1600+ Most Important Collocations For PTE [Academic Collocations]

Collocations are a key component of the English language and mastering them can greatly improve your ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written forms. If you are preparing for the Pearson Test of English (PTE), understanding common collocation words is essential to achieve a high score on the exam.

In this blog post, we will introduce 1600 common collocation words that frequently appear in the PTE test, providing you with examples and tips on how to use them correctly.

Whether you are a native English speaker or learning the language as a second language, this guide will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your language proficiency.

Download these Collocations For PTE PDF, at the end of this lesson.

Collocations for PTE

Below are 50 most important collocations for PTE with their meanings:

  1. Broadly speaking – used for generalizing
  2. Make a decision – to decide
  3. Do business – to engage in business activities
  4. Come into view – to become visible
  5. Play a role – to have a part or function in something
  6. In deep trouble – in a lot of trouble
  7. Highly unlikely – not likely to happen
  8. Strongly believe – to believe with conviction
  9. Fully aware – to know something completely
  10. Bitterly disappointed – extremely disappointed
  11. Closely related – very similar or connected
  12. Deeply concerned – very worried
  13. Earn a living – to make money
  14. Face a problem – to confront a problem
  15. Gain experience – to acquire knowledge or skill
  16. Give permission – to allow something
  17. Heavy rain – a lot of rain
  18. Highly effective – very successful in producing a desired or intended result
  19. Keep a promise – to do what you said you would do
  20. Lack of understanding – not understanding something
  21. Miss an opportunity – to fail to take advantage of an opportunity
  22. Narrowly escape – to barely avoid
  23. Openly admit – to confess without reservation
  24. Pay attention – to listen carefully
  25. Pose a question – to ask a question
  26. Reach a conclusion – to come to a decision
  27. Serve a purpose – to be useful in some way
  28. Strongly recommend – to recommend with conviction
  29. Take action – to do something
  30. Under close examination – being carefully analyzed
  31. Vast majority – the largest part
  32. Violently disagree – to disagree strongly
  33. Widely known – known by many people
  34. A piece of advice – a suggestion for a beneficial action
  35. Break the news – to reveal information
  36. Catch someone’s eye – to attract someone’s attention
  37. Draw a conclusion – to make a judgment
  38. Feel free – to feel like you are permitted to do something
  39. Get the impression – to come to a belief or understanding
  40. Have a chat – to talk informally
  41. Make an effort – to try hard
  42. Set a record – to achieve the highest or best result in an activity
  43. Stand a chance – to have the possibility of succeeding
  44. Take for granted – to fail to properly appreciate (someone or something), especially as a result of overfamiliarity
  45. Throw a party – to host a party
  46. Undergo a change – to experience a transformation
  47. Waste time – to use time ineffectively
  48. Work out a problem – to solve a problem
  49. Yearn for freedom – to have a strong desire or longing for freedom
  50. Jump to conclusions – to make a judgment or decision without sufficient evidence

So these were the most important ones. Below is the complete list of 1600+ collocations for PTE.

