20 Examples of Active Vs Passive Voice

In order to make your writing more powerful, you need to know when to use active and passive voice. The following examples will help clear up any confusion. Active voice is stronger and more concise than passive voice, so it is always preferable. However, there are times when passive voice is necessary, so be sure to understand the difference.

Examples of Active vs. Passive Voice

Below are 20 sentences of active and passive voice:

  1. Active: He hit the ball.

Passive: The ball was hit by him.

  1. Active: Someone knocked on the door.

Passive: The door was knocked on by someone.

  1. Active: They teach math in school.

Passive: Math is taught in school by them.

  1. Active: He solved the puzzle.

Passive: The puzzle was solved by him.

  1. Active: I am going to pick up my sister from school.

Passive: My sister is going to be picked up from school by me.

  1. Active: She found a penny on the ground.

Passive: A penny was found on the ground by her.

  1. Active: The teacher reads stories to the students.

Passive: Stories are read to the students by the teacher.

  1. Active: He will mail the package tomorrow.

Passive: The package will be mailed tomorrow by him.

  1. Active: They teach math in school.

Passive: Math is being taught in school by them.

  1. Active: John killed the snake.

Passive: The snake was killed by John.

  1. Active: We elected him president.

Passive: He was elected president by us.

  1. Active: The lamp was knocked over by a gust of wind.

Passive: A gust of wind knocked the lamp over.

  1. Active: Cars run on gasoline.

Passive: Gasoline runs cars.

  1. Active: The teacher graded the tests.

Passive: The tests were graded by the teacher.

  1. Active: I will always remember you.

Passive: I will always be remembered by you.

  1. Active: They built a bridge over the river.

Passive: A bridge was built over the river by them.

  1. Active: He hit the ball.

Passive: The ball was hit by him.

  1. Active: I have to pick up my sister from school.

Passive: My sister has to be picked up from school by me.

  1. Active: Someone knocked on the door.

Passive: The door was knocked on by someone.

  1. Active: She found a penny on the ground.

Passive: A penny was found on the ground by her.

examples of active and passive voice


  1. Exercises for Active and Passive Voice
  2. 100 Examples of Active and Passive Voice
  3. Active and Passive Voice Rules