20+ List of Extreme Adjectives in English

20+ List of Extreme Adjectives in English

20 extreme adjectiives

What’s the matter? Feeling a little dull and lifeless? In dire need of a kick in the pants to get you going again? Well, never fear, because today we’re exploring 20+ extreme adjectives to help spice up your English language skills! So put on your adjective hats and let’s go!

List of Extreme Adjectives:

Normal Extreme
Small Tiny
Big Huge
Clever Brilliant
Clean Spotless
Wise Sagacious
Unpleasant Disgusting
Bad Terrible
Hot Boiling
Crowded Packed
Ugly Hideous
Dry Parched
Old Ancient
Happy Jubilant
Surprising Astounding
Good Fantastic
Wet Soaked
Tired Exhausted
Tasty Delicious
Pretty Gorgeous
Sad Miserable
Dirty Filthy
Thin Gaunt
Lively Vivacious
Weak Feeble