Collocations for PTE Copy

PTE Collocations 1-500

  1. Increasing Emphasis
  2. Information Processing
  3. Introductory Text
  4. Legal Basis
  5. Logical Approach
  6. Major Decision
  7. Maximum Duration
  8. Municipal Government
  9. Negative Attitude
  10. Obvious Point
  11. Paid Employment
  12. Personal Responsibility
  13. Political Identity
  14. Positive View
  15. Previous Decade
  16. Professional Activity
  17. Provide (A) Source
  18. Quantitative Analysis
  19. Recent Survey
  20. Reliable Information
  21. Rural Society
  22. Sexual Behaviour
  23. Significant Relationship
  24. Social Construct
  25. Sovereign State
  26. Statistically Significant
  27. Substantially Different
  28. Theoretical Analysis
  29. Undertake Work
  30. Vary Greatly
  31. Widely Different
  32. Academic Year
  33. Alternative Solution
  34. Basic Component
  35. Broad Category
  36. Central Role
  37. Immediate Environment
  38. Indigenous Population
  39. Intellectual Property
  40. Key Source
  41. Likely Outcome
  42. Low/Er Frequency
  43. Make Arrangements
  44. Metropolitan Area
  45. National Interest
  46. Newly Created
  47. Opinion Leader
  48. Particularly Sensitive
  49. Physical Symptom
  50. Political Stability
  51. Powerful Force
  52. Primarily Responsible
  53. Prominent Member
  54. Public Domain
  55. Raise Awareness
  56. Related Factor
  57. Report Findings
  58. Scientific Theory
  59. Show Evidence
  60. Similar Situation
  61. Social Isolation
  62. Specific Function
  63. Strong Reaction
  64. Take Precedence
  65. Top Management
  66. Use Effectively
  67. Visual Media
  68. Widespread Acceptance
  69. Actively Involved
  70. Appropriate Action
  71. Become Involved
  72. Careful Attention
  73. Characteristic Feature
  74. Imported Goods
  75. Individual Component
  76. Internal Conflict
  77. Large Percentage
  78. Limited Range
  79. Main Characteristics
  80. Make Policy
  81. Military Force
  82. National Movement
  83. Next Decade
  84. Organizational Structure
  85. Particularly Useful
  86. Place Emphasis
  87. Poorly Understood
  88. Practical Difficulties
  89. Primary Education
  90. Proposed Legislation
  91. Public Perception
  92. Random Variable
  93. Related Topic
  94. Research Effort
  95. Seek Help
  96. Significant Amount
  97. Single Entity
  98. Social Phenomenon
  99. Specific Needs
  100. Strongly Correlated
  101. Take On (The) Role Role
  102. Traditional Form
  103. Use (A) Method
  104. Vital Role
  105. Written Comment
  106. Additional Problem
  107. Appropriate Language
  108. Become (The) Focus
  109. Carry Out Research
  110. Classic Example
  111. Increased Production
  112. Industrialized Country
  113. Intimate Relationship
  114. Learning Objective
  115. Local Authority
  116. Major Cause
  117. Make(A) Judgement
  118. Modified Version
  119. Natural Science
  120. Objective Reality
  121. Overall Level
  122. Personal Experience
  123. Political Culture
  124. Positive Impact
  125. Present Evidence
  126. Private Sector
  127. Provide Insight
  128. Qualitative Approach
  129. Receive Information
  130. Relevant Factors
  131. Ruling Class
  132. Set (An) Objective
  133. Significant Interaction
  134. Social Attitudes
  135. Socioeconomic Status
  136. Statistical Data
  137. Subsequent Work
  138. Technological Innovation
  139. Underlying Cause
  140. Useful Tool
  141. Wide Range
  142. Academic Skills
  143. Alternative Explanation
  144. Available Evidence
  145. Brief Review
  146. Central Issue
  147. Increasingly Complex
  148. Institutional Arrangement
  149. Key Feature
  150. Legal Rule
  151. Low Percentage
  152. Major Part
  153. Meet (A) Target
  154. National Boundary
  155. Negative Stereotype
  156. Ongoing Process
  157. Particularly Acute
  158. Physical Features
  159. Political Participation
  160. Potential Customer
  161. Previous Study
  162. Professional Standard
  163. Public Access
  164. Racial Equality
  165. Regional Development
  166. Remain Constant
  167. Scholarly Work
  168. Shared Experience
  169. Similar Approach
  170. Social Factors
  171. Specific Case
  172. Striking Contrast
  173. Supporting Evidence
  174. Theoretical Study
  175. Unlimited Access
  176. Vast Quantities
  177. Widely Used
  178. Achieve (A) Goal
  179. Annual Conference
  180. Bear Resemblance
  181. Capitalist Country
  182. Change Rapidly
  183. Increased Demand
  184. Individual Variation
  185. International Organization
  186. Later Writings
  187. Little Research
  188. Main Task
  189. Make (An) Argument
  190. Missing Data
  191. Natural Law
  192. Nuclear War
  193. Original Version
  194. Perform (A) Task
  195. Political Conflict
  196. Positive Correlation
  197. Preliminary Findings
  198. Prime Time
  199. Provide Guidance
  200. Published Literature
  201. Readily Accessible
  202. Relatively Rare
  203. Revised Version
  204. Serious Consequences
  205. Significant Figures
  206. Small Percentage
  207. Social Trend
  208. Standard Method
  209. Structural Properties
  210. Technical Skill
  211. Treat Differently
  212. Use (The) Data Data
  213. Western Tradition
  214. Academic Discourse
  215. Adversely Affect
  216. Associated Factors
  217. Brief Description
  218. Central Control
  219. Impose Limitations
  220. Individual Experience
  221. Internal Organ
  222. Large Quantities
  223. Literal Interpretation
  224. Main Factor
  225. Make (A) Contribution
  226. Minimum Level
  227. National Security
  228. Normal Conditions
  229. Original Data
  230. Party Leader
  231. Play (A) Role
  232. Pose (A) Challenge
  233. Preceding Chapter
  234. Primary Objective
  235. Provide Access
  236. Public Sphere
  237. Randomly Selected
  238. Relative Status
  239. Research Methodology
  240. Seem Obvious
  241. Significant Correlation
  242. Single Source
  243. Social Relationship
  244. Specific Question
  245. Strongly Linked
  246. Teaching Strategy
  247. Traditional Research
  248. Use (A) Source
  249. Well Aware
  250. Younger Generation
  251. Address (An) Issue
  252. Appropriate Response
  253. Beneficial Effect
