5 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions in Sentences

5 Examples of Corelative Conjunctions in Sentences! Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that are used to join words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance.

Related: 20 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions

The most commonly used correlative conjunctions include:

  1. Either/or – used to show a choice between two options.

Example sentences:

  • Either you can come to the party tonight, or we can reschedule it for next weekend.
  • You can either buy a new phone or get the old one repaired.
  • Either you need to study harder or you’ll fail the exam.
  1. Neither/nor – used to indicate that neither of the two options is true or relevant.

Example sentences:

  • Neither Sarah nor John wants to go to the concert tonight.
  • I neither like pizza nor sushi.
  • Neither the blue shirt nor the green one matches my pants.
  1. Such/that – used to express a result or consequence.

Example sentences:

  • She was such a great singer that she won the competition.
  • He made such a convincing argument that I changed my mind.
  • The team played such a good game that they won the championship.
  1. Whether/or – used to indicate a choice between two options.

Example sentences:

  • Whether you like it or not, you have to finish the project by Friday.
  • I haven’t decided whether I’ll take a train or a plane to New York.
  • Whether you come with me or not, I’m going to the beach tomorrow.
  1. Rather/than – used to show a preference for one option over the other.

Example sentences:

  • I’d rather stay home and watch a movie than go out to a crowded club.
  • She would rather eat a salad than a burger for lunch.

5 Examples of Corelative Conjunctions in Sentences