100 Homophones with Meanings

Welcome to a fun and helpful lesson where we dive into the world of homophones! Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different spellings too. They can be quite tricky, especially when you’re learning or improving your English.

This lesson will introduce you to 100 homophones, making it easier for you to understand their meanings and how to use them correctly. So, grab your notebook, and let’s make learning English exciting and enjoyable together!

Homophones with Meanings

Here is the list of 100 Homophones with Meanings:

100 Homophones with Meanings

Made: to create

Maid: women working in house


Meat: the flesh of animals used as food

Meet: to come together


Pair: a set of two things

Pare: to cut away the outer layer


Plain: simple

Plane: a level surface


Board: a piece of wood

Bored: not interested


Bough: a branch of a tree

Bow: to bend down or forward


Die: to stop living

Dye: to change the color of something


Hearse: a vehicle used to carry dead bodies

Hers: belongs to her


Its: possessive pronoun, it is not plural

It’s: contraction for “it is”


Loan: money lent

Loan: to lend something


Parent: a mother or father

Perm: a hair treatment that makes curls permanent


Reign: rule over

Rain: water falling from the sky


Sale: something sold

Sale: to sell something


Sea: a large body of water

See: to look at or watch


Ward: a division in a hospital

Guard: to protect or look after someone or something


Which: interrogative pronoun

witch: a woman who practices sorcery


Your: possessive pronoun, belonging to you

You’re: contraction for “you are”


Desert: an area of land that is dry and uninhabited

Dessert: a sweet course of food served at the end of a meal


Do: to perform an action

Does: third person singular present tense verb “to do”


Ear: the organ of hearing

Ere: before, sooner than


Fair: just, equitable

Fare: the price of a journey or ride


Film: a thin sheet of plastic or other material used to cover and protect photographs

Film: to record on film


Fir: a type of tree

Fir: to give support to someone or something


Halt: stop abruptly

Halt: to make someone stop


Hear: to listen to

Here: in this place


Its: possessive pronoun, it is not plural

It’s: contraction for “it is”


Joke: a funny story or remark

Joke: to make someone laugh by telling a funny story or making a funny remark


Knows: third person singular present tense verb “to know”

Noes: rhymes with knows, alternative past tense and subjunctive form of “know”


Mare: a female horse

Mayor: the head of a city government


Ore: a type of rock that contains metal

Oar: a tool used for rowing boats


Pair: a set of two things

Pare: to cut away the outer layer


Pee: to urinate

Pee: a unit of measurement for urine output


Piece: a part of something

Peace: calm and tranquility


Plain: simple

Plane: a level surface


Principal: the most important person in a school

Principal: the head of a company or enterprise


Read: to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words

Read: to say out loud the words of something that has been written or printed


Rear: the back part of something

Bear: to carry, support, or endure


Sale: something sold

Sale: to sell something


Sea: a large body of water

See: to look at or watch


She: the third person feminine pronoun

Her: belonging to her


Site: a place where something is or was situated

Sight: the ability to see


Aisle: A passageway between rows of seats or shelves.

Isle: A small island.


Aloud: Speaking in a voice that can be clearly heard.

Allowed: Permitted.


Altar: A sacred table in a place of worship.

Alter: To change.


Berth: A ship’s allotted place at a dock; a bed on a ship or train.

Birth: The act of being born.


Brews: Refers to drinks made by steeping, boiling, and fermenting.

Bruise: A mark on the skin caused by bleeding under the surface from an injury.


Cereal: A grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn.

Serial: Happening in a series.


Chord: A combination of musical notes played together.

Cord: A thin, flexible string or rope.


Cite: To quote as evidence.

Sight: The ability to see.


Crews: Groups of people working together, often on a ship or aircraft.

Cruise: A voyage on a ship for pleasure.


Dual: Comprising two parts, elements, or aspects.

Duel: A contest between two parties.


Faint: Lacking clarity, brightness, or loudness; feeble or slight.

Feint: A deceptive or pretended move, especially in sports or military tactics.


Flea: A small, wingless, jumping insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds.

Flee: To run away from a place or situation of danger.


Foreword: A short introduction to a book, typically by someone other than the author.

Forward: Towards the front; in the direction that one is facing or traveling.


Gait: A person’s manner of walking.

Gate: A hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge.


Grate: To reduce (food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.

Great: Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.


Groan: A deep, inarticulate sound made in pain or despair.

Grown: Having fully developed; matured.


Heal: To become sound or healthy again.

Heel: The back part of the foot below the ankle.


Hole: A hollow place in a solid body or surface.

Whole: All of; entire.


Idle: Not active or in use; without purpose or effect; pointless.

Idol: An image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.


Knead: To work (moistened flour or clay) into dough or paste with the hands.

Need: Require (something) because it is essential or very important.


Lessen: Make or become less; diminish.

Lesson: A period of learning or teaching.


Links: Chains or connections

Lynx: A wild cat


Loan: Something borrowed

Lone: Alone, solitary


Mail: Letters and parcels delivered

Male: A male person, animal, or plant


Medal: An award for an achievement

Meddle: To interfere


Mints: Flavored candies

Minced: Chopped into small pieces


Missed: Failed to hit, reach, or contact

Mist: A fine spray or light fog


Morning: The early part of the day

Mourning: Grieving someone’s death


Muscle: A body tissue that contracts

Mussel: A type of shellfish


Naval: Pertaining to the navy

Navel: The belly button


Pail: A bucket

Pale: Light in color or complexion


Pain: Physical suffering or discomfort

Pane: A single sheet of glass in a window or door


Pair: Two things that are similar and used together

Pear: A type of fruit


Pause: A temporary stop

Paws: The feet of an animal


Peace: Freedom from disturbance

Piece: A part of something


Peak: The top of a mountain

Peek: A quick or secret look


Peer: Look keenly or with difficulty

Pier: A platform on pillars extending from shore over water


Plane: A flat surface or a flying vehicle

Plain: Simple or clear


Pole: A long, slender, rounded piece of wood or metal

Poll: A survey of public opinion


Poor: Lacking sufficient money

Pour: To flow or cause to flow


Pray: To address a deity with devotion

Prey: An animal hunted or seized for food


Profit: Financial gain

Prophet: A person regarded as an inspired teacher


Rapped: Knocked

Wrapped: Covered or enveloped


Right: Correct or a direction

Write: To mark letters, words, or symbols


Road: A wide way leading from one place to another

Rode: Past tense of ride


Role: A character played by an actor

Roll: To move by turning over and over


Root: The part of a plant that attaches it to the ground

Route: A way or course taken


Sail: To travel in a boat with sails

Sale: The exchange of a commodity for money


Scene: A place where an incident occurs

Seen: Past participle of see


Sole: The underside of a foot or shoe

Soul: The spiritual or immaterial part of a human


Some: An unspecified amount or number

Sum: The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers


Stationary: Not moving

Stationery: Writing materials


Tale: A story, real or imagined

Tail: The rear part of an animal

100 homophones and meaning