  254. Causal Link
  255. Classic Work
  256. Increasing Tendency
  257. Initial Phase
  258. Key Component
  259. Legal Proceedings
  260. Longitudinal Study
  261. Major Impact
  262. Medical Treatment
  263. Mutually Exclusive
  264. Negative Feedback
  265. Offer (An) Opportunity
  266. Particular Feature
  267. Physical Characteristics
  268. Political Leader
  269. Possible Outcome
  270. Previous Paragraph
  271. Professional Knowledge
  272. Provide (An) Illustration
  273. Quantitative Result
  274. Reduce Stress
  275. Religious Identity
  276. Schematic Representation
  277. Sexual Intercourse
  278. Significantly Correlated
  279. Social Environment
  280. Special Relationship
  281. Strategic Management
  282. Sufficient Information
  283. Theoretical Framework
  284. Unique Individual
  285. Vast Area
  286. Widely Read
  287. Accurate Information
  288. Ample Evidence
  289. Basic Principle
  290. Broadly Defined
  291. Certain Characteristics
  292. Identify Features
  293. Increasingly Popular
  294. Institutional Structure
  295. Key Objective
  296. Legislative Measures
  297. Low Profile
  298. Major Role
  299. Mental Illness
  300. National Economy
  301. Negatively Correlated
  302. Online Journal
  303. Particularly Concerned
  304. Physical Presence
  305. Political Reality
  306. Potential Problem
  307. Previously Discussed
  308. Professional Training
  309. Public Authority
  310. Radical Change
  311. Regulatory Agency
  312. Remain Unclear
  313. Scientific Evidence
  314. Sharp Contrast
  315. Similar Effect
  316. Social Implications
  317. Specific Example
  318. Strong Bond
  319. Systematic Analysis
  320. Think Differently
  321. Urban Centre
  322. Verbal Language
  323. Wider Context
  324. Acquire Knowledge
  325. Annual Report
  326. Become Aware
  327. Capitalist System
  328. Changing Circumstances
  329. Increasingly Aware
  330. Initial Research
  331. Key Element
  332. Legal Requirement
  333. Low Intensity
  334. Major Influence
  335. Meet Expectations
  336. Narrow Range
  337. Negative Outcome
  338. Once Established
  339. Particular Individual
  340. Physical Development
  341. Political Movement
  342. Potential Benefits
  343. Previous Research
  344. Professional Qualification
  345. Provide (An) Opportunity
  346. Racial Differences
  347. Reflective Practice
  348. Religious Practice
  349. Scholarly Literature
  350. Sexual Violence
  351. Significantly Increase
  352. Social Exclusion
  353. Specific Area
  354. Strategic Planning
  355. Superior Performance
  356. Theoretical Model
  357. Unique Position
  358. Vast Majority
  359. Widely Regarded
  360. Accurate Picture
  361. Analytical Tool
  362. Basic Structure
  363. Business Sector
  364. Change Constantly
  365. Immediately Obvious
  366. Individual Characteristics
  367. Interested Party
  368. Key Topic
  369. Limited Information
  370. Main Argument
  371. Make Contact
  372. Migrant Worker
  373. National Market
  374. Newly Established
  375. Oral Presentation
  376. Particularly Successful
  377. Pioneering Work
  378. Politically Correct
  379. Powerful Tool
  380. Primary Concern
  381. Promote (The) Development
  382. Public Image
  383. Random Error
  384. Related Problem
  385. Require Knowledge
  386. Secondary Source
  387. Show (A) Trend
  388. Single Currency
  389. Social Norm
  390. Specific Knowledge
  391. Strongly Agree
  392. Take (An) Approach
  393. Traditional Approach
  394. Use Statistics
  395. Vital Importance
  396. Widespread Use
  397. Additional Cost
  398. Appropriate Data
  399. Become Widespread
  400. Carefully Selected
  401. Civil Society
  402. Increasing Proportion
  403. Initial Period
  404. Key Characteristic
  405. Legal Position
  406. Long Established
  407. Major Focus
  408. Medical Assistance
  409. Mutual Understanding
  410. Negative Effect
  411. Offer Insight
  412. Particular Emphasis
  413. Physical Appearance
  414. Political Institution
  415. Possible Explanation
  416. Previous Knowledge
  417. Professional Experience
  418. Provide (An) Explanation
  419. Quantitative Research
  420. Reduce Emissions
  421. Religious Group
  422. Scarce Resources
  423. Sexual Identity
  424. Significantly Affect
  425. Social Dimension
  426. Special Issue
  427. Strategic Importance
  428. Sufficient Evidence
  429. Theoretical Debate
  430. Unintended Consequences
  431. Vast Amount
  432. Widely Known
  433. Accurate Description
  434. Alternative Way
  435. Basic Information
  436. Broader Context
  437. Certain Assumptions
  438. Increasingly Common
  439. Initial Stage
  440. Key Factor
  441. Legal Right
  442. Low Level
  443. Major Issue
  444. Meet (A) Requirement
  445. National Average
  446. Negative Side
  447. Ongoing Debate
  448. Particular Meaning
  449. Physical Environment
  450. Political Organization
  451. Potential Conflict
  452. Previous Section
  453. Professional Staff
  454. Provide (An) Overview
  455. Racial Discrimination
  456. Reflective Question
  457. Rely Heavily
  458. Scholarly Research
  459. Share Information
  460. Significantly Reduced
  461. Social Expectations
  462. Specific Aspect
  463. Stress Level
  464. Support (An) Argument
  465. Theoretical Perspective
  466. Universally Accepted
  467. Vast Number
  468. Widely Shared
  469. Accurate Record
  470. Anecdotal Evidence
  471. Basic Technique
  472. Business Transaction
  473. Change Dramatically
  474. Increased Level
  475. Industrial Development
  476. Interpersonal Relationships
  477. Learning Activity
  478. Living Organism
  479. Maintain Contact
  480. Make (An) Impact
  481. Modern Society
  482. Natural Process
  483. Numerical Value
  484. Originally Intended
  485. Personal Communication
  486. Political Consequences
  487. Positive Feature
  488. Present Context
  489. Prior Knowledge
  490. Provide Resources
  491. Published Work
  492. Ready Access
  493. Relatively Stable
  494. Risk Assessment
  495. Service Sector
  496. Significant Improvement
  497. Small Quantities
  498. Socially Constructed
  499. State Explicitly
  500. Subsequent Chapter

