5 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences

5 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences! Compound prepositions are prepositions that are composed of more than one word. Here are five compound prepositions with their definitions and examples:

  1. In spite of: Despite something; regardless of something.

Example sentences:

  • In spite of the rain, we still went on our picnic.
  • In spite of his injury, he finished the race.
  • In spite of her fear of heights, she went skydiving.
  1. According to: As stated or reported by; in agreement with.

Example sentences:

  • According to the weather forecast, it’s going to be sunny tomorrow.
  • According to the article, the company’s profits have been declining.
  • According to my calculations, we should have enough money to buy the house.
  1. In addition to: As well as; besides.

Example sentences:

  • In addition to his job, he also volunteers at a homeless shelter.
  • In addition to studying, she also plays the piano and sings in a choir.
  • In addition to the cake, we also ordered some ice cream for dessert.
  1. On top of: In addition to; in control of; above.

Example sentences:

  • On top of her regular workload, she also has to train the new employee.
  • On top of the hill, there’s a beautiful view of the city.
  • On top of being a great athlete, he’s also an excellent student.
  1. With regard to: Concerning; in relation to.

Example sentences:

  • With regard to your question, I think we should consult with the experts.
  • With regard to the budget, we need to find ways to cut costs.
  • With regard to your health, you should see a doctor if you’re not feeling well.

Related: 100 Examples of Compound Prepositions 

5 Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences