20 Sentences Using ‘WAS’, WAS in Example Sentences

English grammar can be tricky, and one of the more complicated parts is using the verb ‘was’ correctly. ‘Was’ is an important part of English, as it helps to indicate past actions and states. To help you better understand its use, this article will provide 20 sentences using ‘was’. We will also look at some example sentences to further illustrate how ‘was’ works in different contexts.

was in example sentences

Sentences Using ‘WAS’

  1. He was eating a guava fruit.
  2. Her mother was talking about faith in God.
  3. His son was very lucky.
  4. The boy was crying for food.
  5. The man was very happy to receive the money.
  6. The girl was wearing a new dress.
  7. The teacher was teaching them how to read and write.
  8. He was singing with joy when the exam results were announced.
  9. I was helping her with her homework.
  10. He was singing with joy.
  11. I was helping him with his homework.
  12. My father was working in the fields.
  13. My mother was talking about faith in God.
  14. His son was very lucky.
  15. Sara was very happy to receive the money.
  16. A child was running in the street.
  17. I was helping them with their homework.
  18. Adam was very tired.
  19. My mother was talking about faith in God.
  20. Angel was very lucky.
  21. My brother was playing an important role in the play.
  22. The boy was crying for food.
  23. Sara was very happy to receive the money.
  24. My father was working in the fields.
  25. A child was running in the street.
  26. My father was working in the fields.
  27. The boy was crying for food.
  28. Sara was very happy to receive the money.
  29. His friend was helping him.
  30. The man was driving his car fast.
  31. The woman was carrying the baby.
  32. I was helping them with their homework.

‘She Was’ Sentence Examples:

  1. She was tired after a long day at work.
  2. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress.
  3. She was the only one who knew the answer.
  4. She was nervous before her presentation.
  5. She was happy to see her friends after a long time.

‘He Was’ Sentence Examples:

  1. He was running late for the meeting.
  2. He was tall and handsome.
  3. He was the captain of the football team.
  4. He was angry about what had happened.
  5. He was the one who fixed the broken machine.

‘It Was’ Sentence Examples:

  1. It was a beautiful day outside.
  2. It was raining heavily last night.
  3. It was his favorite book.
  4. It was a mistake to trust him.
  5. It was the best performance of the night.

‘I Was’ Sentence Examples:

  1. I was happy to hear the news.
  2. I was born in the same hospital as my mother.
  3. I was studying for my exams all night.
  4. I was feeling sick, so I went to the doctor.
  5. I was amazed by the view from the top of the mountain.

Interrogative Sentences Using ‘Was’

  1. Was she able to finish the project on time?
  2. Was the party last night fun?
  3. Was it raining when you left home this morning?
  4. Was he able to solve the puzzle?
  5. Was the food at the restaurant good?
  6. Was she angry when you spoke to her?
  7. Was the movie interesting?
  8. Was the book you read enjoyable?
  9. Was he at the meeting this morning?
  10. Was the test difficult?

Negative Sentences Using ‘Was’

  1. The cake was not delicious.
  2. The weather was not sunny today.
  3. The party was not fun at all.
  4. The movie was not entertaining.
  5. The concert was not worth the money.
  6. The hotel room was not clean.
  7. The food was not appetizing.
  8. The meeting was not productive.
  9. The book was not interesting.
  10. The game was not exciting.


Sentences Using ‘ARE’

Sentences Using ‘IS’

Sentences Using ‘AM’