PTE Collocations 501-1000

  1. Technological Advances
  2. Ultimate Goal
  3. Useful Means
  4. Whole Range
  5. Academic Life
  6. Allocate Resources
  7. Atomic Energy
  8. Brief Introduction
  9. Central Focus
  10. Increase (The) Likelihood
  11. Individual Responsibility
  12. International Conference
  13. Largely Ignored
  14. Little Evidence
  15. Main Issue
  16. Make (A) Recommendation
  17. Minor Change
  18. Natural Environment
  19. Nuclear Energy
  20. Original Research
  21. Perceived Threat
  22. Political Authority
  23. Positive Aspect
  24. Predictive Power
  25. Primary Source
  26. Provide Data
  27. Publish (A) Journal
  28. Reach (A) Consensus
  29. Relatively Little
  30. Respond Appropriately
  31. Senior Management
  32. Significant Effect
  33. Slow Process
  34. Social Structure
  35. Standard Approach
  36. Structural Change
  37. Technical Issue
  38. Transmit Data
  39. Use (The) Analysis
  40. Well Received
  41. Academic Community
  42. Advanced Technology
  43. Artificial Intelligence
  44. Biological Science
  45. Central Authority
  46. Clear Focus
  47. Improved Performance
  48. Individual Item
  49. International Agreement
  50. Largely Based
  51. Literal Sense
  52. Main Findings
  53. Make (A) Distinction
  54. Minimum Standard
  55. Native Speaker
  56. Normal Distribution
  57. Original Meaning
  58. Peace Treaty
  59. Political Activity
  60. Pose (A) Question
  61. Preceding Section
  62. Primary Reason
  63. Provide Care
  64. Public Welfare
  65. Rapidly Changing
  66. Relatively Constant
  67. Research Topic
  68. Seem Unlikely
  69. Significant Degree
  70. Skilled Worker
  71. Social Setting
  72. Specific Sense
  73. Strongly Related
  74. Technical Assistance
  75. Traditional Value
  76. Use (A) Technique
  77. Well Documented
  78. Academic Achievement
  79. Adopt (A) Procedure
  80. Appropriate Treatment
  81. Binary Opposition
  82. Causal Relationship
  83. Clear Boundary
  84. Increased Risk
  85. Inextricably Linked
  86. Intrinsic Value
  87. Learning Process
  88. Local Community
  89. Major Change
  90. Manual Worker
  91. Moral Philosophy
  92. Natural World
  93. Obtain Information
  94. Overall Picture
  95. Personal Interest
  96. Political Dimension
  97. Positive Outcome
  98. Present (A) Summary
  99. Privileged Position
  100. Provide (A) Clue
  101. Qualitative Method
  102. Recent Decades
  103. Relevant Issue
  104. Rural Area
  105. Set (The) Parameters
  106. Significant Part
  107. Social Behaviour
  108. Solar Panel
  109. Statistical Method
  110. Substantial Difference
  111. Test Score
  112. Underlying Process
  113. Valuable Information
  114. Widely Accepted
  115. Academic Success
  116. Alternative Interpretation
  117. Available Resources
  118. Brief Time
  119. Central Point
  120. Increasing Demand
  121. Information Gathering
  122. Introductory Section
  123. Legal Action
  124. Local Government
  125. Major Contribution
  126. Markedly Different
  127. Multiple Sources
  128. Negative Aspect
  129. Obvious Example
  130. Overwhelming Majority
  131. Personal Relationship
  132. Political Factors
  133. Positive Value
  134. Previous Chapter
  135. Process Information
  136. Provide (A) Service
  137. Qualitatively Different
  138. Recent Study
  139. Reliable Data
  140. Rural Population
  141. Sexual Act
  142. Significant Reduction
  143. Social Consequences
  144. Source Material
  145. Statistical Test
  146. Substantial Part
  147. Thematic Analysis
  148. Undertake Research
  149. Vary Considerably
  150. Widely Believed
  151. Academic Writing
  152. Alternative Model
  153. Basic Assumption
  154. Broad Agreement
  155. Central Question
  156. Identify (A) Problem
  157. Increasingly Sophisticated
  158. Institutional Support
  159. Key Player
  160. Legislative Power
  161. Low Quality
  162. Major Shift
  163. Mental State
  164. National Government
  165. New Initiative
  166. Online Version
  167. Particularly Effective
  168. Physical Properties
  169. Political Reform
  170. Potential Risk
  171. Previously Known
  172. Professional Work
  173. Public Awareness
  174. Radical Critique
  175. Regulatory Framework
  176. Remarkably Similar
  177. Scientific Investigation
  178. Sharp Distinction
  179. Similar Issue
  180. Social Inequality
  181. Specific Factor
  182. Strong Correlation
  183. Systematic Approach
  184. Thinking Process
  185. Urban Design
  186. Vested Interest
  187. Wider Implications
  188. Active Involvement
  189. Annual Review
  190. Become Blurred
  191. Capitalist World
  192. Changing Nature
  193. Immediately Preceding
  194. Individual Choice
  195. Internal Affairs
  196. Large Majority
  197. Limited Opportunity
  198. Main Category
  199. Make Explicit
  200. Military Action
  201. National Media
  202. Newly Formed
  203. Organising Principle
  204. Particularly Suited
  205. Pivotal Role
  206. Politically Motivated
  207. Practical Consideration
  208. Primary Data
  209. Properly Understood
  210. Public Institution
  211. Random Sample
  212. Related Question
  213. Require Resources
  214. Security Policy
  215. Sign (A) Treaty
  216. Single Element
  217. Social Organization
  218. Specific Meaning
  219. Strongly Associated
  220. Take Into Consideration
  221. Traditional Culture
  222. Use (A) Format
  223. Vital Part
  224. Work Effectively
  225. Additional Information
  226. Appropriate Form
  227. Become (A) Source
  228. Carry Information
  229. Class Consciousness
  230. Increasing Importance
  231. Information Retrieval
  232. Keenly Aware
  233. Legal Framework
  234. Logical Argument
  235. Major Difference
  236. Mean Score
  237. Mutual Recognition
  238. Negative Connotation
  239. Obvious Reason
  240. Paramount Importance
  241. Personal Safety
  242. Political Ideology
  243. Positively Associated
  244. Previous Discussion
  245. Professional Body
  246. Provide (A) Summary
  247. Quantitative Approach
  248. Reciprocal Relationship
  249. Religious Belief
  250. Safe Sex
  251. Sexual Contact
