15 Examples of Adverbs of Affirmation in Sentences

Adverbs of affirmation are a type of adverb that is used to express agreement or confirmation. They are typically used in conversations, speeches, and written texts to add emphasis and provide clarity to the meaning of a sentence. In this article, we will explore 15 examples of adverbs of affirmation used in sentences so that you can understand how they can add more impact to your own written and spoken communication.

Related: 100 Examples of Adverbs of Affirmation

15 Examples of Adverbs of Affirmation in Sentences

  1. I exactly understand how you’re feeling.
  2. Wow, that car is certainly fast!
  3. She clearly didn’t want to talk.
  4. Your plan, in any case, needs to be revised.
  5. At £200, the printer isn’t exactly cheap.
  6. I am concerned. I truly believe that!
  7. The first fit kills the person who has never been sick.
  8. What did you mean by your last remark, exactly?
  9. This is clearly the work of a master artist.
  10. You surely don’t begrudge him his joy.
  11. A photocopy of the original reproduces it clearly.
  12. Do you have any recollection of what happened?
  13. It is a good worker who never makes a mistake.
  14. If he does not play, the team will definitely lose.
  15. I can’t recall exactly where they live.

Last updated on April 8th, 2023 at 10:40 am