Adverbs of Time and Frequency List and Examples

Time flies when you’re having fun, or so the saying goes. But what about when you’re not having fun? It seems like time drags on forever. Adverbs of time can help us to describe how quickly or slowly time is moving.

In this lesson, we’ll provide a list of adverbs of time and frequency with examples to illustrate their usage. Whether you’re trying to capture the feeling of a slow summer day or convey the urgency of a ticking clock, these words will help you do it.

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time are defined as a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb to describe when an event occurs. Here is a list of common adverbs of time:

  • Eventually
  • Last
  • Quarterly
  • Usually
  • Continuously
  • Later
  • Regularly
  • Yesterday
  • Annually
  • Frequently
  • Monthly
  • Normally
  • Soon
  • Constantly
  • Hourly
  • Now
  • Seldom
  • Then
  • Already
  • Daily
  • Formerly
  • Never
  • Since
  • Always
  • Fortnightly
  • Next
  • Sometimes
  • Weekly
  • Early
  • Just
  • Previously
  • Tonight
  • Ever
  • Late
  • Rarely
  • Weekly
  • Earlier
  • Infrequently
  • Often
  • Tomorrow
  • First
  • Hourly
  • Monthly
  • Seldom
  • Yet
  • Apart
  • Daily
  • Immediately
  • Occasionally
  • Today
  • Before
  • Generally
  • Never
  • Not until
  • Still
  • Finally
  • Lately
  • Recently
  • Yearly

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency are defined as words that modify verbs to describe how often something happens. Here is a list of common adverbs of frequency:

  • Annually
  • Often
  • Nightly
  • Now
  • Ever
  • Later
  • Regularly
  • Always
  • Eventually
  • Rarely
  • Never
  • Today
  • Daily
  • Infrequently
  • Occasionally
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Constantly
  • Yet
  • Frequently
  • Soon
  • Next
  • Normally
  • Quarterly
  • Then
  • Tonight
  • Generally
  • Hourly
  • Yesterday
  • Sometimes
  • Yearly

Adverbs of Time Examples Sentences:

  • She will come to visit me daily.
  • I check Facebook hourly.
  • The train leaves at 5:00 p.m. today.
  • He sleeps for only six hours a night.
  • She always forgets to bring her wallet.
  • I never see him outside of work.
  • We met last week.
  • They are going to the movies tonight.
  • He is coming over later.
  • I finished the project a few minutes ago.
  • The party was yesterday.

Adverbs of Frequency Examples Sentences:

  • I brush my teeth twice a day.
  • She usually goes to bed at 11:00 p.m.
  • I call my mom once a week.
  • He works out four times a week.
  • She edits her blog posts several times before publishing them.
  • I eat pizza once a month.
  • He takes a shower every day.
  • They met for the first time last year.
  • I am going to the store now.

adverbs of time and frequency