  252. Significant Role
  253. Social Contact
  254. Sparsely Populated
  255. Store Data
  256. Successful Implementation
  257. Theoretical Approach
  258. Undertake (An) Activity
  259. Vary Significantly
  260. Widely Discussed
  261. Accept Responsibility
  262. Alternative Source
  263. Basic Concept
  264. Broad Definition
  265. Central Tenet
  266. Identify (A) Way
  267. Independent State
  268. Integral Part
  269. Key Policy
  270. Liberal Democracy
  271. Low Status
  272. Major Source
  273. Methodological Approach
  274. National Identity
  275. New Insight
  276. Open Access
  277. Particularly Evident
  278. Physical Proximity
  279. Political Representation
  280. Potential Source
  281. Previously Mentioned
  282. Profound Effect
  283. Public Debate
  284. Radical Differences
  285. Related Activity
  286. Renewable Energy
  287. Scientific Method
  288. Shift Emphasis
  289. Similar Pattern
  290. Social Institution
  291. Specific Feature
  292. Strong Emphasis
  293. Systematic Study
  294. Third Party
  295. Urban Development
  296. Virtual Community
  297. Wider Issue
  298. Active Participant
  299. Apply Equally
  300. Become Established
  301. Career Development
  302. Changing Needs
  303. Increasing Interest
  304. Information Sharing
  305. Key Area
  306. Legal Issue
  307. Logical Conclusion
  308. Major Factor
  309. Meaningful Way
  310. Mutual Support
  311. Negative Consequences
  312. Occur Frequently
  313. Particular Area
  314. Personal Space
  315. Political Implications
  316. Positively Correlated
  317. Previous Experience
  318. Professional Colleague
  319. Provide (An) Alternative
  320. Quantitative Data
  321. Record Data
  322. Religious Faith
  323. Salient Characteristic
  324. Sexual Difference
  325. Significant Shift
  326. Social Context
  327. Special Circumstances
  328. Store Information
  329. Sufficient Condition
  330. Theoretical Basis
  331. Unequal Power
  332. Vary Widely
  333. Widely Dispersed
  334. Acceptable Behaviour
  335. Alternative Strategy
  336. Basic Element
  337. Broad Range
  338. Central Theme
  339. Increasingly Difficult
  340. Institutional Context
  341. Key Findings
  342. Legal Status
  343. Low Priority
  344. Major Problem
  345. Meet (An) Objective
  346. National Conference
  347. Negative Value
  348. Online Access
  349. Particularly Apparent
  350. Physical Health
  351. Political Party
  352. Potential Harm
  353. Previous Work
  354. Professional Status
  355. Public Administration
  356. Racial Group
  357. Regional Differences
  358. Remain Stable
  359. Scientific Community
  360. Shared Meaning
  361. Similar Argument
  362. Social Function
  363. Specific Characteristic
  364. Striking Example
  365. Survey Data
  366. Theoretical Understanding
  367. Unskilled Worker
  368. Vast Range
  369. Wider Audience
  370. Achieve (An) Objective
  371. Annual Meeting
  372. Become Apparent
  373. Capitalist Economy
  374. Change (An) Attitude
  375. Increased Importance
  376. Industrial Capitalism
  377. International Treaty
  378. Lead To (The) Conclusion
  379. Little Significance
  380. Main Theme
  381. Make (An) Assessment
  382. Modern Culture
  383. Natural Order
  384. Nuclear Weapon
  385. Original Work
  386. Personal Choice
  387. Political Consciousness
  388. Positive Discrimination
  389. Preliminary Result
  390. Principal Source
  391. Provide Information
  392. Published Material
  393. Readily Available
  394. Relatively Recent
  395. Rich Source
  396. Serious Offence
  397. Significant Growth
  398. Small Portion
  399. Social Welfare
  400. Stark Contrast
  401. Subject Area
  402. Technical Support
  403. Treat Equally
  404. Useful Information
  405. Whole Area
  406. Academic Institution
  407. Affect (The) Outcome
  408. Assume Responsibility
  409. Brief Discussion
  410. Central Core
  411. Identify (An) Area
  412. Independent Variable
  413. Integrated Approach
  414. Key Principle
  415. Lifelong Learning
  416. Low Turnover
  417. Major Theme
  418. Methodological Issue
  419. National Income
  420. New Perspective
  421. Opening Chapter
  422. Particularly Influential
  423. Physical Science
  424. Political Significance
  425. Potential Value
  426. Previously Thought
  427. Profound Impact
  428. Public Discourse
  429. Radical Transformation
  430. Related Area
  431. Renewed Interest
  432. Scientific Objectivity
  433. Short Duration
  434. Similar Properties
  435. Social Integration
  436. Specific Focus
  437. Strong Evidence
  438. Tacit Knowledge
  439. Thought Process
  440. Urban Environment
  441. Virtually Impossible
  442. Wider Public
  443. Active Participation
  444. Apply (A) Method
  445. Become Evident
  446. Career Opportunity
  447. Changing Pattern
  448. Impose Restrictions
  449. Individual Interests
  450. Internal Structure
  451. Large Range
  452. Literal Meaning
  453. Main Feature
  454. Make (A) Comment
  455. Minimum Requirement
  456. National Survey
  457. Normal Development
  458. Original Intent
  459. Past Research
  460. Political Activism
  461. Pose (A) Problem
  462. Preceding Discussion
  463. Primary Purpose
  464. Provide Assistance
  465. Public Transport
  466. Rapid Expansion
  467. Relatively Common
  468. Research Purposes
  469. Seem Plausible
  470. Significant Correlation
  471. Single Variable
  472. Social Responsibility
  473. Specific Reference
  474. Strongly Opposed
  475. Technical Aspect
  476. Traditional Society
  477. Use (A) Strategy
  478. Well Designed
  479. Abstract Concept
  480. Administrative Practices
  481. Appropriate Skills
  482. Best Described
  483. Causal Relation
  484. Classical Theory
  485. Increasingly Important
  486. Institutional Framework
  487. Key Issue
  488. Legal System
  489. Low Probability
  490. Major Reason
  491. Mental Health
  492. National Culture
  493. Negative View
  494. Online Database
  495. Particularly Appropriate
  496. Physical Needs
  497. Political Philosophy
  498. Potential Impact
  499. Previously Described
  500. Professional Support

