550+ Nouns That Start with P (All Types and Pictures)

550 Nouns That Start with P

noun that start with p

A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can be classified into different types, including proper nouns, common nouns, Countable nouns, and Uncountable nouns.

List of Nouns That Start with P

Below is the list of nouns starting with p:

Nouns Beginning With PA

  • packing
  • pack
  • package
  • pabulum
  • pachymeter
  • paca
  • pachydactyl
  • pachalic
  • packet-switching
  • pa
  • pachacamac
  • pacane
  • pacifier
  • packwax
  • packhouse
  • pacation
  • packman
  • paard
  • pachometer
  • pachisi
  • paas
  • pacificator
  • pacer
  • packway
  • paage
  • pachyote
  • pacifism
  • pachymeningitis
  • pacification
  • packfong
  • pachonta
  • pacha
  • packet
  • pachak
  • pace
  • pacfier
  • pabulation
  • packer
  • pac
  • pachyderm

Nouns Beginning With PE

  • pearlstone
  • peabird
  • peanut
  • peasant
  • peba
  • pebrine
  • peanism
  • peachick
  • peacemaker
  • pearlash
  • pecary
  • pearl
  • peacock
  • pebble
  • pear
  • pearlite
  • peace
  • peacebreaker
  • pease
  • peage
  • peasantry
  • peasweep
  • pearlwort
  • peal
  • peascod
  • pea
  • peagrit
  • pearlfish
  • peccability
  • peat
  • pecan
  • peahen
  • peach
  • pearmain
  • peak
  • peastone
  • pearch
  • peacher
  • pean
  • peafowl

Nouns Beginning With PH

  • phacops
  • phagedenical
  • phalangite
  • phainopepla
  • phallism
  • phane
  • phalaenid
  • phakoscope
  • phalangister
  • phaenogam
  • phalansterism
  • phalaena
  • phantascope
  • phaeton
  • phantasm
  • phalansterianism
  • phalanx
  • phalanges
  • phalarope
  • phaeospore
  • phalangist
  • phantasmagoria
  • phalanstery
  • phalanger
  • phalangistine
  • phacolite
  • phaenomenon
  • phantasmascope
  • phalanstere
  • phalangid
  • phagocyte
  • phantasma
  • phalansterian
  • phantasmagory
  • phagedena
  • phaethon
  • phallicism
  • phallus
  • phacellus
  • phacochere

Nouns Beginning With PI

  • picaroon
  • pica
  • piaster
  • piastre
  • pianist
  • piccolo
  • piccadilly
  • pianet
  • piacaba
  • pibcorn
  • pice
  • piarist
  • picamar
  • pic
  • picayune
  • piccadil
  • picador
  • piacularity
  • piacle
  • piapec
  • picene
  • picapare
  • piano
  • piassava
  • picarian
  • pichey
  • pianino
  • pianograph
  • pibroch
  • pian
  • piazza
  • pi
  • pichiciago
  • picard
  • piccage
  • pick
  • piation
  • piccalilli
  • pianette
  • picea

Nouns Beginning With PL

  • plagiocephaly
  • placenta
  • placard
  • plaice
  • plaiding
  • placer
  • plack
  • placoderm
  • placableness
  • plain
  • placebo
  • placoidian
  • plagioclase
  • place
  • plague
  • placket
  • plage
  • placate
  • placement
  • placidness
  • plagiostome
  • placet
  • placit
  • placental
  • placidity
  • placeman
  • plaga
  • plagiary
  • plagionite
  • placitum
  • placoid
  • plaid
  • plaguer
  • placentation
  • plagium
  • placing
  • plagiarism
  • placation
  • placability
  • plagiarist

Nouns Beginning With PN

  • pneumatologist
  • pneumography
  • pneumometer
  • pneometer
  • pneumatogarm
  • pneumothorax
  • pneumatophore
  • pneumoskeleton
  • pneumometry
  • pneumonia
  • pneumatometry
  • pneumococcus
  • pnyx
  • pneumatics
  • pnigalion
  • pneumogastric
  • pneumatocyst
  • pneumonitis
  • pneumatothorax
  • pneumaticity
  • pneumatograph
  • pneumony
  • pneumotherapy
  • pneumatology
  • pneumatocele
  • pneumonic
  • pneumatometer
  • pneumonometer
  • pneumograph
  • pneumology

Nouns Beginning With PO

  • pod
  • pockmarked
  • podophyllin
  • pock
  • pocket
  • podophthalmite
  • poacher
  • podetium
  • podarthrum
  • poa
  • pocketknife
  • podge
  • pocan
  • pocock
  • pockmark
  • podophyllum
  • podagra
  • podalgia
  • pockwood
  • poake
  • podium
  • pococurante
  • podocarp
  • poachiness
  • pochard
  • pocoson
  • podley
  • poachard
  • poak
  • pockiness
  • pocketful
  • podobranch
  • pococurantism
  • podder
  • podobranchia
  • pocketbook
  • podesta
  • poach
  • podogynium
  • podiceps

