5 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences

5 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences

Here are five adverbs, along with their definitions and example sentences:

  1. Swiftly – quickly and with great speed or promptness

Example sentences:

  • The cheetah moved swiftly through the grasslands, chasing its prey.
  • The deadline for the project was approaching quickly, so we had to work swiftly to finish it on time.
  • She swiftly turned around to see who was calling her name.
  1. Carefully – with great attention to detail and caution

Example sentences:

  • The surgeon carefully performed the delicate operation, ensuring that no mistakes were made.
  • The student read the instructions carefully before attempting the exam.
  • The mother carefully carried her newborn baby down the stairs.
  1. Quietly – making little or no noise; without loudness

Example sentences:

  • The library was a place where everyone spoke quietly so as not to disturb others.
  • She tiptoed quietly through the hallway so as not to wake anyone up.
  • The thief moved quietly in the darkness, trying not to make a sound.
  1. Happily – in a happy or cheerful manner

Example sentences:

  • She smiled happily when she received the news of her promotion.
  • The children played happily in the park, enjoying the warm weather.
  • They happily sang and danced at the wedding reception.
  1. Tensely – with great nervousness or unease; in a strained or taut manner

Example sentences:

  • The room was tensely silent as everyone waited for the results to be announced.
  • He spoke tensely, his voice trembling with fear and anxiety.
  • The athletes were tensely waiting for the starting gun to go off.

Related: 100 Examples of Adverbs

5 Examples of Adverbs in Sentences