PTE Collocations 1001-1500

  1. Public Attitudes
  2. Racial Stereotype
  3. Regional Variation
  4. Remain Unchanged
  5. Scientific Discourse
  6. Shared Values
  7. Similar Characteristics
  8. Social Identity
  9. Specific Context
  10. Striking Feature
  11. Symbiotic Relationship
  12. Theoretical Work
  13. Urban Area
  14. Verbal Communication
  15. Wider Community
  16. Achieve (An) Outcome
  17. Annual Rate
  18. Become Available
  19. Capitalist Society
  20. Changing Attitudes
  21. Increase Awareness
  22. Individual Needs
  23. International Body
  24. Largely Confined
  25. Literary Text
  26. Main Focus
  27. Make (A) Living
  28. Minimum Value
  29. Natural Conditions
  30. Normal Practice
  31. Original Model
  32. Perceived Importance
  33. Political Agenda
  34. Pose (A) Threat
  35. Precise Definition
  36. Primary Research
  37. Provide Context
  38. Publicly Available
  39. Rapidly Growing
  40. Relatively Few
  41. Resolve (A) Conflict
  42. Seminal Study
  43. Significant Development
  44. Slightly Different
  45. Social Significance
  46. Specific Type
  47. Strongly Suggest
  48. Technical Detail
  49. Traditional View
  50. Use (A) Theory
  51. Well Educated
  52. Academic Career
  53. Adopt (An) Approach
  54. Appropriate Way
  55. Binary System
  56. Cause Consequences
  57. Clear Distinction
  58. Increased Competition
  59. Individual Variable
  60. International Journal
  61. Later Work
  62. Little Information
  63. Main Source
  64. Make (A) Transition
  65. Minority Group
  66. Natural Language
  67. Nuclear Power
  68. Original Text
  69. Perform (A) Study
  70. Political Climate
  71. Positive Connotation
  72. Preliminary Data
  73. Prime Example
  74. Provide Feedback
  75. Publish (An) Article
  76. Reach (An) Agreement
  77. Relatively Minor
  78. Revised Edition
  79. Serious Challenge
  80. Significant Feature
  81. Small Minority
  82. Social Transformation
  83. Standard Format
  84. Structural Feature
  85. Technical Problem
  86. Transport System
  87. Use (The) Concept Concept
  88. Western Society
  89. Academic Discipline
  90. Adverse Reaction
  91. Assessment Process
  92. Brief Account
  93. Central Concern
  94. Impose Constraints
  95. Individual Element
  96. Internal Market
  97. Large Proportion
  98. Linear Relationship
  99. Main Element
  100. Make Visible
  101. Military Service
  102. National Press
  103. Next Phase
  104. Original Context
  105. Partly Responsible
  106. Plausible Explanation
  107. Popular Media
  108. Practical Significance
  109. Primary Function
  110. Prove Useful
  111. Public Sector
  112. Randomly Chosen
  113. Relative Merits
  114. Research Findings
  115. Seem Appropriate
  116. Significant Contribution
  117. Single Issue
  118. Social Reform
  119. Specific Purpose
  120. Strongly Influenced
  121. Target Audience
  122. Traditional Practice
  123. Use (A) Procedure
  124. Welfare Reform
  125. Written Statement
  126. Additional Support
  127. Appropriate Point
  128. Behave Differently
  129. Cast Doubt
  130. Classic Text
  131. Increased Number
  132. Industrial Production
  133. Interpersonal Skills
  134. Learning Difficulties
  135. Living Standard
  136. Major Advantage
  137. Make (An) Impression
  138. Modern Technology
  139. Natural Resources
  140. Numerous Studies
  141. Overall Aim
  142. Personal Contact
  143. Political Consideration
  144. Positive Feedback
  145. Present Data
  146. Private Individual
  147. Provide Support
  148. Purchasing Power
  149. Real Issue
  150. Relatively Straightforward
  151. Roughly Equal
  152. Set (A) Goal
  153. Significant Increase
  154. Social Activity
  155. Socially Desirable
  156. State Sector
  157. Subsequent Development
  158. Technological Change
  159. Undergo Transformation
  160. Useful Source
  161. Wide Area
  162. Academic Performance
  163. Almost Identical
  164. Attend (A) Conference
  165. Brief Overview
  166. Central Government
  167. Increasing Awareness
  168. Infinite Number
  169. Introduce Legislation
  170. Learning Resources
  171. Local Culture
  172. Major Component
  173. Manufacturing Sector
  174. Moral Principle
  175. Naturally Occurring
  176. Obtain (A) Result
  177. Overall Rate
  178. Personal Knowledge
  179. Political Economy
  180. Positive Relationship
  181. Present (An) Argument
  182. Problem Area
  183. Provide (A) Focus
  184. Qualitative Research
  185. Recent Evidence
  186. Relevant Literature
  187. Rural Community
  188. Severely Affect
  189. Significant Portion
  190. Social Circumstances
  191. Solar Power
  192. Statistical Significance
  193. Substantial Evidence
  194. Test (A) Theory
  195. Underlying Reason
  196. Valuable Resources
  197. Widely Adopted
  198. Academic Work
  199. Alternative Means
  200. Average Score
  201. Briefly Describe
  202. Central Position
  203. Imported Products
  204. Individual Differences
  205. Internal Control
  206. Large Portion
  207. Limited Resources
  208. Main Component
  209. Make Provision
  210. Military Power
  211. National Policy
  212. Next Generation
  213. Original Author
  214. Particularly Valuable
  215. Planning Stage
  216. Popular Culture
  217. Practical Issue
  218. Primary Focus
  219. Prove Successful
  220. Public Policy
  221. Randomly Assigned
  222. Relative Autonomy
  223. Research Evidence
  224. Seek Information
  225. Significant Change
  226. Single Individual
  227. Social Policy
  228. Specific Problem
  229. Strongly Disagree
  230. Take Up (The) Role
  231. Traditional Method
  232. Use (A) Methodology
  233. Vulnerable Group
  234. Written Communication
  235. Additional Resources
  236. Appropriate Level
  237. Begin (A) Process
  238. Carry Out (The) Task
  239. Classic Study
  240. Immediately Apparent
  241. Individual Behaviour
  242. Intellectual Work
  243. Key Text
  244. Limited Access
  245. Lower Class
  246. Make Available
  247. Middle Income
  248. National Language
  249. Newly Discovered
  250. Optimal Solution
  251. Particularly Significant