Nouns Beginning With PR

  • praeoperculum
  • practicalness
  • pragmatic
  • pragmatism
  • practician
  • praecipe
  • praecoracoid
  • prairie
  • pragmatist
  • practicability
  • praecornu
  • praesternum
  • praam
  • prairial
  • praetorium
  • praecommissure
  • praefoliation
  • practicality
  • praiseer
  • practisour
  • praetexta
  • practick
  • prad
  • practice
  • practisant
  • practical
  • praefloration
  • praise
  • praenomen
  • praeterist
  • praecava
  • praecordia
  • praiseless
  • pragmaticalness
  • praezygapophysis
  • practicer
  • praetor
  • practitioner
  • praemaxilla
  • praemunire

Nouns Beginning With PS

  • psalmistry
  • pseudonavicula
  • pseudonumity
  • psaltery
  • pseudohalter
  • psarolite
  • pseudofilaria
  • psalm
  • pseudocarp
  • pseudopod
  • psalmographer
  • pseudobranch
  • psellism
  • pseudomorphism
  • psephism
  • psalmograph
  • psalmography
  • pseudocoelia
  • pseudocoele
  • psalter
  • pseudomorph
  • pseudembryo
  • psalmographist
  • pseudologist
  • pseudonavicella
  • pseudography
  • psalmist
  • pseudology
  • pseudodox
  • pseudoblepsis
  • pseudonymous
  • pseudobranchia
  • psalmodist
  • pseudaesthesia
  • psalmody
  • pseudepigraphy
  • psalterium
  • pseudonym
  • psammite
  • pseudograph

Nouns Beginning With PT

  • ptyxis
  • pterodactyl
  • pteranodon
  • ptolemaist
  • ptisan
  • pterotic
  • pteropod
  • ptyalism
  • ptyalin
  • pterygium
  • pteridologist
  • ptarmigan
  • ptomaine
  • ptysmagogue
  • pteron
  • pterophore
  • pterichthys
  • pterygopodium
  • pteridology
  • ptilocerque
  • pteroceras
  • pteryla
  • ptyalogogue
  • pterylography
  • pteridomania
  • pterosaur
  • pterylosis
  • ptosis
  • pterostigma
  • ptilosis
  • pterygoid

Nouns Beginning With PU

  • pucelle
  • puckfist
  • pudicity
  • pud
  • puberty
  • publication
  • publicity
  • pudding
  • puddening
  • pudency
  • publisher
  • puceron
  • pudder
  • pucker
  • publicist
  • publishment
  • puddler
  • pubescency
  • puck
  • pubes
  • puddock
  • public
  • pubescence
  • publishing
  • puddle
  • pudendum
  • pucelage
  • pucherite
  • publican
  • publicness
  • pudu
  • puddling
  • pucras
  • pueblo
  • puckerer
  • pub-crawl
  • puckball
  • pubis
  • puccoon
  • pucel

Nouns Beginning With PY

  • pyramoid
  • pyracanth
  • pyralid
  • pycnometer
  • pyne
  • pye
  • pylangium
  • pyjama
  • pyramidion
  • pyaemia
  • pygostyle
  • pyelitis
  • pyot
  • pyre
  • pyramis
  • pyemia
  • pyrargyrite
  • pycnite
  • pyla
  • pykar
  • pycnodont
  • pyopneumothorax
  • pygidium
  • pyrena
  • pycnidium
  • pynoun
  • pyoxanthose
  • pylorus
  • pyocyanin
  • pyramidoid
  • pylagore
  • pygopod
  • pyramidal
  • pyin
  • pyet
  • pygmy
  • pycnogonid
  • pyramid
  • pycnostyle
  • pylon

Different Types of Nouns Starting With P

Common Nouns That Start With P

  • Packing Paper
  • Packing Peanuts
  • Packing Tape
  • Padlock
  • Pain Reliever
  • Paint
  • Paint Scraper
  • Paint Sprayer
  • Paint Tray
  • Paintbrush
  • Painter’s Tape
  • Painting
  • Pants
  • Pantyhose
  • Paper
  • Paper Clip
  • Paper Cutter
  • Paper Shredder
  • Paper Towel
  • Paper Towels
  • Parachute
  • Paring Knife
  • Pashmina Scarf
  • Pasta Fork
  • Pastry Brush
  • Pastry Wheel
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Pendant Light
  • Pepper
  • Pepper Grinder
  • Perfume
  • Phone
  • Phone Case
  • Photo Album
  • Photo Printer
  • Photograph
  • Picture Frame
  • Pie
  • Pie Dish
  • Pie Server
  • Pillow
  • Pitcher
  • Pizza
  • Pizza Cutter
  • Placemat
  • Placemats
  • Plasma Cutter
  • Plastic
  • Plate
  • Pliers
  • Pocket Square
  • Police Car
  • Popcorn
  • Postcard
  • Poster
  • Pot
  • Pot Holder
  • Potholder
  • Pots And Pans
  • Powder
  • Power Bank
  • Power Cord
  • Power Drill
  • Power Sander
  • Power Strip
  • Prescription Medication
  • Pressure Cooker
  • Pretzel
  • Printer
  • Printer Ink
  • Projector
  • Protractor
  • Punch Bowl
  • Purse
  • Putty Knife

