50 Collocations With Ask, Ask Collocations List

When it comes to communicating effectively in English, choosing the right words is key. Fortunately, there are certain phrases called collocations that can help you express what you mean more accurately. Ask collocations are a type of phrase used with the verb “ask,” and they can be extremely helpful for expressing yourself without saying too much or too little.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of the most common ask collocations so that you can easily incorporate them into your conversations and writing.

Related: Complete List of Collocations

List of Collocations With Ask

  1. Ask for help
  2. Ask a question
  3. Ask about plans
  4. Ask for directions
  5. Ask for information
  6. Ask someone out
  7. Ask for clarification
  8. Ask for advice
  9. Ask for permission
  10. Ask for feedback
  11. Ask for details
  12. Ask for assistance
  13. Ask for opinions
  14. Ask for suggestions
  15. Ask the time
  16. Ask for forgiveness
  17. Ask for a favor
  18. Ask for a raise
  19. Ask for patience
  20. Ask for understanding
  21. Ask for a recommendation
  22. Ask for a refund
  23. Ask for support
  24. Ask in confusion
  25. Ask for confirmation
  26. Ask for a meeting
  27. Ask for a response
  28. Ask for a deadline
  29. Ask for a loan
  30. Ask for a discount

collocations with ask

Collocations With Ask in Example Sentences

  • Ask for help
    • She decided to ask for help quietly.
  • Ask a question
    • He wanted to ask a question about it.
  • Ask for directions
    • Lost, they had to ask for directions.
  • Ask for advice
    • It’s wise to ask for advice sometimes.
  • Ask for permission
    • Always ask for permission before using.
  • Ask about something
    • She’ll ask about the project’s progress.
  • Ask someone out
    • Tomorrow, he plans to ask her out.
  • Ask for information
    • You should ask for information on this.
  • Ask for clarification
    • Ask for clarification if confused by instructions.
  • Ask for forgiveness
    • He might ask for forgiveness tomorrow.
  • Ask around
    • I’ll ask around for some restaurant recommendations.
  • Ask in
    • Can you ask him in for a moment?
  • Ask over
    • They plan to ask friends over this weekend.
  • Ask after
    • She always asks after your health, kindly.
  • Ask back
    • If satisfied, they’ll ask you back for more.
  • Ask for feedback
    • After presenting, he’ll ask for feedback from peers.
  • Ask for details
    • Don’t forget to ask for details about it.
  • Ask for support
    • They might ask for support on the project.
  • Ask for a favor
    • Sometimes, it’s okay to ask for a favor.
  • Ask for recommendations
    • We should ask for recommendations on local wines.


  1. Say Collocations List
  2. Tell Collocations List
  3. Time Collocations List

Collocations With ASK