  252. Physical World
  253. Political Status
  254. Powerful Group
  255. Primary Aim
  256. Prominent Role
  257. Public Expenditure
  258. Raise (A) Question
  259. Related Information
  260. Representative Government
  261. Secondary Data
  262. Show Variation
  263. Simple Majority
  264. Social Mobility
  265. Specific Information
  266. Strong Relationship
  267. Take Responsibility
  268. Total Income
  269. Use Resources
  270. Visual Perception
  271. Widespread Belief
  272. Acutely Aware
  273. Appropriate Behaviour
  274. Become Obvious
  275. Careful Thought
  276. Chemical Reaction
  277. Increasing Complexity
  278. Information Flow
  279. Introductory Chapter
  280. Learning Strategy
  281. Local Economy
  282. Major Concern
  283. Marked Contrast
  284. Multiple Identities
  285. Necessary Information
  286. Obvious Difference
  287. Overall Structure
  288. Personal Quality
  289. Political Environment
  290. Positive Result
  291. Presidential Election
  292. Process Data
  293. Provide (A) Foundation
  294. Qualitative Study
  295. Recent Research
  296. Relevant Material
  297. Rural Economy
  298. Sexual Abuse
  299. Significant Proportion
  300. Social Conflict
  301. Solar System
  302. Statistical Technique
  303. Substantial Number
  304. Textual Analysis
  305. Underlying Structure
  306. Various Aspects
  307. Widely Available
  308. Academic World
  309. Alternative Method
  310. Background Knowledge
  311. Briefly Discuss
  312. Central Problem
  313. Increased Pressure
  314. Industrial Society
  315. Interpret Data
  316. Learning Environment
  317. Local Area
  318. Major Area
  319. Make (An) Observation
  320. Modified Form
  321. Natural Right
  322. Objective Criteria
  323. Overall Effect
  324. Personal Control
  325. Political Context
  326. Positive Image
  327. Present Difficulties
  328. Private Investment
  329. Provide Feedback
  330. Qualitative Analysis
  331. Receive Feedback
  332. Relevant Data
  333. Roughly Equivalent
  334. Set (A) Target
  335. Significant Influence
  336. Social Aspect
  337. Socially Responsible
  338. Statistical Analysis
  339. Subsequent Study
  340. Technological Development
  341. Underlying Assumption
  342. Useful Summary
  343. Wide Array
  344. Academic Research
  345. Alternative Approach
  346. Available Data
  347. Brief Period
  348. Central Importance
  349. Increased Interest
  350. Industrial Country
  351. Internet Access
  352. Leading Role
  353. Living Conditions
  354. Mainly Concerned
  355. Make (An) Assumption
  356. Modern Method
  357. Natural Philosophy
  358. Numerical Data
  359. Originally Developed
  360. Personal Circumstances
  361. Political Consensus
  362. Positive Effect
  363. Premature Death
  364. Prior Experience
  365. Provide Material
  366. Published Research
  367. Readily Understood
  368. Relatively Simple
  369. Rising Cost
  370. Serve (A) Function
  371. Significant Impact
  372. Small Proportion
  373. Socially Acceptable
  374. Start (A) Process
  375. Subsequent Analysis
  376. Technical Term
  377. Typical Example
  378. Useful Material
  379. Whole Period
  380. Academic Journal
  381. Affect (The) Development
  382. Assume (The) Role
  383. Brief History
  384. Central Feature
  385. Identify (An) Issue
  386. Indigenous People
  387. Integrated System
  388. Key Role
  389. Likely Impact
  390. Low Unemployment
  391. Make Adjustments
  392. Methodological Problem
  393. National Institution
  394. Newly Acquired
  395. Opening Section
  396. Particularly Relevant
  397. Physical Space
  398. Political Spectrum
  399. Potentially Dangerous
  400. Primarily Concerned
  401. Prominent Feature
  402. Public Display
  403. Radically Different
  404. Related Aspect
  405. Report Data
  406. Scientific Research
  407. Short Period
  408. Similar Result
  409. Social Interaction
  410. Specific Form
  411. Strong Link
  412. Take Initiative
  413. Tightly Controlled
  414. Use Criteria
  415. Visual Image
  416. Wider Society
  417. Active Role
  418. Apply (The) Theory
  419. Become Independent
  420. Careful Analysis
  421. Changing World
  422. Immediately Following
  423. Individual Case
  424. Intensive Study
  425. Key Theme
  426. Limited Capacity
  427. Main Area
  428. Make Aware
  429. Middle Management
  430. National Legislation
  431. Newly Emerging
  432. Oral History
  433. Particularly Striking
  434. Pilot Study
  435. Political Structure
  436. Powerful Influence
  437. Primary Care
  438. Promote Equality
  439. Public Funds
  440. Raise (An) Issue
  441. Related Issue
  442. Require Consideration
  443. Secondary Education
  444. Show (A) Tendency
  445. Simplified Version
  446. Social Movement
  447. Specific Issue
  448. Strong Tendency
  449. Take (A) Role
  450. Totally Different
  451. Use Sparingly
  452. Visual Representation
  453. Widespread Support
  454. Add Information
  455. Appropriate Conditions
  456. Become Visible
  457. Carefully Controlled
  458. Civil Case
  459. Increased Awareness
  460. Individual Rights
  461. International Context
  462. Largely Responsible
  463. Little Impact
  464. Main Principle
  465. Make (A) Statement
  466. Minor Role
  467. Natural History
  468. Nuclear Family
  469. Original Source
  470. Perform (A) Function
  471. Political Circumstances
  472. Positive Attitude
  473. Preferential Treatment
  474. Primary Task
  475. Provide Evidence
  476. Publish (A) Report
  477. Reach (A) Peak
  478. Relatively Low
  479. Review (A) Study
  480. Separate Entity
  481. Significant Factor
  482. Small Fraction
  483. Social Theory
  484. Standard Error
  485. Structural Element
  486. Technical Knowledge
  487. Transmit Information
  488. Use (The) Definition
  489. Western Democracy
  490. Academic Debate
  491. Adverse Effect
  492. Assess (The) Impact
  493. Biological Sex
  494. Central Concept
  495. Clear Indication
  496. Increased Productivity
  497. Industrialized Nation
  498. Intimately Connected
  499. Learning Outcome
  500. Local Circumstances