Proper Nouns That Start With P

  • Pacific Ocean
  • Pacific Standard Time
  • Pacific Standard Time (Philippines)
  • Papua New Guinea Time
  • Paraguay River
  • Parana River
  • Paris
  • Persian Gulf
  • Petrified Forest National Park
  • Philadelphia
  • Pinnacles National Park
  • Pisgah National Forest
  • Platte River
  • Po River
  • Potomac River
  • Prado Museum
  • Prague
  • Prime Meridian
  • Puncak Jaya

Countable Nouns That Start With P

  • Paint
  • Paint Palette
  • Paint Roller
  • Paint Spray Gun
  • Paint Thinner
  • Paintbrush
  • Pancake
  • Pear
  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Piano
  • Picture Frame
  • Picture Hook
  • Pillow
  • Pillowcase
  • Pillowcase Cover
  • Plant Food
  • Plant Pot
  • Plant Stand
  • Pool Cue
  • Pool Noodles
  • Potato Peeler

Uncountable Nouns That Start With P

  • Paganism
  • Pain
  • Painting
  • Palace
  • Pamphlet
  • Panacea
  • Paper
  • Paradise
  • Parenting
  • Parity
  • Participation
  • Partnership
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Patriotism
  • Pattern
  • Peace
  • Pedagogy
  • Peer pressure
  • Penetration
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Perseverance
  • Persistence
  • Personality
  • Perspective
  • Pessimism
  • Pestilence
  • Petition
  • Petroleum
  • Philanthropy
  • Philosophy
  • Phobia
  • Photography
  • Physicality
  • Physics
  • Physiology
  • Piety
  • Pity
  • Placement
  • Planning
  • Plastic
  • Plateau
  • Play
  • Pleasure
  • Poetry
  • Poison
  • Polarization
  • Policy
  • Politics
  • Pollution
  • Popularity
  • Population
  • Portrayal
  • Possession
  • Possibility
  • Postmodernism
  • Potential
  • Poverty
  • Power
  • Practice
  • Pragmatism
  • Prayer
  • Precedence
  • Precision
  • Predicament
  • Preference
  • Pregnancy
  • Prejudice
  • Preparation
  • Presence
  • Preservation
  • President
  • Pressure
  • Prestige
  • Pride
  • Privacy
  • Probability
  • Problem
  • Procedure
  • Process
  • Procrastination
  • Procreation
  • Product
  • Production
  • Productivity
  • Professionalism
  • Profit
  • Progress
  • Projection
  • Promise
  • Proofreading
  • Propaganda
  • Property
  • Prosperity
  • Protection
  • Proximity
  • Psychology
  • Publicity
  • Publishing
  • Punctuality
  • Punishment
  • Purification
  • Purpose

Nouns Starting With P – Definition and Example Sentences

Package: a wrapped or boxed item for transport or delivery.

The package arrived in the mail this morning.

Paint: a colored substance used for decorating or covering surfaces, often in liquid form.

She dipped the brush into the paint and began to create her masterpiece.

Palette: a flat board or surface used for holding and mixing paints, often with small wells for different colors.

The artist mixed the colors on her palette before applying them to the canvas.

Pancake: a thin, flat cake made from batter and often served for breakfast.

She poured the pancake batter onto the griddle and watched it cook.

Panda: a bear-like mammal with black and white fur, often found in China.

The panda nibbled on bamboo shoots in its enclosure at the zoo.

Pants: a garment worn on the lower body, often with two separate leg sections.

He put on his pants and shirt before leaving the house.

Paper: a thin, flat material made from wood pulp or other fibers, often used for writing or printing.

She wrote her name on a piece of paper with a pen.

Parade: a public procession or march, often for celebration or display.

The parade marched down the street, led by a marching band.

Park: a public area of land set aside for recreation or conservation.

She took a walk in the park and enjoyed the scenery.

Party: a social gathering or celebration, often with food, drinks, and music.

They danced and laughed at the party, enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Nouns That Start With P – Pictures

nouns that start with p picture 1 nouns that start with p picture 2 nouns that start with p picture 3 nouns that start with p picture 4 nouns that start with p picture 5 nouns that start with p picture 6 nouns that start with p picture 7

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