamous

Augment – increase in size or number

Discrepancy – inconsistency

Encompassed – included

Copious – in large amount

Imperious – in a commanding manner

Impetuosity – impulsiveness

Envisioning – imagining

Quixotic – idealistic

Glacial – icy

Animosity – hostility

Integrity – honor

Sanctity – holiness

Tenacious – holding firmly to idea or purpose

Tremulous – hesitant

Nondescript – having no special qualities

Multifarious – having many aspects

Grating – harsh

Innocuous – harmless

Deleterious – harmful

Fawning – groveling

Entourage – group of followers

Glutton – greedy

Hilarity – great laughter

Conflagration – great fire

Opportunism – grabbing opportunities

Somber – gloomy

Substantiate – give supporting evidence

Sermonize – give moral lecture

Ratify – give approval to (official)

Magnanimous – generous minded

Bountiful – generous

Embittered – full of bitter feelings

Exasperation – frustration and annoyance

Foil – frustrate

Congenial – friendly

Amiable – friendly


Dawn/CSS Vocabulary List 4


Affability – friendliness

Disillusioned – freed from wrong ideas

Gratuitous – free

Empiric – found by experiment/practice

Precursor – forerunner

Floridity – floweriness in language

Supple – flexible

Pliant – flexible

Lithe – flexible

Insipid – flavorless

Resolute – firm of purpose

Ascertain – find out

Phobic – fearful

Elitist – favoring top group

Nemesis – fate

Fidelity – faithfulness

Equitable – fair and equal

Judicious – fair

Ornate – extremely decoratedm

Demonstrative – expressing emotions freely

Solicitous – expressing care and concern

Connoisseur – expert with good taste

Vicarious – experience indirectly

Empathetic – exhibiting deep emotional understanding

Hubris – excessive pride

Exorbitant – excessive

Byzantine – excessive

Surfeit – excess

Exemplar – excellent example of

Scrutinize – examine carefully

Volatile – evaporates easily

Epitome – essence

Arcane – esoteric

Rudimentary – elementary

Frugal – economical

Monotonous – dull

Dubious – doubtful

Polarized – divided into two extremes

Debacle – disaster

Grimy – dirty

Elusive – difficult to pin down

Abstruse – Difficult to comprehend

Sophistry – devious logic

Aberration – deviation

Depreciatory – devaluing

Extirpation – destruction

Profundity – depth

Consecrate – dedicate

Waning – declining

Manipulative – deceptive

Curtail – cut short

Excise – cut out

Devious – cunning

Callous – cruel & unfeeling

Fraudulent – crooked

Censure – criticize

Disparaging – critical

Disingenuous – crafty

Venality – corruption

Belied – contradicted

Compendious – containing a lot in a small space

Corollary – consequence

Cerebral – concerned with thinking

Morbidity – concern with death and disease

Mandatory – compulsory

Ceorce – compel

Hackneyed – commonplace

Convergence – coming together

Solace – comfort

Lucid – clear

Scouring – cleaning thoroughly


CSS/Dawn Vocabulary List 5


Opting – choosing

Peevishness – childish sullenness

Impudent – cheeky

Disarming – charming

Indictment – charge

Unequivocal – certain

Wary – cautious

Seditious – causing division or rebellion

Slipshod – careless

Deliberation – careful thought

Husbandry – careful management of resources

Insufferable – cannot be tolerated

Irreproachable – cannot be criticized

Ineffable – can’t be expressed in words

Salvageable – can be saved

Sedate – calm

Phlegmatic – calm

Arable – cab be cultivated

Onerous – burdensome

Cumulative – building up

Prospectus – brochure

Conciliatory – bringing together

Brevity – briefness

Valor – bravery

Barrage – bombardment

Rambunctious – boisterous

Recrimination – blame me

Rancor – bitterness and bad feeling

Credulity – belief on slight evidence

Nihilism – belief in nothing

Insolvent – bankrupt

Reclusive – Avoid other people

Circumvent – avoid

Bypass – avoid

Presumption – assuming too much

Purportedly – apparently claiming

Miffed – annoyed

Vex – annoy

Wrath – anger

Peer – An equal

Concord – agreement

Embellished – adorned

Amassed – accumulated

Circumstantial – accidental

Autocrat – absolute ruler

Versatility – ability to do many things

Coalition – a union of two parts

Shroud – a cover for a dead body

Related: Dawn Vocabulary Words for CSS

Infographics (Dawn Vocabulary Words)

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