PTE Collocations 1501- Onward

  1. Major Challenge
  2. Male Dominance
  3. Moral Dilemma
  4. Natural Tendency
  5. Obtain Data
  6. Overall Performance
  7. Personal Information
  8. Political Debate
  9. Positive Influence
  10. Present (A) Challenge
  11. Private Sphere
  12. Provide (A) Benefit
  13. Qualitative Data
  14. Receive Treatment
  15. Relevant Information
  16. Ruling Party
  17. Set (The) Agenda
  18. Significant Number
  19. Social Background
  20. Solar Energy
  21. Statistical Information
  22. Substantial Amount
  23. Technological Progress
  24. Underlying Principle
  25. Valid Argument
  26. Wide Variation
  27. Academic Study
  28. Alternative Form
  29. Available Information
  30. Brief Summary
  31. Central Part
  32. Increase Dramatically
  33. Individual Response
  34. International Community
  35. Largely Determined
  36. Literary Tradition
  37. Main Function
  38. Make (A) Prediction
  39. Minimum Wage
  40. Natural Disaster
  41. Notable Exception
  42. Original Position
  43. Perceived Need
  44. Political Arena
  45. Positive Action
  46. Precise Nature
  47. Primary Responsibility
  48. Provide Coverage
  49. Publish Research
  50. Raw Data
  51. Relatively High
  52. Resolve (A) Dispute
  53. Seminal Work
  54. Significant Difference
  55. Slightly Higher
  56. Social Status
  57. Specifically Designed
  58. Structural Adjustment
  59. Technical Expertise
  60. Transferable Skill
  61. Use (An) Approach
  62. Well Established
  63. Academic Circles
  64. Advanced Economy
  65. Armed Conflict
  66. Biological Evolution
  67. Cause Stress
  68. Clear Evidence
  69. Increasing Pressure
  70. Informed Consent
  71. Key Aspect
  72. Legal Obligation
  73. Long Duration
  74. Major Feature
  75. Media Coverage
  76. Mutual Trust
  77. Negative Correlation
  78. Occur Naturally
  79. Particular Aspect
  80. Physical Activity
  81. Political Instability
  82. Possible Consequences
  83. Previous Generation
  84. Professional Development
  85. Provide (An) Example
  86. Quantitative Method
  87. Recurrent Theme
  88. Religious Freedom
  89. Salient Feature
  90. Sexual Exploitation
  91. Significant Variation
  92. Social Democracy
  93. Special Emphasis
  94. Strategic Decision
  95. Sufficient Detail
  96. Theoretical Concept
  97. Unfair Treatment
  98. Varying Degree
  99. Widely Distributed
  100. Accurate Assessment
  101. Alternative View
  102. Basic Function
  103. Broad Spectrum
  104. Certain Aspect
  105. Increasing Trend
  106. Initial Position
  107. Key Concept
  108. Legal Protection
  109. Low Income
  110. Major Implications
  111. Meet Criteria
  112. Narrow Definition
  113. Negative Impact
  114. Official Statistics
  115. Particular Focus
  116. Physical Contact
  117. Political Mobilization
  118. Possible Source
  119. Previous Part
  120. Professional Practice
  121. Provide (An) Indication
  122. Quantitative Study
  123. Reduce (The) Likelihood
  124. Religious Movement
  125. Scholarly Journal
  126. Sexual Orientation
  127. Significantly Higher
  128. Social Equality
  129. Special Status
  130. Strategic Objective
  131. Sufficient Resources
  132. Theoretical Issue
  133. Unique Opportunity
  134. Vast Array
  135. Widely Recognized
  136. Accurate Measurement
  137. Analytical Approach
  138. Basic Research
  139. Broadly Similar
  140. Certain Circumstances

Collocations for PTE

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